The Limo Driver - Chapter 3


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Mar 12, 2012
Grace looked at her phone as the call ended, trying to figure out what the heck was going on. The caller had been Jack, her limo driver from the past weekend. She smiled thinking about how she and her girls had really done a number on that creepy kid Ian, humiliating and punishing him like they did. But Jack had called her to let her know that in double checking the room, he had found something that she had left behind. She knew how he got her number, after all she had to call him when they were done screwing around with Ian, but she just figured he'd delete it and that would be that. Now he was calling her up, wanting to meet for coffee so that he talk to her about something she had left behind.

Grace was starting to freak out a bit now, going over in her head all the shit she and the girls had brought to the "party" that had there in the motel room and she could account for all the kinky stuff - the handcuffs, the ball gag, the strap-on, the doggie shock collar, even the wrapper from the condom and those bloody little girl panties that they had made Ian wear and that he had soiled after she had butt fucked him. "Little cock deserved it", she thought to herself, remembering what he had done to warrant her using that strap-on on his virgin ass. So what could Jack have that she needed to meet with him and discuss? She tried not to think about it too much until the time they agreed to meet - just after school let out. Thank goodness he agreed to a place that was far away from school. All she would need was for someone to see her with this older guy and the rumors would start! She certainly did not need that, as all it would do is screw up her senior year.

The next day, after school, Grace arrived at the coffee shop. This place had some really deep booths and thank goodness Jack had picked on way in the back away from the door. He even left her a place so that she could be seated with her back to the door, just in case someone, anyone, from school happened by this neighborhood. Jack Saw her enter and motioned her over, pointing to the seat across from him. Grace had almost slipped into the booth when she realized that there was already someone in it, seated up against the wall, hiding from her. She just about lost it when she saw that it was that shit Ian! What the hell was he doing her and what was up with this limo guy? She tried to stand back up, but Jack looked her square in the eyes and told her, in a rather adult voice, "Sit down NOW Grace. You want to hear what Ian and I have to say before you go storming out of here."

Grace paused momentarily, looking around to see if there was anyone within earshot of them. She looked and Jack, then pointed to Ian. Her voice dripping with venom, she said "What's that piece of shit doing here? DO you think I am going to sit down next to him?"

Jack let her stand there for a minute. When she finally started to get impatient, he reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the booth. "Yes" he said "I do expect you to sit hear and listen to us. I picked this place so that no one from school would bother us while we make you an offer, just in case you decide to make a scene. But I want you to promise me that you will listen to EVERYTHING we have to offer before you get up and walk out of here. If you don't, there could be some serious legal issues that you could have to deal with, including the police and maybe even jail time."

Grace stared at Jack, first with a look of derision as he had started to speak, but when she heard the words "legal", "police", and "jail", her expression changed to one of shock and concern. For once in her life, she found herself speechless, so she just nodded her head as if to indicate "OK".

Jack smiled at her, trying to get her to calm down a bit. Then he lowered his voice when he spoke, his voice had a hint of menace to it. "You and your gal pals had a real fun time with Ian. I remember how pumped up you were when you left, showing me that photo you had taken of him cross dressed like you did. If I didn't know any better, I wouldn't even have suspected that his hands were cuffed behind him." As Grace was listening to Jack's words, she realized that none of them had talked about handcuffs when they got back in the car, even after dropping Ian off. So how did Jack know?! She looked over at Ian as if accusing him of telling Jack.

Jack could see the look of puzzlement, then anger, on Grace's face and as if to explain, he pulled out an envelope and handed it to her. "You didn't know this, but you weren't the only one taking pictures that night". As he was saying these words, Grace stared down at the handful of pictures that Jack had produced of their "party". In all of them, it was clear that the girls were tormenting and threatening Ian.

"How did you get these? What are you going to do with them? You can't possibly share them?" The questions just started free flowing from Grace's mouth as she looked at Jack and Ian for an explanation. Jack put his finger to his lips to signal her to stop, then waited as her questions died down, although her mouth was still hanging open, obviously in shock.

Jack continued "Let me explain things to you. Yes, I was taping the whole session". Jack again put his finger to his lips as Grace started to talk, silencing her. He continued "But I am prepared to say, and Ian will back me up, that this was his idea, since he didn't believe that he was going to get that lucky that night and wanted something to remember it. No one will every find any tapes, equipment, or photos at my place or on my computer, so if you say it was me, there are two of us that will deny it - right Ian?" Ian spoke his first word of this entire conversation when he answered "Yes".

Jack paused to let this sink in, before he went on "Ian feels that his photos of the night will paint a very different picture of what really happened that night and how you and your girlfriends kidnapped, sexually abused, and raped him, not exactly the fantasy he had in mind. But how lucky he was that he had planned to capture what was supposed to be a wonderful event to that he could have evidence to use against you." Ian just sat there, nodding his head, agreeing with what Jack was saying.

Jack could see that all the color had drained from Grace's face, realizing just how bad things could be. Now was the time to go in for the kill: "But Ian being the kind and sweet boy that he is, he just wants what you had promised. He wants a chance to fuck you - this time with his cock, instead of the other way around."

As she listened to Jack's words, Grace realized that her situation had just gone from bad to worse, and she couldn't see any way out of it. Trying to salvage something from it, she tried to speak, but all that came out was a pitiful squeak. She swallowed and tried again, this time the words were soft and submissive. "What does Ian want from me and what do I get in return?" she asked.

Jack smiled, realizing that he (and Ian) had Grace right where they wanted her. Jack pulled out another envelope and laid it on the table, saying "You are both over 18, so here is what you get out of the deal. In this envelope is a contract that you and Ian will each sign. In it, it states that for one fuck session with you, he agrees not to press charges for any of the 'activities' the other night. It also states that you are agreeing to that session willingly, so no fair crying 'Rape' afterwards and expecting it to stick. But it also had a clause in it that prevents either of you from sharing any photos of either session - the one from the other night or your upcoming fuckfest - with anyone else - ever. Deal?"

Grace thought it over, trying to figure out a way to get out of it. The problem was that this scumbag Jack and that little shit Ian somehow had gotten the better of her and she couldn't think of anyway to get out of this, at least not without some serious shit coming down on her. All she could do was to stall, trying to think of a way out, so she asked "What do you mean by 'fuck session'?" Jack smiled and pointed to Ian saying "That's his call. Anal, oral, pussy, it's his choice. But he has agreed to only one. And if he decides to fuck that pussy, he will wear a condom." Ian just sat there and smiled, not giving Grace a clue as to how he intended to use her. Something about Ian's smile made Grace shiver.

While Grace still couldn't grasp the idea of Ian fucking her physically, it seemed like he and Jack were doing a pretty good job of it mentally. She asked softly "Anything else I should know?"

Jack replied "Oh yeah - since I am the broker for this deal, there is a certain 'fee' that I would like to get out of it. I think a good blow job from you would be a fine payment for setting this up. I mean, this contract will keep that sweet ass of your's out of jail, so what's one more blow job worth to you? You can do me while Ian watches, then I can watch while Ian does you. Seems only fair since there were three of you watching him get fucked over." As he said these last words, Jack handed over a pen and pointed to a line on the last page of his "contract" and told her to sign it.

Still in shock from the whole proposal and not knowing what else to do, Grace reluctantly took the pen and signed. Then Jack passed it over to Ian and made him sign it. Grace watched while he signed on a line that read "Witnessed by". Jack then called over the waitress, waving some money in his hand, and said to her "Hey Jenny, these kids need a witness signature for a business contract. Can you help them out and sign this?" Jenny walked over and signed her name, pocketing the tip from Jack. After she walked away, Jack took the contract and put it back in the envelope, then folded the envelope and put it in his jacket pocket along with the photos.

He looked over at Grace and Ian and said "OK - you two kids figure out a date and time and let me know - soon. The window on this deal closes in 72 hours, after which all bets are off. I'll pick you up and get the room for us." Then he looked over at Grace, his tone again menacing, and said "And you Missy - no shit from you! No one else is to know about this and you are to look nice, really nice, for Ian. And make sure you wear something fancy underneath it all, something that will get him all nice and hard. After all, this is going to be your second date together!" He smiled wickedly at Grace, leaning in as he exited from the booth, saying "Let's see who gets lucky on this date!" With that Jack walked out of the coffee shop, eager to get the call from Ian with the details of their upcoming "date" with Grace.


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Mar 12, 2012
Chapter 3 - Part 2

Grace sat on her bed for the longest time, wishing and hoping that this night would just be over. She had agreed to go out on another "date" with Ian, this time what that fucking limo driver Jack along to "chaperon". "Pervert just wanted a chance to do it with a younger girl", Grace thought to herself. It had been two days and she still couldn't figure out how to get out of the trouble she was in. What kept going through her mind was that what she and the girls had done, HAD TO DO, was just teach that dumb shit Ian a lesson for taking photos of them at the swim meet that she knew he had taken home to masturbate over. She still could not wrap her head around the things that Jack had accused them of - sexual abuse, kidnapping, and rape. I mean - after all - it was ONLY Ian.

She finally got up and went over to her lingerie chest to decide what to wear tonight. Jack's words came back to her as she considered her alternatives. He said "Wear something nice underneath". Grace shuddered as she recalled his demands. But she had no choice. She kept telling herself that she could take anything for just one night. One blow job on that fucking limo driver, then a quick fuck with Ian and she would be out of there and on her way home for a long shower. She just hoped that she would feel clean afterwards.

Grace finally decided that if she was going to have to "look nice" she would have to wear a garter belt and stockings. She certainly did not want to waste time taking off and putting on a pair of pantyhose. She put on a pair of lace boyshorts over the top of this, the extra fabric in those panties making her feel, at least for now, more protected. She topped her lingerie selection off with a black lace bra that fastened in front, which she hoped she would give her better control when they got to that damned motel room. She hoped that they wouldn't give her any shit for how she was dressed. the worst thing would be to fuck up this night because she tried to dress down too much. Grace looked in her closet for a dress, finally selecting one that was not too short, but which has a full lace top and a lace midriff. She put on a pair of snake skin pattern, strappy high heels. Grace unconsciously found herself digging one of the heels of her shoes into the carpet, realizing she was really hoping to do that to one of the guys. Smiling, Grace thought "Maybe if they let their guard down, I can leave them with something more painful to remember me by." With that, her outfit was complete. Just in time too, as the car was expected soon to pick her up.

When Jack arrived in the limo to pick her up, Ian was already in the car. Jack played the chauffeur's role perfectly, greeting her like he would any other paying fair, except that they both knew that she would not be paying him for this ride, at least not in cash. Grace slid into the back seat, trying to keep her distance from Ian. It was bad enough she had to have sex with him, she surely was not going to cuddle up to him as well. Jack stuck his head in the back seat and looked over at Ian asking "So, what do you think? Does she look pretty enough for you?" Ian smiled broadly, a knowing look passing between him and Jack. Apparently they had talked about this because Ian rather boldly exclaimed "Yeah - she looks good on the outside, but I really want to see a peek at what's underneath before we drive away." Grace opened her mouth to complain, then stopped knowing that it any protests would fall on deaf ears. She slowly lifted the hem of her dress until it was very clear to both of the guys that she was wearing a garter belt and lace panties underneath. Ian smiled like a little kid who had just been given a piece of candy. He looked and Jack and nodded. "Oh Yeah!" he exclaimed "A little too much fabric, but that will come off easy enough." Grace was shocked when she looked over at Ian and saw him touching himself, his cock clearly very hard in his pants. She wanted to get out of the car and leave, but Jack had closed the door quickly and was already getting into the driver's seat.

The ride over to the motel, Grace thought thankfully, did not take long. Jack stopped briefly to get a small bag out of the trunk before opening the door for Grace and Ian to exit. He handed Ian the room key and told him that everything was setup, just like they planned. Grace could only wonder what they had in store for her as she entered the room. It felt more like getting caught in a giant spider web, but there was no backing out now. Jack followed behind, closing the motel room door and locking it behind the three of them. Grace started to scan the room and her eyes settled on a camera and tripod setup by the bed. She started to protest when Jack pulled out a set of papers from his coat. He threw them at Grace and sneered "Next time you sign a contract, better read it first. What you agreed to was not only sex with Ian, but it also included a photo release to allow Ian to capture this for his files, just in case he needs proof later."

Ian stepped over to the camera and put it in movie mode. Jack gave Grace a page with some words on it and told her to look into the camera and read it. Grace looked over the page, realizing just now the full extent of her predicament. She thought that she could get this over with quickly, but reading over what they wanted her to say, she knew that that plan was long gone. Reluctantly Grace proceeded to read the words Jack had given her, adding in her and Ian's full names where indicated.

"I, Grace Christine Davis, am here of my own free will. I am over 18 and am of legal age. I am agreeing to have sex with Ian Thomas and Jack Johnson and for these sex acts to be captured via photos and movie clips. The only limits that we have mutually agreed to are that I will only have sex orally with Jack and that Ian will have his choice of how he wants to have sexual intercourse with me, but his choice will be limited to one of the following - my mouth, my vagina, or my anus. I may not be hurt in any way that will be lasting. Otherwise there are no other limits to this session."

After saying those final words, Grace knew she was not getting out of this easily. But the alternative of just giving in was almost too much for her. She clearly had no choice. The hard reality of the situation finally sinking in, she dropped the paper and it was clear from her body language that she was surrendering to Ian and Jack and all that they had planned for her.


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Mar 12, 2012
I stopped posting stories because there did not appear to be any real interest. If you would like me to finish this one or write more, I would appreciate some feedback.


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Mar 12, 2012
OK - here is the next installment of this chapter


As Grace has been reading her release for the camera, Jack was taking several items out of the bag he had brought in. Among them were a pair of leather cuffs, a double ended clip to bind them together, a ball gag, and a set of nipple clamps. As soon as Grace finished her little speech, Jack was behind her, his hand at the back of her neck. He leaned in, his mouth close to Grace's ear, his hot breath on her neck. Grace gave a little shudder as Jack told her it was time to take off her dress and show them how nicely she had dressed up for them. He found the tab for her zipper and pulled it all the way down. He could see the straps that made up the back of her bra, black against her tanned flesh. He could also make out the top of the lacy panties that she was wearing. As she pulled her hands out the sleeves of the dress, so that it could fall to the ground at her feet, Jack tossed one of the cuffs to Ian, then grabbed Grace's left hand and started to put the cuff on her wrist. He told Ian "I got the left hand, you take the right."

It did not take long for the guys to not only put the cuffs on her wrist, but to pull her hands behind her and fasten the cuffs together. Jack's next action was to take the ball gag and wrap it around Grace's head, telling her to open up. She started to protest, asking Jack how should could blow him with a gag in her mouth, but he just put his hand over her mouth and nose, shutting off all her air! Grace tried to take a breath, but couldn't get any! She started to panic, wondering what would happen next when Jack released his hand from over her mouth. Instinctively she opened her mouth wide to get a breath of air, only too late understanding that Jack had been waiting for this exact moment to shove the ball into her mouth. He pulled the straps behind her head and buckled it tightly. Grace tried to push the ball out of her mouth with her tongue, but Jack hadn't left her any slack.

He stepped around to the front of Grace and motioned to Ian. Pointing to Grace's chest, he noted "I just love it when a woman has her hands tied behind her, don't you Ian? It makes her tits stand out that much more." With that, he reached up and pulled the shoulder straps of Grace's bra down over her arm, then reached down to pull the fabric of her bra down, revealing her nipples. Then Jack took his fingers and ran then over one of Grace's nipples very gently, caressing the soft flesh. He looked at Ian and said "Feel this - this is what a woman's tits feel like." Ian reached up, but his touch was no where near as gentle as Jack's and Grace started to recoil. All of a sudden she felt a painful tugging in her other breast, the one Jack had been caressing. His fingers had tightened around her nipple and he was pulling and twisting it. "Not so fast there Grace. Ian is just learning. Come back here so that he can learn how to properly caress someone's tits. You never gave him a chance on that last date."

"Hey Ian" Jack asked, "I don't think I want to keep calling this little piece of ass 'Grace' all night long. How about we treat her like she did you and use her like a little slut puppy. And you know what they call a female dog? A bitch!" Jack laughed at the double meaning of the word. He reached into his bag and took out a wide dog collar. It had the words "Bitch" and "Slut" embroidered into it. He held it up so that Grace could see the little dog bone hanging from the ring on the collar. It had her name, "Grace", engraved on it. Jack slipped the collar around Grace's neck, making sure it was very snug, and fastened it. He then attached a chain leash to the ring on the collar and handed the free end to Ian asking him, "Want to take this slut bitch for a little walk before we get down to business?"

Grace really did not want to be treated like a dog, so she pulled back as Ian tried to get her to walk around behind him. Jack noticed this and stopped Ian, telling him that he apparently did not have give "the bitch" enough incentive to follow him. He took the nipple clamps that were still on the table by the door and proceeded to grab each of Grace's tits, attaching one of the clamps to each of her nipple. He then took the chain connecting them and clipped it to the leash, so that the leash pulled more on the nipple clamps than it did on the collar. Jack said "Try it now. I bet the bitch will follow you anywhere now, especially if you just give that leash a nice tug every once and a while."

Grace had no choice but to follow Ian around the room - that or feel like her nipples were being ripped off her tits. It hurt so much each time he yanked on the leash that Jack and Ian could hear her whimpering even with the ball gag in her mouth. Jack grabbed the camera and started to take some pictures of Ian and Grace, making sure he had some good closeups of her face, her tits, and her panties and garter belt - ironically the same type of photos that had originally gotten Ian into so much trouble in the first place!


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Mar 12, 2012
Next installment - should I continue the story?

After being paraded around the room for about five minutes, and with her nipples in severe pain from Ian's jerking on the leash, Jack asked Ian to bring "the bitch" over to the space between the two queen beds where he was standing. Jack undid the belt on his pants and dropped both his pants and underwear to the floor, then sat down on one of the beds.

He took the leash from Ian and snarled at Grace "Ready to suck my cock now bitch?" as he gave her leash a sharp tug. Grace grimaced at first from the pain in her nipples, then looked in the direction that Jack has tugged with her leash. She could see Jack's penis standing up, hard and erect, waiting for her lips to encircle it.

She tried to say something to remind him of the ball gag when Jack nodded, saying "Yeah. I know. Not enough room in there for that ball AND my cock. Well come here my little slut puppy so that I can take it off and you can put that pretty little mouth of yours to work."

Grace knelt down in front of Jack. Jack pulled her head forward so that he could get to the clasp holding the ball gag in place, causing Grace's cheek to brush up against Jack's cock. She hoped that he would come quickly so that she could have that part of the evening over with as soon as possible. No sooner had Jack pulled the hard plastic ball from Grace's mouth, then he started to slide his cock between her lips.

Jack grabbed Grace's head with both hands and pulled her head closer to him, pushing more of his cock into her mouth. She could feel his cock starting to tickle the back of her throat and she started to choke and gag. Instead of letting go of her head, Jack held her even tighter, keeping his cock lodged deep in her mouth. Grace could feel her tongue starting to spasm, but Jack's cock was filling her mouth, giving her no place to move her tongue. Jack could feel Grace's tongue rippling against the underside of his cock as she tried to control her gag reflex, but he did not let go of her head. If anything, he tried to push his cock deeper down her throat.

Finally he pulled her head back and Grace tried hard to suppress the gagging. With her hands tied behind her, Grace knew that all she had was her lips and her tongue to make Jack come, so she pressed her lips tightly around the shaft of his cock, using her tongue now to play with the head of his penis. She heard an approving moan from Jack, so she started slide her lips back and forth, up and down, his cock gliding in and out of her mouth, her moist juicy lips wrapped tightly around it.

As she continued to suck his cock, she started to wonder what would happen when he came. When she gave her boyfriends blow jobs, she always finished them with her hands. Yeah, she usually got some on her face, but she never had to swallow any of their cum. She wondered if she could stop sucking on Jack's cock in time to let it slip out of her mouth before he exploded inside it.

After what seemed like forever, Grace noticed a change in Jack. He was breathing heavily, telling her not to stop, the words coming slowly, one at a time. She also felt his hands pull her head closer, driving his cock deeper into her mouth.

Just when she felt that he was about to come, Jack's hands curled up tightly in her hair and he pulled her head closer to him, his cock again very deep in her mouth causing her to gag. Her tongue started rippling again in spasms as she fought the gag reflex. Then she felt it and tasted it, salty and musky, the flavor filling her mouth. Jack had come in her mouth!

All Grace wanted to do was to puke, but there was still this hard cock in her mouth and as tightly as he was holding her head, there was no way she was going to get free until he had deposited his whole load of sperm. Jack's hands pulled Grace's face back just enough to stop the gagging, but he never let go of her, keeping his cock buried deep in her mouth.

"Make sure that you suck it good and swallow it all bitch. I want you to suck every last drop of my juices out of my cock." Hearing Jack's words, Grace knew that there was no way she was going to get out of swallowing his whole load. Reluctantly she gulped and swallowed, but she was unable to get the taste of Jack's sperm out of her mouth.

She could feel his cock starting to shrink a bit, his erection spent, but there was still so much of him in her mouth that all she could do was suck and swallow, her sucking pulling the last few drops of his semen from Jack's cock.

Jack remembered how the girls had treated Ian when he was done servicing them, so he let go of Grace's hair and started patting her head, like one does to a dog that has just completed a trick, say "Nice girl. You're such a good little slut bitch. Not only giving me a really nice blow job, but lapping up my cum as well. Now finish the job and lick the rest of it off my cock and my balls before I turn you over to Ian for your next trick."

Grace knew she had no choice but to make sure that Jack's cock and his balls were nice and clean, seeing that he had picked her leash up and was holding it in his hand, ready to give it a hard yank and punish her if she wasn't good. She sucked his flaccid cock, then proceeded to use her tongue to give Jack's balls a good licking. Not only could she smell his scent, the musky scent of man that has just had sex, she could taste it as she continued to clean off his testicles with her tongue.


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Mar 12, 2012
Jack turned to Ian and said "You might want to rethink your choices for fucking this little bitch. She has a marvelous mouth for sucking cock, especially if you make sure to keep it filled. Nice and deep, and her tongue virtually gives your cock a massage. Between that and the sucking and licking clean afterwards, I guarantee that you will come good and hard and enjoy it. But it's your choice. After all, this is your revenge. I'm just here for my piece of the action." With these last words, Jack smiled at Grace, a devious smile that made her skin crawl.

"So Ian - what will it be? Door number 1, door number 2, or door number 3?"

Grace was trying to figure out what those numbers could mean, when Ian rather quickly and somewhat enthusiastically almost shouted "Door number 3!" Grace turned to look at him and it was clear that whatever he meant by "door number 3", this was highly exciting to him. His cock was so hard and erect, it was trying to burst out of his pants.

Jack looked over at Ian and said “Then we better get this bitch slut into the proper position for your fun.” He wasted no time in reaching down and unfastening the clip that held Grace's hands together, then quickly grabbed her right hand. What was surprising was how quickly Ian grabbed her left wrist. Clearly they had worked this out in advance. Jack grabbed her by the hair and pulled her upright, only to push her down on the bed behind her. Both Jack and Ian pulled her arms out to her sides tightly, then reached under the bed with their free hands and each grabbed a clip that had been hidden there. The clips were attached to ropes, and after they fastened them to each of Grace's wrist cuffs, they each pulled on the ends of each rope, pulling out all of the slack. This pulled Grace down onto the bed sideways, with her arms stretched out tightly from the head to the foot of the bed. Even though it was a queen bed, her bottom was nearly hanging off of it and the only way she kept herself on the bed was to keep her feet on the floor.

Jack walked over to where he had dropped the ball gag and retrieved it. He motioned to Grace to open up her mouth again. Knowing that Jack would use the same technique he had employed earlier of shutting off her oxygen, she reluctantly complied and just opened her mouth to let him install that hateful ball. Grace knew with it in, whatever noises she could make would be muffled. Jack again pulled the straps tightly around her head, fastening them and making sure there was no way for Grace to dislodge her gag.

Jack returned to his bag for something, giving Ian some directions "I think that we need to take off that collar for now, don't you Ian?" As Ian reached down to unbuckle Grace's dog collar, Jack pulled his hand out of the bag with another set of cuffs, slightly larger than the ones on her wrists, and some more lengths of rope. “Just toss the collar in the bag for now.” Jack told Ian.

"Time to take care of those legs too, don't you think Ian?" With that, he tossed a cuff and a length of rope to Ian, then took the other pair and walked between the beds and over to Grace. He took the cuff and wrapped it around her upper calf, just below the knee and buckled it. Ian mimicked Jack's actions with the other cuff. Then they each tied one end of their pieces of rope to the leg cuffs, then ran the other end of the rope over to where Grace's hands were tied. They threaded the rope through the rings in Grace's wrist cuffs, then pulled the ropes tight. This resulted in Grace's legs being pulled up towards her head and out, rotating her lower body at her hips. If she was not still wearing her panties, her pussy and even her asshole would have been visible and worse yet accessible.

Jack reached out and started to rub Grace's pubic mound through her panties. He heard her mumbling something, but her words were a bit garbled by the ball gag. "Don't worry little bitch, I promised that I would only have oral with you. But that doesn't mean I can't cop a feel when something soft and smooth and sexy, like your teenage pussy, presents itself. You're just lucky I don't fuck that pussy of yours right now, but a contract is a contract." Before he turned to walk away, he gave her pussy a sharp smack, then another, and yet a third. After each hit, she tried to squirm away, but tied out as she was, there was no escape Jack's spanking her pussy. With the gag in her mouth, all Grace could do is shake her head and try to speak, but her protests were muffled by the gag.

"Not quite the same as pulling on poor Ian's balls like you did, but it only seemed right to give you back a little of the same punishment you gave him." Jack pointed at Grace's panties "How about it Ian, don't you want a little payback, something extra, some 'interest', so to speak, to go along with the main event?"

As Ian stepped up and started to raise his hand, Jack reached out and grabbed the video camera. "I'm sure you will want to have a keepsake of this moment. Something you can watch over and over again, something you can even jack off it." Grace looked over at Jack, horrified, but there was little she could do in the way of protest. He and Ian were going to get their pictures and videos, no matter what she said or did.

Ian paused, letting Jack's words sink in. He was also remembering the pain and torture that the girls had put him through and he realized did want some payback, some revenge. Ian could feel his face getting flushed with anger as he remembered that night, and his first blow landed with such force that Grace's scream was clearly heard by both of him and Jack, even muffled by the ball gag. His temper flaring, he was clearly out for revenge for the other night, so he did not stop at one smack. All total, he gave Grace about 10 rather hard spankings right across her pussy before Jack dropped the camera and went over, pulled him away, and told him to go sit down and cool off.

Grace was still crying and whimpering when Jack returned to her. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize how enraged he would become. I meant for him to get take out some revenge, but not this harshly. Quite honestly you did deserve most of this. But, as we promised in the contract, nothing lasting, and we are still within the bounds of our contract. So no real reprieve for you. Instead let me give you and Ian a short rest while I get your special treat."


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Mar 12, 2012
"There is one more thing we need to take care of before Ian has his way with you." Jack was again rummaging in his bag. "Here is your replacement collar, and I made sure that it even had fresh batteries in it." With that he pulled out a dog's shock collar, just like the one that the girls had tormented Ian with on prom night.

Grace shook her head violently, her eyes pleading with Jack as he walked over to her with that infernal collar. Grace knew how badly they had behaved with Ian when he was forced to wear that collar and she wanted nothing to do with wearing one herself. As Jack tried to put the collar around her neck, she kept shaking her head violently, making it almost impossible for him to get the collar in place long enough to buckle it. "Ian, come over her and grab her hair, a handful on each side of her head, pull her head up, and hold it still while I put this collar on her."

It was clear that Ian had his composure back as he walked around the bed and grabbed Grace's hair like Jack told him. He pulled his hands apart, then used his hold on her hair to lift her head off the bed. Ian stared at her, his eyes locked on her, his stare cold and icy, while Jack finally put the shock collar on Grace and get it buckled. Jack reached into his pocket for something, which turned out to be a small padlock. He wound the shackle into the buckle of the collar, then snapped it shut.

"There you go bitch. Your collar is in place. A couple of things you need to know. This one does not have the usual off-on switch. As long as it is in place tightly on your neck, it is always on. And that little lock, well it should keep you from taking this collar off, even if your hands are free." It was clear from Jack's tone, that the softer spoken version of Jack that she had seen moments before was gone and the Jack that was speaking to her now was that manipulative bastard that had drawn up that damned contract that she was being forced to live out.

The movement of his fingers that she saw out of the corner of her eye, followed immediately by a sharp shock around her neck was further proof. "Just a little taste so that you know when it feel like. That was the lowest setting. Don't make me or Ian want to use High. Be a good little bitch and follow directions and you won't have to get any more punishment than what is absolutely necessary to train you."

Grace's eyes widened at the word “train” in Jack's last statement. How long did they intend to keep her here? In thinking back, there was not mention of a time limit in the contract. Now Grace was getting really worried and it was evident on her face and in her eyes. Jack had seen the change come over her and smiled maliciously. “Don't worry bitch, we won't keep you here too long. Just long enough so that we have plenty of memories, and plenty of pictures, of how much fun it was to use and abuse you. A chance like this comes along very rarely, so a guy has to take full advantage when he can.”

Jack looked over at Ian and asked him “So, are you ready to start training this little bitch?” Ian nodded his head and went over to Jack's bag. This time he removed a pair of scissors, a tube of some kind of cream, and a wand-shaped object with a large ball on one end and an electrical cord on the other. He moved to the space between the two beds and turned towards Grace. He reached out to feel the lace fabric of her panties and the soft mound of flesh that lay underneath. Grace recoiled at his touch, both because it was Ian that wanted to touch her and because her pussy was still sore and tender from the brutal spanking she had just received from him.

But his hand was soft and gentle. Ian looked up at Grace, his hand sliding slowly up and down between her legs, and said “I've dreamed of this day for years now. All those times I was taking pictures of you and your girl friends, focusing in on your tits and your crotches, hoping to get a nice nipple shots or camel toe picture, something I could fantasize about. And now here you are, in a motel room with me and I'm caressing your panties, your pussy. Maybe not exactly how YOU might want to be here, but you are here nonetheless. And I am going to have sex with you, I'm going to get the chance to fuck you. The only thing that would be sweeter would be if you wanted me to fuck you. Or rather if you begged me. When I told Jack about this fantasy, he figured since you were such a bitch to me, that he thought he might have a way to make you really want me, in fact beg me, to fuck you. That was the only reason that I agreed to this whole thing. To hear those words from you, no matter what prompted you to say them. And then to actually do it – to get a chance to fuck you.”

This was the most that Grace had ever heard Ian say. Granted she was tied to a bed in a motel room with a gag in her mouth, so she couldn't leave and couldn't mouth off to him, like she had so many other times at school. But his words, his speech, it was almost like he was pleading with her. But he was still Ian and there was no way that Grace was ever going to want him to fuck her, let alone beg him. She was only here because she had been rather effectively blackmailed.


Senior Kink Talk Member
  • Bisexual
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  • Dominant
Mar 12, 2012
Continuing the story of Grace and Ian

“Time to train the bitch Ian” Jack said. He had set the video camera up on the tripod so that it was pointing across Grace's bottom, up towards her head. Jack had turned the display screen towards Grace so she could see herself. Right now what was visible at the bottom of the frame was a very clear picture of her panties, then her nipples with the clamps still attached a little higher in the shot, then her head at the top of the frame, with the ball gag very visible in her mouth.

While Jack was doing this, Ian had plugged in the wand-shaped item. He then reached for the scissors and proceeded to cut up the outside of each leg of Grace's panties, moving his scissors from her thigh to her hip. When he had completed the cuts on both sides, he grabbed the waistband and peeled the lace fabric off of Grace, finally exposing her pussy and her asshole. Her pubic hair was still trimmed into a small heart shape, with the bottom of the heart pointing the way to her pussy.

“Before we start, I wonder how wet this little bitch is” Jack mused. He moved between the beds, next to Ian, and ran his fingers up and down the mound of flesh between Grace's legs. He used his fingers to separate the soft folds of flesh that were Grace's pussy lips, then pressed a finger between them and into her. He smiled as he pulled out the finger and showed it to Ian “Just as I thought, the little slut is getting moist and dewy just being her tied up and helpless. Maybe spanking her pussy actually turned her on. Or maybe her pussy is telling her it just wants to be fucked. Either way, she certainly is a slut.”

Jack encouraged Ian “Go ahead. You earned the right to see how wet she is. Maybe you even want to taste her.” To show Ian what he meant, he took his finger, slick from Grace's juices, and stuck it into his mouth, obviously licking it clean. “Yum – she tastes good, like a sweet teen-aged fucktoy.” Ian followed Jack's lead, pressing his own finger between Grace's pussy lips and into her vagina. After he withdrew it, clearly moist from being inside her, he sucked his own finger, tasting Grace. As he did, his eyes took on a dreamy quality, like he was fantasizing about her even though she was bound helpless right there in front of him.

“Sorry Ian to bring you back to to reality, but this lesson in what a women tastes like is over, at least for now. Time to make this little bitch sit up and beg. Well, at least the begging part; she's not much for being able to sit up right now.” Jack and Ian both laughed weakly at his attempt at humor. Ian picked up the wand shaped item and slide a switch on its side. A low hum began to emit from the item. As Ian pressed it to Grace's pussy, it was clear that this was an electric vibrator. After it had been in place for a few seconds, Ian moved the switch upwards even further and the speed and intensity of the vibrations increased. It didn't take long before Grace was feeling the effects of the vibrator being pressed to her pussy. Her clitoris was directly under the head of the vibrator and the constant vibrations were bringing her closer and closer to an orgasm.

Grace could feel her body shaking and tensing like it did when she had played with herself manually, just before she came. She was wondering why the guys were attempting to make her come when suddenly Jack told Ian “Back off”. Ian quickly pulled the vibrator away from Grace and turned it off. Grace's body was shaking, but not the shaking that was the sign of an impending orgasm, but shaking from the frustration of having her orgasm denied. She tried to scream at the guys to continue, but her gag prevented that. Not that it would have mattered. It was also clear from their expressions that even if she had begged them to continue, neither Ian nor Jack would not have let her come. She banged her head on the mattress, trying to demonstrate her level of frustration.

After two or three minutes, clearly they were giving her time for her body to calm down a bit, Jack told Ian “Time for round 2”. Ian again pressed the vibrator up tight against her pussy and turned it on again. It didn't take her nearly as long to get close to an orgasm this time, only to have Jack tell Ian again to “Back off” just as Grace was getting close. And once again Grace was left with an intense feeling of frustration that can only come from a lack of release.

Once more they gave her just a few minutes for her body to recover before Jack had Ian start another round of teasing with the vibrator. This time Grace felt that it was only a matter of moments before she would come. She was so close to an orgasm when suddenly, in addition to the stimulation of the vibrator being removed at Jack's command, she also got a rather large jolt from the shock collar. The combination of pain and frustration forced her to scream, but that ball gag did its job and muffled most of the noise. “Can't have you coming now, not until we are sure you have earned it. You were getting too close to coming and I was afraid that some sort of carry-over might just drive you over the edge. So I had to go beyond just simple orgasm denial to actually using the shock collar to help ruin that last orgasm.” Jack explained, his voice exuding a rather malicious tone.

Whatever game these guys were playing, Grace was starting to feel like a pawn. Or maybe more like a tennis ball, being batted from one side to the other, from the high of an almost orgasm to the low of the shock collar jolting her. In fact the euphoria that normally proceeded an orgasm was totally gone this time, unlike the first two times, when it lay smoldering, like ashes waiting to be fanned into a flame. The shock that Grace had gotten had totally evaporated her body's mounting tension and anticipation. She knew that if they continued this cruel game, her journey to arousal this time would be starting nearly from scratch.

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