Exhaust the Slut


Kinky Newbie
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Sep 25, 2015
Since each post = 5 squats, I'll just add that for your post and add 25 to the current push-ups I have to do, making it 50. :)
I guess I did not understand that but I'm glad you do some exercises.

I have another one for you. You could try Sumo Push-Ups. Do 10 reps as mentioned in the linked blog post.


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May 8, 2015
What is it exactly that make Dominant men think that because a woman is submissive she can't have/enforce her own rules? It's this attitude that chases the sub females away.

Couldn't have said that any better.

If I create a thread with rules that are meant to be followed (not only for the posters, but for me personally), then they should be followed. There's no need to get cocky. If people would have read the original thread all the way through then there would have been no need to be called out on it! :)


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May 8, 2015
I weighed in yesterday at 214.7 lbs. (That's 19 punishments for anyone counting).

Goal weight starts now, so if I am not 206 by the end of February that's +1 month.

Bust: 43 in
Waist: 38 in
Hips: 49 in

Photos have been uploaded -1.

174 of 12,000 minutes of yoga/pilates have been completed.

To do:
20 burpees in one minute.
25 bridges.


Kinky Newbie
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Feb 2, 2016
go to the guy every Wednesday. When you are there do 3 different arm work outs 3 X 12 reps. Then 2 different leg work outs 3 x 12 reps and then two back workouts 3 X 12. after that get on an elliptical and run for 45 min. I hope this helps


Kinky Newbie
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May 29, 2008
If you have access to a basketball court or some other court or field with lines or markings or if no markings lay out your own markings and do 5 sets of 5 suicide runs. On a basketball court you would line up on a baseline run and touch the first free throw line and back and touch the baseline then run and touch half court then back to the baseline, then the far free throw line and back to the baseline, finally all the way down to the far baseline and back. on a football field you can use the 10 yard, 20 yard, 30 yard and 40 yard lines starting on the goal line.


Kink Talk Member
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Apr 16, 2012
I would like to ask that for one hour a day, you to put your computer on a tall table without a chair and every time you surf to a new webpage, you do two squats.

Of course, it would be a shame if that beautiful body were covered up while you did that.

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