I am Going to Say What No One Wants to Admit


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Apr 27, 2015
Alright, I think I am fair in saying that this site has terminal cancer with no chance of recovery.

We've crossed a threshold of a lack of legitimately committed and thinking people that I don't believe we can come back from it. We barely have any new people join or stick around for more than a week. Perhaps worse is the fact that we have an obvious lack of interest from females. This is not to say that we do not have any ladies on the site, but how many male dominants and slaves constantly post asking for female partners and consistently don't get any? At least no lasting ones.

Perhaps some of this is due to a lack of quality work put into many of the posts we see now days. How many one or two sentence posts do we see fill the forum with uninspired trash? The site would be more appealing but we lack quality. There are still many I would say who put effort into what they post, but far too many who don't.

Unless we see a big change, and a big change soon, I fear that I will just stop coming to this site. It's almost not even worth the time anymore >_>


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Mar 6, 2015
It feels like this whole site needs shutting down and starting back up again almost, just the massive influx of people who seem to be merely visiting


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Jan 12, 2015
Yes and No

I agree with a lot of what you've said but I don't think it's any worse here than any other site you'll find. There are idiots and fakes on all the websites. I have found some wonderful friends through here, there are people that generally are interested and take the effort to get to know you. Anywhere you go, either online or in a local community, you're going to get people who have no clue what they are doing and ruin a lot of fun for everyone. It's just easier to weed those people out face to face. And there are going to be a lot of people who are just testing the waters and don't stay, or visit often anywhere you go.

The problem with scrapping this website is there are people here who take things seriously. This could be a wonderful source of information and meeting friends if the people who care continue to do so. If the good posters continue to post thoughtful threads, it helps. If the people who send messages trying to get to know people still send those, it helps. Eventually the trolls will go away, especially if the serious people don't feed into their drivel.

I think a major thing that would help is possibly adding more staff. It's a pretty much thankless job, and I think the staff that is here does a good job, but there isn't enough around to handle the volume of idiots that seem to be posting. They have lives outside of here and aren't always there to dump stuff and remind people of the rules.

If people who want things would take 5 minutes to think about what they are posting and not let their nether regions lead them, it would seriously clear up most of the problems. I would think as a dominant, finding someone who can't even follow posting or membership rules would be a major turn off. And I imagine as a submissive looking for someone serious, seeing people making assumptions and ordering people around on months old posts is a turn off. People are surprised they don't receive responses yet they aren't willing to put forth the effort to get what they want. Make yourself attractive and don't start begging on every post out there no matter which side of the power exchange you wish to be on.

There are ways to improve the site. Keep reporting the crap, keep posting good posts, show the new people how it should be. Make suggestions to the staff and administrators. Make an effort to get to know the people around. A major complaint I see is the lack of women on here. Stop letting the idiots run them off. Greet them and don't let the only messages they receive be ridiculous suggestions from the morons. The site is going to be what we make it.


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Apr 27, 2015
While that was an uplifting thing to read, sheer force of will and a handful of people cannot bring about the change that you have suggested.

I said it would take some drastic, and I mean very drastic to change how this site is going. Think of how few of new people we get, and how long they stick around.

This is place is like the internet version of Detroit. People are moving out fast. Sure some hold this place dear but how long until its dead in the water?

And no, I don't believe that this site is like "every other." Youtube is a growing site with literally millions of people moving through it daily. This place has what, thousands - perhaps hundreds with the number decreasing by the month?

This place might continue to exist, but with places like getdare for instance, why would anyone come here? Sure its more "adult" in nature but getdare already has that element in it. Essentially this place has been rendered obsolete.


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May 14, 2015
I agree

There really are some great people on this board. I've found them behind the scenes through private messaging. It would be such a shame to lose that. I agree that there is a glut of idiots, children, amateurs and morons on here too but I just ignore them. That goes for real life too. I think if you're serious about finding someone serious this board is as good as any other, you just have to disregard the infantile nonsense. Get to the serious girl subs before the idiots put her off. I was on my way out before I was convinced to stick around by a genuine Dom. Just ignore the nonsense. But that goes for life in general. ☺


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Jan 12, 2015
While that was an uplifting thing to read, sheer force of will and a handful of people cannot bring about the change that you have suggested.

I said it would take some drastic, and I mean very drastic to change how this site is going. Think of how few of new people we get, and how long they stick around.

This is place is like the internet version of Detroit. People are moving out fast. Sure some hold this place dear but how long until its dead in the water?

And no, I don't believe that this site is like "every other." Youtube is a growing site with literally millions of people moving through it daily. This place has what, thousands - perhaps hundreds with the number decreasing by the month?

This place might continue to exist, but with places like getdare for instance, why would anyone come here? Sure its more "adult" in nature but getdare already has that element in it. Essentially this place has been rendered obsolete.

Force of will won't eliminate the people who have no business being here, there is no way to keep them out. Even banning them will just have new idiots coming. But by being serious and active, it encourages new members, which we still get everyday, and it encourages people to stick around and come out of lurking

I don't know much about the d/s community on youtube, but yes, it is the same situation on every other kink site I've heard of. Fetlife, Collar Me and Get Dare. Using your example, it's hard to compare Get Dare to here as the platform is similar but there are way more group threads and dares than anything else. Not to mention that users of that site have to post the adult content here, as nudity and links to it are not allowed on the site. As far as the quality of posters, it's the same. Just yesterday I saw someone ever there suggest holding a lighter on delicate tissue for a certain length of time as punishment, and I only opened maybe 10 posts at random. And let's not forget the guy who's up to 1086 days of chastity as decided upon by posts on a thread that is still open and counting. Or maybe one of the threads about refraining from peeing, a basic bodily function, for a length of time determined by posts. They also have the one line ads and people who think they are given free reign to treat others how they wish. M & M's stuck under your foreskin? There are plenty of idiots over there who don't take things serious. The community is larger and there are more people over there that are active posters so the trolls blend in better, but I'd wager there are more there since the community is larger. Personally I much prefer the slower pace over here than weeding through all the group posts on get dare, and the average age over here seems to be a more more in my range as well. I really don't want to have to stay in one particular section of a website when there are other options devoted solely to my interests.

Kink Talk obviously isn't rendered obsolete if we are all still here. If you chose to stay, you can try and make strides to make the community better. If you've given up on it already, I'm not sure the purpose the original post?


Kinky Newbie
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Apr 27, 2015
Obviously you don't understand the nature of my original post. I said that there are those few who still hold onto this site, but there is a trend going right now that this site is losing members and not gaining many back, even fewer sticking around for very long.

Unless there is some new attraction to keep potentially good users around, there is no way this place be around in another five years. Just have a look at the new post once and take a long look at the amount of replies most threads have. Hardly any, even like a third of so of the ones that have replies are bumped. Just watch how few people end up replying here.

I am not saying "take this site down," I am suggesting that people starting migrating elsewhere or work on a miracle to keep good people here. We are being rendered obsolete because of how many people are choosing getdare over this place. Most people don't even post NSFW pictures on here anymore, so why not go to getdare which has far more people on it. As for NSFW links I've seen plenty of them on getdare that stay up. Besides, pictures and links are usually handled in private messaging anyways.

That means that all the advantages of this site are essentially nullified comparatively to how things are at getdare. Things have gotten so private and adult there that there is little purpose to this place at this point. Yes you can still meet other people. Yes you make new relationships. However, everything I just mentioned can be done at the sister website getdare.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
This came up recently from another poster, the site is what it is.

It fills a niche and there are actually quite a lot of long term members who pop in from time to time and keep active in the background chatting amongst themselves.
The huge flow in and out of new members is no worse here than most other sites of this type. It isn't the only site I use but I have found quite a few good, solid friends both sub and dom here.
What do you propose is done by the mods to stop the rubbish posts? Actually there isn't much except to ignore them, they're usually easy to recognise and avoid.
One thing we can do to attract and keep good members is simply to do some sensible, positive posting. Everyone needs to put some thought into their posts and not just keep asking or worse demanding things. Doms and subs that only ever ask and never contribute lead to this feeling of negativity.

If many of the guys (doms) here stopped acting like a pack of sharks every time a new female sub pops up they might be inclined to hang around bit longer.


Kinky Newbie
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Apr 27, 2015
I don't know if we are referring to the same post, but there was a thread started by sir mars where several people including myself criticized him for not adding more than what I am writing here.

Honestly it is people like him that seem to corrupt the otherwise calm waters that make up this site.


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Jun 30, 2015
My question is...

What do you recommend that people like me (I am a new user and already in love with this site) do in order to continue and maintain the "calm waters" that you two have so lovingly described. I can clearly tell that you both are committed to this higher standard of devious play, but other than a sparse few members that I have met it seems like most people are here for porn and not the demented sort of sexual connection and freedom I am seeking. What advice do you have?


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Dec 10, 2013
Obviously you don't understand the nature of my original post. I said that there are those few who still hold onto this site, but there is a trend going right now that this site is losing members and not gaining many back, even fewer sticking around for very long.

Unless there is some new attraction to keep potentially good users around, there is no way this place be around in another five years. Just have a look at the new post once and take a long look at the amount of replies most threads have. Hardly any, even like a third of so of the ones that have replies are bumped. Just watch how few people end up replying here.

I am not saying "take this site down," I am suggesting that people starting migrating elsewhere or work on a miracle to keep good people here. We are being rendered obsolete because of how many people are choosing getdare over this place. Most people don't even post NSFW pictures on here anymore, so why not go to getdare which has far more people on it. As for NSFW links I've seen plenty of them on getdare that stay up. Besides, pictures and links are usually handled in private messaging anyways.

That means that all the advantages of this site are essentially nullified comparatively to how things are at getdare. Things have gotten so private and adult there that there is little purpose to this place at this point. Yes you can still meet other people. Yes you make new relationships. However, everything I just mentioned can be done at the sister website getdare.

mmm if you want a suggest about what should be added to this site as far as a big attraction would go I would suggest adding a set of chat rooms similar to what GD has, I mean it is one of the biggest things to actually do over on getdare (for instance right now it's the middle of the day and there are 37 people there, yes I do know that it might not be the middle of the day for them right now but still the current number of active users on KT as of right now, 28 now I know that there won't be as many given the fact that there aren't as many total users but the main point is giving people a reason to stay logged on and keep themselves logging back on right?) I know that for me in general when it comes to reading the forums over on GD I never read more than two or three pages maybe five if I'm super board in the unread posts section. This is because like my friend miss intereste said earlier the site is full of trolls, fakes, and one to three line posts like for instance:

"So if more than 5 people Pm me with a guess for The Penis Challenge I will venture outside for a public dare, Post ideas here and I'll choose the best to perform!"

That is a post that I just pulled off getdare took me literally three clicks to find (I'm not saying who posted it or anything because there isn't any point). The big thing to remember here is that GD easily has way more one line posts than KT people are in general less mature over there then they are here (from my personal experience) and it's far easier to end up getting hurt do to inexperienced doms/dommes taking on a new sub. I'm not saying that this site doesn't have anything wrong with it either, for instance one of the things I really like doing is posting blogs but lately (as of about last Christmas) the blog section of KT has kind of been pointless to post on, for starters you have these three or four account that have 3333 in their names posting about pointless stuff that isn't even site related (things like horse races) now personally I think that the accounts are bots and it wouldn't be much of a problem but it basically makes blogging pointless on this site especially if you combine that with the random trend that started around last January of new members either replying to threads or posting thread type content in the blogs area (which doesn't make much sense since I believe that area doesn't even receive as much traffic as the unread posts section does) Now then before you think I'm just saying this because I feel like ranting on your thread I'll bring it back to the topic, another good improvement that could be made to the site is simply put moderation of the blogging area, in other words have the mods go through the blogs and take down any ones that seem to be ads, replies to threads, just a thread, or randomly about horse races or other things that don't really belong there. The main reason why I make the point of saying that it's a good improvement is that literally the biggest thing for me on KT right now is blogging and when these problems started I honestly thought about leaving KT like you are now (if it weren't for a few fans like CuriouslyIntereste, Droptokon, and port86 I would have but since they like my blogs so much I decided to stick around).

Finally I believe that early in another reply you mentioned how with places like getdare why would anyone come here? well here's why for starters this place is in fact a smaller community yes I said it your main problem with this site is actually a good point, let me explain. First off do you know how many posts were put up on GD in the time that it took me to write up to this point (approximately 40 minutes) well it was about 30 posts (almost one per minute) now then on KT? about 4 or one every ten minutes. Now then this is the middle of the day when it gets to be 8 pm or later in the US it jumps to somewhere between 60 and 100 posts per hour on GD where as over here it maxes at around 15 to 25 per hour (and that might be a bit generous). Now I know your probably doing a mini see I win GD way more popular dance, well yes it is... but that also means that those 4 times as many one line ads or 4 times as many "I'm horny so give me a dare" threads are also over there clogging up the unread threads section of the site and when those four times as many, let's face it, shitty posts equals about 20-30 posts total then guess what the entire first page of the unread posts section... yeah it just got filled up pushing your extremely detailed and passionate three paragraph long thread, that you just spent three hours writing and reading over, back yet another page making it less likely to even get viewed let alone actually getting a response. Where as if you simply take your time to write a well thought out thread over on KT and to be honest it will get at least one response without fail, trust me even my unpopular threads at least get a response.

So basically are there problems with the site, yes definitely, are there less members on KT then on GD yes it's probably easily a 10:1 ratio in GD's favor, but is that some kiss of death? no I don't think so to be honest I've always felt that KT is about the quality more so than the quantity. The main problem with the site isn't the lack of people but the utter lack of things to do, most people, myself included get on check for pms, look at their threads, and maybe skim over the unread threads, then quickly hop off or just leave KT open in a tab refreshing the page every two or so hours in case they get a pm. Basically the only thing that needs to be fixed is what people usually do when they get on, if you can take that usual ten minute cycle and stretch it out to about 30 minutes or maybe an hour you'll easily start to see the online members list double in average size, how do you accomplish that simply take what you already have, improve it, and add more to the site. I've already mentioned it but adding chat rooms (and not just a carbon copy of what GD has something more KT like, now of course you'll need a lounge and bdsm chatroom but you could also add more fetish related ones such as a pet play, or abdl chat rooms you should also have an rp focused one such as the scene that is on gd because chat rooms are some of the biggest attractions for people that love to rp) and of course my suggestion for improving what's here is simply to improve the blogging area, start moderating it and set up rules so you can't post blogs that should just be threads, or post blogs that are just replies to threads, of course you should also make it so that blogs that aren't at all related to the site either should go somewhere besides the main area or just be removed, but that's just my opinion. Let's be honest here, I'm sure that everyone here can already guess this but there is just about nothing you can do to change the site that will fix it's problems over night, to be honest taking the site down and starting over from scratch? that would just annoy me and make me want to try going somewhere else rather than staying here always worrying "hey if it doesn't work this time will they just start over again?" now then how long will fixing the site take who knows a month? 3? a whole year or more? to be honest I don't really care because I really love this small community feel that KT has, warm people that always welcome new members and help them get on their feet as long as they ask for it, and nice mods that aren't intimidating to talk too in the least is a nice fun place and it's what's made me stick around for the year and a half that I've been here for, which reminds me I wanted to thank everyone for being so nice -bows-, but if you can't stick it out here for even a month then... maybe KT just isn't for you if you love surfing a huge back log of unread posts for one or two that might be ok-good quality posts or if you love posting to a forum where nobody will reply either because your a guy, or because your post just got pushed back a page or two with in 4 hours then you really should head somewhere else... but for me I love this site and everyone on it, sure it has it's problems like constant new members spamming every single forum with the same thread in a span of five minutes, or no chat rooms, and its blogging area has kind of hit rock bottom lately but I still love KT and it's definitely not beyond saving after all if you were to reboot the site then it wouldn't be our KT it would just be another GD that's focus is specifically bdsm as opposed to t or d you know?

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