Has Anyone 'Fasted' For A Whole Day?


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Jul 8, 2013
United Kingdom
Catholic Priests sometime order people who confess their sins to them to 'fast' for a whole day as 'penance'-is there anyone out there who is so obediant to their mistress/master that that go completely without any food at all for 24 hours-only allowed to drink water for 'sustenance'-i once did this to myself voluntarily-and found myself 'turned on' by it!would have loved to have been commanded to do it by a mistress!does anyone out there also find 'fasting' a turn on?if that sounds a bit 'insensitive' though to all those poor starving people in the world,how about making a donation to charity as extra 'penance'-so you can 'have your cake and eat it'-if you will excuse the terrible pun!
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Jul 12, 2016
Sounds like you have the start of a good idea. The only thing that I would be wary of is that dehydration can be very dangerous. I would not use this often, maybe only on special occasions or as punishment. Another thing to think about is the physical health of the "faster", do they become ill if their blood sugar is too low and things like that.


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Jul 8, 2013
United Kingdom
Sounds like you have the start of a good idea. The only thing that I would be wary of is that dehydration can be very dangerous. I would not use this often, maybe only on special occasions or as punishment. Another thing to think about is the physical health of the "faster", do they become ill if their blood sugar is too low and things like that.
i would not recommend that people should not do this without drinking tea or water at least once every hour,and certainly not if they are on any kind of medication,the secret i myself have discovered is to keep your brain constantly active-write blogs,chat to friends online,or do all of those little jobs around the house that badly need doing,you will be surprised just how quickly those 24 hours go!
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Jul 24, 2016
I occasionally fast as part of my religion.
Some tips:
Eat plenty the day before. And not junk. Real, good, healthy food.
Stay hydrated, yes, but make sure you are also getting electrolytes.
Things like Gatorade and Powerade contain sugar and calories, so if you're looking for a zero calorie day, I wouldn't recommend them. Try smart water or nuun tablets, instead.
Take a multivitamin. Sounds weird, but it really helps keep you from feeling tired or worn down.
Once you do start eating again, start SLOW. Make a cup of tea and add honey, for example, or juice. THEN try solid food. And make sure you don't binge! It's easy to over eat after not eating for a day or two.


Verified Slave
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Mar 19, 2017
I've loved/hated fasting in the past, it's been a while since I've done it... But you're not the only one!



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Dec 4, 2017
I also find fasting a turn on when used as a punishment. I first had it done to me by my Dom girlfriend. She had decided I was getting fat and needed to slim down. So she made me start to watch my diet. From the start certain high fat foods were banned completely. That is not to say they were banned from the house, just banned for me. My girlfriend could still enjoy them and she got off on making me go without such luxury items while I had to watch her consume those lovely treats.
These lovely sweet delights were not even locked away beyond my grasp. No, that would be too simple for her and not as much fun as having them just laying on the self for me too see every time I opened the cupboard doors. She kept a strict watch on how many there was left by writing on the box. She enjoyed the teasing tormenting effect it was having on me and by keeping them within my hungry grasp, she was just waiting for me to crack and break her rules so she could punish me. She loved to punish me, it gave her a real power kick.

It was my desire for such a sugary treat that led to my first punishment fast. After a shopping trip I was left to put everything away in the cupboards as my girlfriend was going out. As I put these treats away I had an idea, not a very good one as I eventually found out.

Using a knife I very carefully opened a box of chocolate coated bars and took one out then I carefully glued the box lid shut and placed it at the back of the cupboard. I then unwrapped the bar and ate it. I even made sure none of the crumbs fell on the floor by eating it over the kitchen sink.

I took the wrapper, placed a long stick inside it and shoved it to the very bottom of the dustbin then I cleaned my teeth just in case my girlfriend surprised my with one of her lustful kisses that would practically raped my mouth.

After thirteen days had pasted since I sneaked that chocolate bar I was feeling cocking and thought I'd got away with it, but I never got away with anything as my girlfriend was far smarter than me.

That evening after dinner she went to the cupboard storing the chocolate bars and pulled out the box that was one short. My heart was in my mouth as she opened the box and scattered the contents on the table to make her choice. She looked at the bars, I could tell she was mentally counting them. “Nine” she said, “there is only nine bars in this box, there is suppose to be 10”. She looked at me and I knew I was blushing, “perhaps the packing machine went wrong at the factory” I said. “F*****g B*****ks” she replied, she was never afraid to use colourful language. “Is that the best excuse you could dream up, I can see where the F*****g box has been glued. You sneaked one out and glued the box up didn't you” she was now advancing on me. “Admit it” she said “and I'll go easy on you”. I knew if I tried to hold out I'd soon be feeling her knee in my balls and not as one of the love taps, as she calls them and is so fond of giving me regularly. No this was going to be a hard full on, I'm really mad with you, drop me to floor and make my eyes water, knee in my balls.

I know when I'm beat, it is a feeling I feel regularly from many people around me. I admitted the whole thing and apologised several times to her. I knew it would mean a punishment, perhaps a hard spanking. No, that would be to quick to satisfy her, she had a new punishment thought up that she was just waiting to inflict upon me.

“No food for 24 hours drink only” she said. I must have given her a funny look because she told me “I knew it was all for my own good health in the end”, I had to agree and take my punishment like a good submissive.

For the next 24 hours I stuck at it and only drank water or tea. My girlfriend was very amused every time my stomached rumbled. Unfortunately for me my 24 hour fasting punishment ended after dinner time the next day so I had to miss that full meal that she made me cook for her, just enough for one. Then when my fasting punishment was over I was allowed to make myself a sandwich.

Another food denial punishment she used was meal missing or putting me on half rations. I once spent seven days on half rations and then there were the bread and water days.

Once she took me for a meal out and brought her friend along. They both sat there gorging on food and I had to sit there drinking water. I got some funny looks from the staff and other customers, it was very humiliating.

I've never found much about fasting punishments or fasting games, if anyone knows a good place or have their own ideas please post links and share.
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Mar 12, 2017
I forget to eat sometimes. If not for having to cook dinner for my family, I would probably forget more often.


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Jan 31, 2019
Wow. This is interesting. Never thought anyone would get turned on with this. Anyway, I'm curious how your master would know if you've eaten anything or not. I think I wouldn't be able to do this knowing my appetite.


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Jan 31, 2019
I've fasted quite a bit sometimes, back when I was still quite in tune with my family's religious practices. I'm surprised to see that it can be a turn on, though perhaps not so surprised. Fasting has been used as a punishment, or a form of self-penance, to be honest. Why not go the extra mile and whatnot.


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Feb 1, 2019
Well, yes I have fasted for a whole day several times in the past. However, I did it on my own without being told by someone to do it. Fasting from time to time definitely has various health benefits associated with it. I am learning about the sexual benefit of fasting for the first time. I think I will definitely be very mindful of this new concept whenever I do undertake a fast next time.


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Jun 22, 2021
Columbus, OH
Gracious, yes! I do so often for health and holistic reasons with success. I just "wet fasted" five days and feel great. Do your body a favor and do a healthy reset. Do your mind a favor and exercise your self control.

On a side note, it makes you so horny. Not a bad thing ;-)
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