Self Whipping


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Feb 26, 2009
I like to have my online slaves whip themselves as punishment. Is their an effective way to do this that is better than others? P

Thank You in advance for your help.
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Jul 9, 2008
I am thinking that scene of Flagellants from that Monty Python film..... (sorry couldn't resist - "Dee-as-ura Requiem - SLAP!") :)

From feathered ticklers to 5 pound barbed spheres - it runs the gamut. It depends on the desired effect, I guess. ;)

I figured I'd post other than PM because I wanted to state that if it were me, I'd do whatever my mister/mistress asked, providing, of course, I had a desire to appease and to serve them... :)


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Feb 5, 2009
Miss Becky,
I have been spanked on my web cam before, usually for being a disobedient little slut. I have been spanked with an 18 inch ruler, a leather belt, a hair brush but that is better left till the spanking is complete then run the bristled side over the red bottom. A paddle, that hurts, but get my bottom nice and red. I have also been spanked on the other side as well, but we may wish to discuss that in private.
Let me know if I may be of further assistance or if you need me to demonstrate..


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Feb 26, 2009

Thank you for your advise, I'll keep that in mind... I just may take you up on that demonstration offer. ;)

And from now on I think I'll keep the conversations more open. I know some were wanting that, and I can see the reasoning.


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Mar 15, 2009

While training female subs online, I have had them spank them selves on cam for me, and to make it more enjoyable I have ordered them to get friends (sometimes male friends, sometimes female friends) who would also follow my orders in spanking them, inserting things in them, and in a few cases, actually done things sexual with them on my say so.

And as far as punishing themselves, I would say it depends on what they refused or did not complete, Before setting a task, you should already know the punishment, or at least possible punishments that you will use to keep the sub in line, so depending on the assigned task, you can try spanking discipline, abrasion discipline, kneeling on rice, doing one of their soft limits as a form of disciplining them


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Mar 24, 2009
Self-whipping response

Hi Becky -

Well, obviously it depends upon whether you are having them whip their arse or their genitals.

I find if the latter, the best thing to do is to tell them not to look down, but to lie down on a bed, looking at the ceiling and bring the whip down like that. Depending on the size of the whip, they may not quite get the angles right etc., but I think that will give them a closer feeling to the idea that you are doing it to them.

For whipping on their arse, it's a bit more difficult, but I find that it probably works best with them bent over a bed or chair. Again if they feel less in control of what they're doing, it helps the sensation.

Hope that helps.



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Mar 31, 2009
The most effective way to do this is to have the sub slightly bent over a table/chair and for them to whip themselves with a long belt. This is slightly inacurate yet on the whole i think most effective, that is if you dont mind whiping the lower back and upper thighs aswell.


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Apr 1, 2009
Something I've had some experience with, was:

For each stroke that wasn't hard enough, you add 5 more (or however many). Say you assigned 20 genital spanks, you could observe and count the ones that weren't hard enough, then assign 5 more for each of those. Keep going until the whipping is satisfactory.

It tends to motivate an intense enough whipping to satisfy the situation. :)


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Feb 26, 2009
Flogging suggestions

I rather like the ideas of adding more if they're "not good enough" and bending over a chair also. I think I'll try those. My favorite is belt whipping and I'm also into bare back not just ass.


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Jan 20, 2009
I think its good to change implements while spanking especially when its as a punishment. It prevents the receiver from getting used to just one. Especially when he or she is blindfolded so they cant tell what it is.

Different positions too. Over the table, over your knee or with them bent over touching their toes.

Hope this helps



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Jun 2, 2009
For what it's worth, I think building some tension is good. Have him/her stand in the corner for a while or sit and wait. Then get them to collect various house hold objects. Perhaps a belt, a wooden spoon, a hairbrush. Have them lay the items out on a table.

Then pick one at random to spank them with. I also like the idea of enforcing five more spanking for each one that falls short. Give them a break from time to time and switch items.


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Jan 10, 2008
I find the most effective way for spanking is have the sub move underwear to their knees (if wearing some) and if it is an online slave, have them bend over and use it a hairbrush. I have found that to be the most effective way.

Agent Green

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May 6, 2008
I've tried various methods to automate the process. I've attached whips to motors and servos to make the process more realistic. If you make a rig by cannibalizing moving electronics in your house you should be able to come up with something cool.


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Jul 1, 2009
How about this:
have the slave tie a clothspin to something nonmoving
put elastics or a chain of rubber bands around her
put the elastics or rubber band into the clothspin.

now have the slave move slowly away untill the clothspin can't hold it anymore and it snaps back at the slave.

I haven't had the opputunity to try it out, so you might need to experiment a little with it. With luck the slave would be suprised when the elastics hit her.


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Mar 24, 2010
One problem I have noticed is that a lot of people really struggle with hitting themselves hard enough for it to be done properly. I know, for example, that I'm pretty much incapable of slapping myself properly; nothing more than a tap. My muscles just ... won't respond to do it.

I believe one of the best ways to counter this is by using things such as belts or whips, which give a lot more leverage to smaller movements, meaning that even without a lot of force in the stroke it can still hit pretty hard with the tail end of the object.

I really like the idea to have them add 5 more strokes for each unsatisfactory stroke - great motivator! Also the positioning them to make it more realistic to them, as well as building suspense to create the right mood. Great ideas!


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Jan 9, 2008
My favorite is belt whipping and I'm also into bare back not just ass.

Just a friendly word of caution here: While back whipping can be quite fun and enjoyable it's also very important to be careful with it and avoid the kidney region as this is a fragile area that can get injured more easily. If your sub is new to this, as I assume from your posts that this is online/cam, you may want also to take this slow and "warm him up". What I mean by that is starting with very light hits, check on his reactions, and slowly build up from there. This way both of you will get a good idea of how much is enough, when good pain becomes bad pain, etc. And will significantly minimize the risks. Taking into consideration the level of experience the sub has with self-inflicted spankings / pain may be wise here :)

Another thing about belts... as it was brought up, it's harder to be accurate with them when the stokes are self-inflicted, especially for such "targets" as ass and back. When I first started using belts on myself I did hurt myself in a not-so-fun way because I couldn't quite be consistently accurate with a normal-length belt.. So I tried different ways of to make it shorter. If others have the same problems it can be a good idea to try to fold the belt in 2 or cut it. By trial & error I finally found the perfect length and haven't hurt myself badly since :) But this is still a matter of taste and ability so I suggest trying different ways to find the one that the sub will be most comfortable to work with :)
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Jan 27, 2013
new york

My Master forces me to use a metal hanger and whip myself in front of other slaves to show them what happens when you dis obey. i must do this on cam and cant stop until read marks are bright for all to see.

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