Vaginal irritants 101

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
I have noticed a number of posts about using various substances on or in the vagina and wanted to point out some do's and don'ts of this kind of play.

Are you allergic? This should be your first test before you do anything, whatever you plan to use take a small sample and spread it on the inside of your forearm about half way between wrist and elbow. This is the standard test area for allergic reactions as it is relatively sensitive but easy to dress and treat if you do react. Leave the substance there for about 30 minutes, if the effect is acceptable then you can proceed with some knowledge of what is likely to happen. If you get any swelling or runaway redness spreading then DO NOT use this stuff anywhere else.

If you have never done this kind of thing before start with something fairly benign like toothpaste. Use a strong minty type for the best effect. Almost no one is allergic to toothpaste (it wouldn't be much use if they were) but again if this is all new to you try the allergy test first just to see what happens.

Always start externally, rub around the labia first to get a feel for the effect. Generally the external parts are tougher skin and also easier to clean if it starts getting out of hand. But be aware with many or most irritants the effects will continue for quite some time even after cleaning so once committed you will have to endure it until the effect fades.

When you have done your testing and feel more confident you can start to test internally. Again start slowly and don't go too deep at first. Use small amounts and wait a few minutes for the effect to kick in before adding more.
At this point its worth mentioning that everyone reacts differently to these kind of things, some note less effect than external but many say its way more painful, your reaction will be different so its worth taking your time.

Finally, when you are done regardless of what you have been using be sure to clean yourself thoroughly. It is always good to finish with a douche made of 1 tablespoon of white vinegar (the clear stuff) in 1 litre of water. This will help restore correct ph and prevent fungal and infection problems, there's no fun in that!
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Mar 19, 2017
I love the post, but have a questionmark - vinegar is a very acidic substance, which gets it's clean and proper image from the fact that it actually kills bacteria. It seems surprising that this would restore your pH. Even if it did, you'd be killing off part of your natural flora, and in return your body cannot keep it as clean as it should in the future. Douching is also connected to vaginal infections and imbalances in pH and bio-flora (that's pre-made douches included, which are supposedly made to support if you watch the ads but are shown to do quite the opposite as they were originally only intended for after childbirth and such, and not as a regular hygiëne practice, as sometimes also mentioned in the accompanying leaflet). Natural live yoghurt contains probiotics that are beneficial to the vagina, both as edible or when used topically. Would it not be a much safer idea to rinse with water and treat by supplying the body with the tools to clean itself internally also, than to first damage the tissue with your burning agent and then cleaning it with an equally biting element?

I personally have used vinegar for cleaning windows, floors, and all the greasy dirty junk that wouldn't clean otherwise because it's so agressive. Even after diluting, I would have very many doubts about using something that caustic inside of my body if there are any alternatives.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Actually the ph of the water with a tablespoon of vinegar is very close to the natural ph found in the healthy vagina. If the vagina is tending towards alkaline it makes a good breeding environment for fungal infections such as thrush. Washing with most soaps tends to leave an alkaline balance so helping to keep it slightly acid after washing is good prevention for these kind of problems.

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