Am I the only one on here?


Kinky Newbie
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Nov 18, 2008
I just joined about ehh... maybe a week ago and every single time I've logged on I'm the only active use, plus a few guests, what can we do to improve membership here? because it is a pretty cool site.


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Nov 20, 2007
The best thing to do is ask questions. People login every day but there is rarely much to respond to.


Kinky Newbie
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Nov 15, 2008
i agree ask questions or state what you are well informed on so people can ask for help


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Jan 9, 2008
As far as improving membership there's 2 ideas that come to my mind:

1) If users happen to have friends & contacts that could potentially be interested then spread the word around about the site. Some of us are also active on other sites and are in contact with members from elsewhere so this is one idea.

2) Speaking of other sites, some of them allow other sites to be mentioned or linked. Some sites I know even have specific threads or areas where we can post these so I've mentioned about KT lately, of course :) Just make sure it is within the sites' rules though but as far as I know many do allow this.

But, yes, I'm in agreement with Depp & Brian: the best way is still to be active. There is another site I've joined about a month ago. It looked really cool but each time I logged in there were like only 1 or 2 new posts so after a few visits I just forgot to go back. It is much more appealing to new users who are making there first visits to see that there's some new things going on each time they come by :)
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Kinky Newbie
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Sep 2, 2008
essex sothend on sea
your not the only one here i come a few times a week just somtimes find it hard to add things to a convo as im new to this sort of thing


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There is an adage that is quite appropriate for this, which was said to a newbie at a BDSM club a few years back. "If all of those who are complaining that there's not much play going on stopped complaining and started playing, there'd be a lot of play going on."

Best thing to do is start a thread that leaves others wanting to contribute. It works better if you include a little of your experience in the topic, even if it's nil. "Do you like ABC?" as a rule are uninteresting, because responses tend to be yes no yes. If you start off with "I had this wild dream last night, and wow!!! So, has anybody done this for real? What was it like? How did you get into that position in the first place? Would you do it again? What advice would you give? What would you change?"...

Asking a personal question alone can be invasive, even on a board such as this one where most are open, so volunteering something about yourself always helps invite others in.

Also bear in mind this is still a fledgling board, geared toward a particular subgroup of getdare originally, so there will be a slow period while the community builds.



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Nov 20, 2007
Also bear in mind this is still a fledgling board, geared toward a particular subgroup of getdare originally, so there will be a slow period while the community builds.

It takes a long time for a community to form. People forget just how old exactly getDare is ;)


Kink Talk Member
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Jul 9, 2008
I am here, but yea, there needs to be more invites and also, like me, reminders of those that may have joined and forgotten.

Hey Mods/Admins, how about a friendly member-wide "Welcome to Daylight Savings Time from your friends and lurkers at" or something... :0


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