Missing Daddy


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Nov 25, 2017
My Daddy and I have a online only relationship at this point. We communicated via Kik multiple time throughout the day. Last Thursday I know he say my message, but he didn't respond.

I kept sending pictures like I was suppose to, and since Thursday morning he hasn't read/open a single one. Kik gave me a message he hasn't even opened the app since then and won't send anymore messages/pictures.

I have tried contacting him here and nothing.

I'm still following my rules and task (no touching his property and daily pictures), but I don't know what to do. As far as I know we were okay and I was his good girl. I didn't get in trouble or make him mad, as far as I know.

Do I just keep doing what I'm suppose to? What if I've been ghosted or something happened? I feel very lost without his guidance, but I'm terrified I did something to screw it up. This is the first dom/sub relationship I have ever had, so I don't know what the rules are here.


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Nov 4, 2016
Well, it has been a while since I've posted on here, but considering no one has replied to you just yet, I might as well.

You should stop sending him pictures, but still check up Kik every now and then to scan through whether he has seen your messages/pictures or not. If it just says "D"-> delivered" out of a sudden even after you've received the message that he hasn't been connected to the app for a while, it just means he has removed you from contact but kept the chat window active (meaning you can read through messages without the other person seeing that you've done that).

I can't exactly say if you've been ghosted or not, but it does somewhat feels like it, yet then again it could've very well be that his phone just broke down or some minor thing like that.

So my personal advice, stop sending pictures, but still try to contact him for a while if you believe that you two have had a decent and mutual relationship, yet after a month or so, move on from it and stop trying to contact him, yet don't just jump back to him if he shows up out of the sudden without any explanation.

Master Vagrant

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Feb 23, 2014
In my sub's mind
You can always start from minor harmless things like phone is broken or internet bill isn't payed, things like that happen and you shouldn't worry.
If he is active here and not on KIK, well then...
There is always a chance that something bad happen, illness or something worse, so give him time, and usually people have only one way for communications which is bad in most cases and you can't find out anything.
My advice is to follow given rules, it is up to you will you send pictures or not, but you can take them and keep them so if he come back, you can send it.
Don't know how devoted little girl you are and how long you will wait for him, that's really depend on relationship which you two have, so i wish you very best.


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Dec 6, 2015
May i ask how long this particular relationship has been in place? It seemed odd that the first post you placed on here was seeking punishment. I didn't respond on that particular post because I believe a Dom is wholy responsible for his sub. Seeing a Dom contract out punishments just comes off to me as lack of effort and follow through on the doms part.

Anyways to answer your question here. Assess how long you have been together. Have there been slips like this before? If this is a short term few weeks old type relationship. Chances are he's moved on and had no plans of longterm engagement. Further seen by his actions of sending you here for punishing. Since you say last Thursday. That means Hes been missing about 5 days. That's far longer than the time of a kik ban, phone issue, or other technology issue. Kik can be accessed through a PC as well. So there's really no excuse of the app being the problem.

Have you noticed his interactions becoming gradually more far apart as time progressed since you both took on another on? Yes there's the chance this is an emergent issue. Maybe something has happened to him. Unfortunately such is the negative part of having it online only and no phone or other method of communication.

A real Dom invested in his submissive will understand if you stopped on your tasks awaiting his return. You shouldn't be punished if you choose to stop sending pics. Keep in mind eventfully kik pictures become blank anyways. So after too much time or convo scroll the pics will show up as image not available. Further more it bothers me he read your one last message and never responded. It takes all of 1 minute to say something nice and inform you that he will be busy or offline for a set time. That part flags me on to thinking more towards he's Bailed as opposed to he's just got things going on. Again a text takes only a few seconds. This should be priority for a submissive who's used to communicating daily.
I sincerely wish you the best and hope you haven't been taken advantage of being that you said this is your first d/s relationship. Hoping he had a decent amount of experience and wasn't just playing you for a quick thrill. If you check back through my previous posts on this site you'll find a helpful list of red flags and things to watch out for as a new submissive exploring.

Short version here is do as you want. A real Dom will understand the situation and support you upon return. He should have plenty of his own apologies in store as well. Keep in mind you'll have to decide a time on when enough is enough and you decide to pack up and move on.


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Nov 25, 2017
I wanted to thank all of you wonderful and kind people for responding. I am sorry I can't respond individually, one of my rules is no talking/responding to doms without permission.

Listening though, I think I am going to wait a few more days. Hopefully these unexpected days of chastity will won't last too much longer because I'm going crazy.


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Aug 9, 2012
I am sorry your daddy disappeared on you without warning that is always a horrible feeling wondering what you have done wrong to make them just leave with no notice or anything. I would just say keep doing as you been doing following your rules if you don't hear from them for a week is usually the point where I stop trying and if they show up then they owe me an explanation not you owing them one for why you stopped. If you ever need someone to chat with or listen you area always welcome to pm me for advise or whatever you need.

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