Online relationships


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May 6, 2008
*hands ghillieman a shovel to help dig him out of the ever increasing hole hes making*


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Jan 12, 2008
BLAH most if this post is, long-winded and boring.
To tell the truth there are some people, myself included that find it easier to tell people my emotions over a electronic medium then in face to face conversations.

given long enough conversations on a intimate nature such as BD/SM, Cyber, mixed with general life and a almost daily communication will spawn feelings for both parties.

believe it or not but friendship is a emotional response, same with love, lust, jealousy. why friendship is so hard to place in the relationship scale is " can we be friends?" "sure" doesn't happen out loud. but you hang around with the person, and hang out, go for coffee.

i have been in many, many, many relationships on-line, ones that were scams, and ones that were generally emotional and REAL.

PS. i hate when people think what is posted here or on any forum should be read without emotion provided by the user who typed it, we are not trying to write a essay about the future of stock prices or something. words are given, especially in the English language( we have more similar and redundant words for things) just because they are used to convey emotions.


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Jul 2, 2008
It can be confusing, if you meet someone online and talked by phone and webcam then you know you are getting someone honest, but if you don't then you won't know if they are actually a 45 year old sicko rather than a 21 year old hottie.


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Jul 30, 2008
New York, NY
Online Relationships can work if

An online relationship can work if both of you believe in the same thing. Meaning if you both are tired of the run around, game playing, aids scare and other bull that goes along with relationships.

Most of the people online that like to have online relationships are actually having several online relationships at one time.

Choose your online partner as you would a partner you would meet offline. Get to know him or her. Do a test. Log in under another name to see if they are serious about commitment or just want to build a friend's list of webcam buddies. When you do find the special person offer to pay for their trip to visit you or offer to visit them and see what the response will be.


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Apr 17, 2009
Well, I've had three online romances, two D/s, and they've all gone pretty smoothly. The trouble comes when it's *only* online and you've never met the individual, 'cause there are certain things that you just can't share over the computer.


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Mar 15, 2009
I have never had one, though i have had one friend who conversed with a girl online for over a year, then went to meet her a few times, then the 4th time he moved in with her, they are currently now married and have a daughter...

but i think it takes both to be serious about commitment, such as even if only online doesn't mean you can date some one offline, though some people ave to be realist on sexual needs that simple masturbation may not work if they havent met in a very long time

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