Ageplay or pedophilia?


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Aug 30, 2016
My boyfriend wants me to dress like a little girl when we have sex. I have some regression issues, but at first I liked it and didn't see the harm. As time went on I started to question the nature of his request. He said a couple of things that made me wonder if it was a fantasy or he was lusting after little girls. I asked him and he said that he was only into women role playing as girls. I figured that was probably true as there is a light dom/sub situation to our sex life and I could see how it could make him feel more dominant. However, he has said a couple of things while drunk that makes me wonder if he's telling me the truth. We've both had rocky childhoods and he claims that he thinks that he is into this fetish because he was never lucky with girls growing up. He also on had a mother that was not at all a real mother. I know he has some issues and I understand that fantasies and fetishes can be a healthy way to deal with those things sometimes, but I'm worried about this one. If he isn't into little girls, would this somehow lead to that? Is this a fetish for anyone besides pedophiles on the male side?


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Aug 30, 2016
Also, I want to say I'm not here to judge. If you are someone that enjoys having your partner dress like this, I'm not here to call you a pedophile. I just don't know much about this fetish and I don't know what is healthy to do in it or not. Any information is greatly appreciated.


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Dec 2, 2013
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Also, I want to say I'm not here to judge. If you are someone that enjoys having your partner dress like this, I'm not here to call you a pedophile. I just don't know much about this fetish and I don't know what is healthy to do in it or not. Any information is greatly appreciated.

Hello, you should be able to research this a bit more on line but from a personal perspective, I was role playing with a member who likes to be a little and I had always wanted to try it out but never really got anywhere. This member sorted me out, gave me instructions and I enjoyed it at first. However after a while it just wasn't for me and I decided to just give it up, though I did explain why to her my reasons why.

How far back are you dressing?
What requests or things that perhaps were fun at first are now becoming more serious or pushing you further, that you are getting uncomfortable with it all.


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Aug 30, 2016
I have tried to research it from the other side, but can't find anyone that is specifically looking for the role play and not the ageplay of daddy/little fetish.
We have entered a prepubescent area, though age hasn't been discussed. The wardrobe is just that of a prepubescent girl and he uses the words "little girl" a lot during dirty talk. It makes me uncomfortable mostly because I no longer know if this is just a fantasy for him or something he wants to act out but knows he shouldn't. It also makes me uncomfortable because I have some daddy issues and it's making me regress to some uncomfortable places.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Please Don't Feel Uncomfortable!

Please don't feel uncomfortable!You Have Absolutely Nothing To Be worried about!'Ageplay' is very common and a accepted part of 'roleplay' fantasies-i plan to regress to the role of a 10 year old boy who gets spanked by his auntie for coming in late while he is staying with her over the summer hols,all the hysteria about 'Paedos' has been whipped up by the right-wing tory press in my country in particular to divert attention away from the governments policies-'scapegoating' of people who don't 'conform' has been used throughout history-such as the 'Witch trials' of 17th century england and america,and most notoriously the Nazis,and currently of course I.S.,I Found a funny and amusing 'ageplay' video on youtube-featuring a young woman pretending to be a very young girl and getting spanked,as long as your boyfriend doesn't visit 'dodgy' websites and start downloading 'illegal' pictures of 'underage' girls,then what he does is perfectly natural and healthy,i too have very similar 'desires'also from growing up with a very 'repressed' sexuality,but can very easily distinguish between 'Ageplay' and 'Paedophilia'-which is a non-consensuel violation of innocent children,i suggest you have a full and frank discussion with him,and gently try and steer him away from potential 'danger'
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Aug 30, 2016
But will these acts make him want to actually want the real thing? Is exploring this kind of act healthy with people that have issues?

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
I gotta jump in here and say that this is something I don't get. That's me personally, I just find it really creepy for all the reasons you mention.
That said the age play, daddy daughter thing etc is a big part of the kink scene and on both sides. I get lots of ladies/girls who want to be treated like a little girl but I just can't go there.
I guess ultimately it comes down to the whole fantasy thing, lots of stuff people fantasize about they never do in real life. Hell not many days go past when there isn't some idiot I would seriously like to strangle to death, but I never do... Does that make me a potential killer?

My view is unless this guy starts actively watching actual little girls its most likely ok. But if its creeping you out let him know too and maybe try to steer onto less extreme ground, the school uniform look is always popular!


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Apr 13, 2016
This is not my kink and I don’t have any experience in this so I am not very sure but based on prior browsing I personally feel even in role play it’s mostly about playing the part of an adolescent and not a ‘prepubescent’ that you mention. Trying not to digress much from your main question of whether age-play can lead to him becoming a pedophile or not but based on the section you chose to post this question in here are my two cents worth..

If I were you what would have bothered me more than his issues is that when you are willing to dress like and play a ‘prepubescent’ girl out of love for him in spite of the fact that it makes you feel ‘uncomfortable’ then why is he being inconsiderate about your ‘regression issues’ and if he just doesn’t know that this makes you feel ‘uncomfortable’ then communication as already mentioned in some of the posts above is the key here. However if you have already talked to him about how you feel regarding this and he is still indifferent or has been unable to make you comfortable with the idea then could there be a compatibility issue.. follow your instincts..


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Aug 30, 2016
I haven't talked to him about the latest strange comment yet. He lives about an hour away so it's kind of a long distance relationship. I get to see him on the weekends so I was going to talk to him tomorrow. I just wanted to get some information first. I never really felt uncomfortable until he started saying questionable things. The last questionable one was a few weeks ago. I didn't get to see him last weekend and we didn't have sex after he said that. I wanted to take some time and think and research before I spoke to him about it. I love him very much and I don't want to go into this conversation hurting him with ignorance or with the wrong approach.


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Aug 30, 2016
I have heard of this before. I do know of Daddy dom and Little Girl fetishes but usually its nothing to do with liking children.
My personal advice is that if you feel uncomfortable about anything, you should speak to your partner.

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