Slave training school for girls


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Dec 19, 2015
New York
Hey Girls, I saw the other school was dead in the water, so I'm opening up a slave school for girls.

This school will be on KIK, and guess what, I don't require photos.

The first lessons you will be given will be on deepen you level of submission.

Then from there we will work on your likes, and want to try.

If you get punished, it will be taken from your dislikes. Makes sense right.

Lesson one, (Etiquette) Before you even contact me thru kik. You address me as Sir, and NOT as Master. If you want to call me Master you have to earn that right. Now your saying, what do I mean. A slave only has one Master, that is her boyfriend or husband, unless she is poly.

That's another reason why I don't require photos, your not my girlfriend, you are a student, if you were my girlfriend, the photos would be a different story.

Now if you want to work on anal, and I give you a assignment to get a training butt plug set, and start out slowly wearing the smallest for 15 minutes, and you say, you completed the task. I'm taken you word for it. I'm not losing out, your just cheating yourself.

So if your interested, Kik me, and also set up a email address so I can send you stuff, like a kink list, so you can mark what you would like to learn, and explore.

Oh, I forgot to address the girls with the skeptical mindset. Your asking yourself, what am I getting from this. I'm a traditional Master, I get off on Control, and teaching, that's what I get from it, those are part of my kinks, and also a part of me.

My kik is MasterMichaelNY


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Dec 6, 2015
First, Titles even as "sir"should be earned. If you are trying to provide actual training with no connection as you claim then you shouldn't be tasking them as if they are your submissive.
Second you refer to yourself as "master"
This is a title you must earn as well. Self proclaimed "masters" usually are far from it. If you are referring to master title as a role as in master slave then that's different. But master as a sign of depth of experience is one that a Dom doesn't assign to himself. Doms are always learning as any good sub should be.

Third a submissives choice to give control is a gift given once the dominant EARNS it.

The discussions up front first and foremost should consist of the subs likes dislikes and limits. As well as getting to know each other. Online especially is all about the mental game. If you aren't mentally connected then you won't be providing the proper care.

Too many times numerous posts addressing "training" are really just a ploy on getting a submissive for use. You have provided no credentials or specifics on your experience level or active years practicing in the lifestyle. Nothing for reference nothing stating your aspects of focus you are most informed in. So what exactly qualifies you to train some one?


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Dec 19, 2015
New York
Wow thanks for remarking on my thread, I'll make sure I return the favor on yours, on second though, NA, your doing a good job keeping the girls away just by being yourself.

So do you want to know why your BDSM kik group is a sausage fest, is because you don't know the difference in lifestyles, and why you went into the other random stuff, like saying submission is a gift, I HAVE NO CLUE, nor do I care.

You see there is the Master/slave and the Dom/sub, and also the Daddy Dom/Little girl.
Now say I take my slave girl to a MAsT meeting (Master and slave together). Then we run into a old friend that is also a Master, and his name is Bob, how should my girl address him. Should she address him as Bob, or hey you, or as Sir.

Maybe next time, you just might stop, and read the person back post, and think for a second, before shoving your foot into your mouth.
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Dec 6, 2015
Foot wasn't inserted. I stand by my post and the kik group was plenty lucrative for about 9 months at which point I turned it over to a trusted friend as I needed time to focus on other things at that time. Since you scrolled through to that particular post I would have assumed you read that the group was more girls than guys but I guess attention to detail isn't required of such a "master" Regardless, thank you for your concern. As far as keeping girls away from my posts.....I don't have a single post of me seeking any girls whatsoever. Sir and master are still titles and you won't catch me letting my sub refer to anyone other than myself by titles. Other Dom types will be addressed by first name only. I understand It can be done if a Dom type prefers to allow his sub to call others sir. Me personally I don't need the power trip of being addressed by a sub I don't own as anything other than my first name. Some will say it's a respect thing but I guess to each their own.

I am well aware of the many different types of relationships such as d/s m/s dd/lg owner/pet. There are infinite amounts of titles one can bestow upon each position. All mainly centered around a D type and an S type. Numbers may change based on poly of course but still same concept.

I read through some of your posts as you suggested. I see self proclaimed "master" I also see that you had previous requirements of pics when taking on new slaves. You gave out some advice in places and mostly have posts that are just searches seeking females. The best one was from 3-30-16 where you claimed to be "done with this place" due to aggravation. (A "master" should always be patient.) Again not seeing the credentials that would qualify you to train anyone but I'm sure some you'll get plenty of naive newcomer girls who will fall for it.

I will cease in any further reply posts as it seems it will only result in flaming or pointless back ad fourth.

Good luck on your "training"
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Senior Kink Talk Member
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Dec 19, 2015
New York
Hey Girls, I saw the other school was dead in the water, so I'm opening up a slave school for girls.

This school will be on KIK, and guess what, I don't require photos.

The first lessons you will be given will be on deepen you level of submission.

Then from there we will work on your likes, and want to try.

If you get punished, it will be taken from your dislikes. Makes sense right.

Lesson one, (Etiquette) Before you even contact me thru kik. You address me as Sir, and NOT as Master. If you want to call me Master you have to earn that right. Now your saying, what do I mean. A slave only has one Master, that is her boyfriend or husband, unless she is poly.

That's another reason why I don't require photos, your not my girlfriend, you are a student, if you were my girlfriend, the photos would be a different story.

Now if you want to work on anal, and I give you a assignment to get a training butt plug set, and start out slowly wearing the smallest for 15 minutes, and you say, you completed the task. I'm taken you word for it. I'm not losing out, your just cheating yourself.

So if your interested, Kik me, and also set up a email address so I can send you stuff, like a kink list, so you can mark what you would like to learn, and explore.

Oh, I forgot to address the girls with the skeptical mindset. Your asking yourself, what am I getting from this. I'm a traditional Master, I get off on Control, and teaching, that's what I get from it, those are part of my kinks, and also a part of me.

My kik is MasterMichaelNY

I'm just going to save this...............


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Dec 19, 2015
New York
Foot wasn't inserted. I stand by my post and the kik group was plenty lucrative for about 9 months at which point I turned it over to a trusted friend as I needed time to focus on other things at that time. Since you scrolled through to that particular post I would have assumed you read that the group was more girls than guys but I guess attention to detail isn't required of such a "master" Regardless, thank you for your concern. As far as keeping girls away from my posts.....I don't have a single post of me seeking any girls whatsoever. Sir and master are still titles and you won't catch me letting my sub refer to anyone other than myself by titles. Other Dom types will be addressed by first name only. I understand It can be done if a Dom type prefers to allow his sub to call others sir. Me personally I don't need the power trip of being addressed by a sub I don't own as anything other than my first name. Some will say it's a respect thing but I guess to each their own.

I am well aware of the many different types of relationships such as d/s m/s dd/lg owner/pet. There are infinite amounts of titles one can bestow upon each position. All mainly centered around a D type and an S type. Numbers may change based on poly of course but still same concept.

I read through some of your posts as you suggested. I see self proclaimed "master" I also see that you had previous requirements of pics when taking on new slaves. You gave out some advice in places and mostly have posts that are just searches seeking females. The best one was from 3-30-16 where you claimed to be "done with this place" due to aggravation. (A "master" should always be patient.) Again not seeing the credentials that would qualify you to train anyone but I'm sure some you'll get plenty of naive newcomer girls who will fall for it.

I will cease in any further reply posts as it seems it will only result in flaming or pointless back ad fourth.

Good luck on your "training"

Also save this too.....................


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Dec 19, 2015
New York
Yup, I'm getting the word in on you. Your really putting yourself out there with 20 or so posts, promoting your little kik group. Why don't you post on something worthwhile, like a M/s relationship, give advice. Oh, that right.

It's funny how people are coming to me telling me about you. How you invite yourself to a game of chess, and once you notice your losing, you act like a little child and remove your posts. So I did you the favor, and copy them.

I would argue more with you, but I have stuff to do besides wasting my time on a troll.


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Dec 6, 2015
I've not once removed a post. And I'm certain no ones been responding to you. Anyways enjoy saving material that is pretty much a waste of time and resources. Lol. You do a fine job at making up stories though so may i suggest you start seeking out other fellow role players.


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Dec 19, 2015
New York
I've not once removed a post. And I'm certain no ones been responding to you. Anyways enjoy saving material that is pretty much a waste of time and resources. Lol. You do a fine job at making up stories though so may i suggest you start seeking out other fellow role players.

Dam boy, you dug a mighty find hole for yourself, time to bury you.

First off by your ACTIONS and words, that you think slave girls are the weaker sex, that needs protection, that they are easy manipulated, or deceived, and you think they are stupid, wait, let me re-read your post, nope, I take it back, you think they are borderline retarded.

I think slave girls are brave and smart.
Why brave, anybody who is willing to give up 100 percent control of the relationship has my respect. I could never be a passenger in a car, I need to be the driver.

As for smart, I'm sure without a doubt know the girls have read at least a dozen or so books on the M/s relationships, and God knows how many on kink. I know a slave girl can tell when she is being manipulated or deceived. I know if she was interested in learning, she would read my back posts, to see if I have any knowledge, or experience in the subject, then make decided if it would be worth her while.

Slave girls don't need a moron in a spandex suit wearing a cape to defend them. They are very capable at defending themselves.

But the worst part is, I feel sorry for you, that your stuck in that mind set.


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Dec 6, 2015
Your ignorance speaks for itself in both your horrible spelling and grammar as well as your inability to actually respond to any part of the original post. You never mention what it is that qualifies you to train. You said read your previous posts. I did so and then gave clear concise accurate references to specifics in those posts. Which again you didn't address. Instead you continued misdirecting the convo to whatever manufactured story you managed to come up with, concocting up some pretty far fetched ones at that. Maybe you just didn't know what you were looking at. Maybe you just don't like being called out and allowing others to see the false front you're displaying. Regardless I hope you decided to actually follow through and give up on this place as you stated in your profile and that post I previously referenced.


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Dec 1, 2016
Haha.....why dont you two stay on point.
You are fighting...on whose post is better. In the name of female slaves
One thing you both remember is that that female are not someone property.
They only them selfs.
So stop fighting for them and saying you had a bad profile and i had better one.
As of now i know you will look to my profile and comment on me.
But hey i had seen my mistake and i am learning on them.
So please both of you stop fighting.


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Dec 19, 2015
New York
I like you.

You get it. Their not anybody's property.

There able to think and decide for themselves.

The other moron in tights, doesn't, and now is a English teacher too.

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