Underwear swap jeopardy!

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Underwear swap jeopardy is a game for the ladies that requires them to swap bra and panties at various times during the day with some fun penalties to spice it up.

The basic rules are this, for whatever period you decide (or are set), it could be one day, a few days (weekend works well) or a week or even more, you have to swap over your bra and panties at various intervals.
Begin by picking out two bras and two pairs or panties, these are the ONLY ones you can use for your chosen period.
For the entire daytime you are awake on the even hours you have to swap the panties you have on for your second pair, on the odd hours you must swap the bras.
Now for the jeopardy bit, on each hour, odd or even you only have 5 minutes to get the change done. So for example at 9:00am you only have until 9:05am to swap bras, you can't start before 9:00 or after 9:05. If you miss this window as soon as you realise you've missed it you must remove the item and wait until the next window to replace it. So using our current example if you miss the 9:00am window you must wait until 11:00am before you can put a bra back on.
If you become very forgetful and end up missing both bra and panties then its double jeopardy and you must masturbate to edge before you can replace either item, this is regardless of time, so even if the next hour is up and you are due to replace one item you must complete the edging penalty first. If this causes you to miss that hour you have to wait until the next one.

That is the basic game, now there are several options or variations that can be added to spice it up even more.
If you are doing this during the week and at work for some of the time obviously you will be taking advantage of the restrooms to change, unless you can manage a pantie swap under your desk of course!
So at home over the weekend for instance, you can swap wherever you like, if you are alone or with an understanding partner or housemate you can let them watch. If/when you miss a swap it can be you not only miss that item but have to remove whatever clothing normally covers it making you topless or bottomless for a couple of hours. That can provide some fun for your partner! And it gets better, if you hit the double jeopardy you could do your masturbation penalty while they watch!

If anyone wants this game customised for them with specific times etc just leave a post here or pm me.
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
I had a pm from a member who did this over the Christmas weekend, 4 days, Friday through Monday and reports that she had great fun.

She is a bit shy so doesn't want any details posted about her but but was happy for me to relay some of the highlights.

Although she lives alone her chosen period included a family Christmas dinner as well as a get together with some friends so a lot of her changes happened in various bathrooms. She reports a total of 8 missed swaps, 3 for panties and 5 for bras. She also incurred 2 double jeopardy penalties, one during the get together with friends which meant she remained bra less and pantyless for six hours.

If anyone else has tried this I would love to hear about it.

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