Phreaky Phebruary

Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
  • Male
  • Private
May 19, 2013
Gather round kinksters, January is gone and Phreaky Phebruary is about to begin!

So what is it I hear you all scream? It's another chance to score yourself a custom Verified title under your name. You will still have to verify or already be verified to win this honor but it's something you can earn with some effort.
How? you all yell in concert. Well I am going to hold a good old fashioned popularity contest, post lots, upload tons of photo, make a splash, get millions of likes... Ok I'm getting a bit carried away there but you get the idea.
What I'm looking for is a HUGE increase in activity from everyone, lets make this place shake and those that shake the most will be rewarded for it.
You can nominate yourself or someone else and then based on how you (or they) do throughout the month I will adjudicate and bestow the coveted custom titles.

I am not going to add too many rules here or set any minimum or maximum on how many titles I'll give out, lets just see how it rolls.
The new software has settled in, everyone has gotten used to the new format now its time to really bring on the Kink Talk!
Flash those tits and asses, wave those dicks in the wind, tell it like it is, make your mark!!!

So as the sun sets in the west (quite literally out my window) on January lets welcome in Phebruary like the perverted PHREAKS I know you can be.

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