Fucking Jokers

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Sep 4, 2012
Well it seems that we live in a world where the working class cant even post a fucking album on this forum without it being taken down. It seems that some bitches on this forum said their are underage pictures in my album. How is that? I've confirmed the ages of all people in their before I post my slaves.

Moderators, in the spirit of fairness, I don't have the fucking pictures that you fucking took any more. Please restore the F'in album. Just cause some butthurt people living in regret don't like me I don't see why I should have my album deleted.

Fuck this entire site.


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Jan 9, 2008
Thanks for your feedback, however we have to take allegations of this sort seriously as I am sure you can understand.


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May 3, 2013
Even though I don't know you personally and honestly I didn't see your album, if there is the risk of underage pictures I fully agree with sum1.

How can you be so certain of their age? Why take the chance of getting into trouble? And this would be including also the persons of whom are the photos. Such illegal actions have big consequences ... if this site was not doing so then it would be fucked up (sorry for the expression).


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Sep 4, 2012
Even though I don't know you personally and honestly I didn't see your album, if there is the risk of underage pictures I fully agree with sum1.

How can you be so certain of their age? Why take the chance of getting into trouble? And this would be including also the persons of whom are the photos. Such illegal actions have big consequences ... if this site was not doing so then it would be fucked up (sorry for the expression).

Sum! The great and fucking all mighty Sum. Why don't you actually tell me who the "Underage images" were off? I know that the recent ones I uploaded where from an 18 year old as I saw ID (Bus Pass and his facebook account) Hood is clearly over 18. Billychib and the Make me Famous users are over 18. Their is no one under 18 in my album.

The fuck is this?


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Jun 27, 2009
so, as I read this thread... all I see from New2This54 is "wha, my pictures were deleted" and "f this" and "f that" and bitching at a moderator...

If I was said moderator... I'd have deleted your account.
Show so respect to the board and the moderators.
They have their reasons for deleting the pictures and they don't have to tell you.
Trash talking them out in the open like this is no way to gain their respect and will less likely get them to restore photos. Which by the way are probably permanently gone.


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Sep 4, 2012
so, as I read this thread... all I see from New2This54 is "wha, my pictures were deleted" and "f this" and "f that" and bitching at a moderator...

If I was said moderator... I'd have deleted your account.
Show so respect to the board and the moderators.
They have their reasons for deleting the pictures and they don't have to tell you.
Trash talking them out in the open like this is no way to gain their respect and will less likely get them to restore photos. Which by the way are probably permanently gone.

Actually since it was my album, I feel I have a right to know why they were deleted. Delete my account? Ha no. Ever heard of Freedom of Speech?


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Mar 20, 2013
North wales (UK)
You mean I could literally empty this forum of all pictures just by reporting each one as underage? .... Interesting :)

Lol but on a serious note, I do agree if there is any reason to suspect it may be then get rid, don't want to see no kids on here!!


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May 23, 2010
Actually since it was my album, I feel I have a right to know why they were deleted. Delete my account? Ha no. Ever heard of Freedom of Speech?

Freedom of Speech doesn't actually apply here, fun fact for you. This is a privately owned website, and as such, they can restrict you in any way they feel. There's some more technicalities on this, but I'm not in the mood to go too deep. Core of the matter here is that, in the USA(I'm not even sure this site is hosted in the US- anyone know the answer?) Freedom of Speech applies only to government restricting the speech of its people. It doesn't restrict private institutions and organizations from making and enforcing their own rules.

As for your album being deleted- you know why, someone reported some of the pics as being underage, and so it was deleted. Now, you can get mad and continue swearing at the mods, OR you can accept that this happened and move on. One will result in a much better ending than the other- care to guess which one that is?


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Sep 4, 2012
You mean I could literally empty this forum of all pictures just by reporting each one as underage? .... Interesting :)

Lol but on a serious note, I do agree if there is any reason to suspect it may be then get rid, don't want to see no kids on here!!

"You mean I could literally empty this forum of all pictures just by reporting each one as underage?" That's exactly whats happened here


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Jul 4, 2013
I truly don't understand why we are trying to reason with him giving he cannot seems to be able to stop throwing "fuck this or that" around. It's obvious to me he's nothing more than a frustrates little kid who's stomping his foot cos he didn't get his way.
There's no need for you to get your knickers in a twist you know? Won't change anything. So why don't you try to grow up?


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Aug 28, 2011
a)pictures are removed because suspicious of under age users b) government shuts down the site. take your pick.


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Apr 10, 2013
I recall looking at this album, yesterday maybe? In the description of one pic you stated that the pic was of someone's brother, someone who lied to you about the pics being of them. You state that he was 18, but how could you be sure of the legit age if the pics didn't even come from the person themselves? And does that not bring up moral issues of its own, sharing nude face shots of someone without their knowledge?

I guess all of this is moot, but when I read that myself I was put off and am happy to know its been removed.


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Apr 2, 2013
Yesterday I gave a quick glance at the said album. I only browsed through the thumbnails, not the full-fledged pictures and I did not read the comments. None of them appeared to me as blatantly under-age, and many were obviously adult men as far as I remember.

Anyway, deleting the whole album was a bit harsh, I find. The mod could have extirpated only the problematic pictures, not the whole package.


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Jan 9, 2008
I clearly told you why the picture were removed. The reason I deleted the whole album was because there were reports that multiple images within were underage. So rather than missing some I played it safe. I had no notion that you would loose your copy, it was my understanding that when you upload a picture to the Internet it isn't removed from your computer at the same time.

If you have concerns about my decision making in this matter please feel free to ask Depp if he will review the matter. And I'm sure he'll reply when he's on next.

This thread serves no purpose other than to rant, I'm closing it and warning you that if you make another in the same manner I'll have you for insulting other members.
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