Body Writing for all Users of KT for Users of KT


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Sep 4, 2014
Ok so i just thought of something that can be fun for all of us on KT. Basically you need to not be opposed to Bodywriting since this site filled task is for everyone who wants to do it and for everyone that wants view it,(one photo per person per post, no double tasks by those that are giving them, and recieving is one task period).... rhyme intended :).

so what will happen is one person will take up a one person submission in the comment below saying something along the lines of,"im in for this",or,"someone assign something", or whatever... you get the idea.

when the person that wants to submit posts, they have the right to specify an area if they so choose to where the bodywriting will take place.

but that is not all, those giving out tasks beware, once you post a task to a person looking to do this, you will also be up for a bodywirting task. So before you task anyone make sure you are ready to accept one and are ok with taking photos.

recaping what was said:

One person submits to a bodwriting task,(must be ok with pictures and body writing, face optional.)

Person doing the task can specify an area to confine it to if they so choose.

Task givers will also be apart of the fun if they are post a task by submitting to doing one of themselves,(also must be ok with pictures and body writing).

And one picture task acceptance must be uploaded on your profile.

When uploading your picture, tittle the album as such,"Body writing entertainment for KT" so we know its from this thread.

also drawings can also be tasks if no one is againest them, just specify weither you will take a draw or not too.
now that we ave all that sorted out, ill get this started

-I submit to one body writing task and i am specifying the are of my genitals only. No Drawings please.

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