Depression Advice


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May 5, 2008
I've been in a bad place for a little bit now and was hoping maybe some of you guys might have advice on how to beat depression. I find myself wasting most of my free time (and time I should be working) just lying around and feeling like crap. Drinking and going out with friends helps but I can't really do that very often as I don't have much free time or money. I'm fairly sure alcohol and partying is not a good remedy anyways.

When it gets really bad I just imagine walking away from my life. Maybe driving away from everything and living in my car or something. I'm really not even sure why am I am sad most of the time. I just feel like crap. Sometimes when the feeling gets really bad I call my closest friend, and talking with her makes me feel a little better.

I'm curious how others have dealt with similar problems in their lives. Has anything helped get you past this sort of thing?

Sorry if I sound all whiny. :/


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May 6, 2008
First off can I ask if you have you been diagnosed with medical depression or are you in a depressed state of mind?

Just ask because it would affect how I would answer this. Just in a general way though to me it sounds like you are lacking motivation. I was diagnosed with depression quite a few years a go and I know just how bad no motivation can be.

You staying at home just lazing around is exactly what I was doing for a loooong time. My advice is quite simply get off your ass. It is a lot of effort I know but just do it! Go for a walk or in the garden, just change what room you are in every few hours. Don't let yourself vegetate.

To be honest the only thing that pulled me out of a massive black hole of depression was meeting my boy friend. He makes me feel worth while and wanted something I hadn't felt in a long while.

If it continues head to the Dr and just have a chat :)

Not much help sorry, but I'm happy to discuss this a bit with you if you feel it would help.


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Sep 11, 2008
Your young, free and you live in a first world country. Look around you and relax, let out a sigh of relief. You're a free spirit, and of age where you can go out there and see the world and do whatever you are doing. Think about your hobbies, your talents and what you have to offer and put your mind to something productive, let the depression out and focus it, channel it into something, let your state of mind be your guide. Don't talk yourself out of doing things. Your in a position where you can do a lot, scrape some money togethor and travel. Go for a long drive and be free with your thoughts. Don't let it bury you, just remember your priviledges and live while you have the health to do so. Write your feelings down. Let them help you find yourself. Look up to the sky and see how insignificant you are. I've been in a similar place, I used to drink myself stupid, my friends didn't seem to help no matter how much I talked to them, but believe me now, I don't see them very often and I appreciate and miss them a ridiculous amount. I even look back on the times I was moping around and some of the things I did during that time I look back on with awe and you know what man. They were good fucking times.


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May 5, 2008
I wanted to thank both of you for your advice. I found a lot of good stuff in both of your posts :)


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Dec 1, 2012
i have bipolar depression and i noticed chocolate, mashed potato and eating healthy can be a very good remedy when you are in a negative mood x


<:: Verified ::>
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Jan 9, 2008
It might help (it helped me once): something I discovered when I was in some really big depression, after loosing my girlfriend, I was one step to commit suicide. Medics just discovered I had a lack of calcium or magnesium (I don't remember... magnesium I think) but this simple treatment they gave me made me transform and think totally oposite... I've become optimistic again and I was amazed a simple treatment can change the way you are used to think... shortly got myself a new girlfriend and happily ever after etc.
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Sep 6, 2012
I know that I went through a lot of depression myself and still do even these days. One thing that never failed to cheer me up was my dogs. They are the best. Maybe adopt a dog, or a cat, or another pet.

bad slave

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Nov 6, 2011
Surprise at responses

Hi guys,

Firstly I am sorry to hear that you have all experienced depression, it's a crap place to be. Been there, done that.

Secondly, I am amazed at the support and warmth of the responses to this thread. I had wrongly assumed this site was just for fun.

You guys are amazing. X

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