Tumblr ban of NSFW on December 17th


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Aug 1, 2017
Now that Tumblr will ban all adult oriented stuff from December 17th those of us who express our kinks online and sometimes use Tumblr what would be a good alternative to it ? It was pretty good to browse through and repost contents etc. Not sure what will Tumblr be used for now if not this ? ;)

Ana The Sniper

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Feb 8, 2018
Temporarily.Exposed is also likely shutting down completely. They have a poll up to see if there is a way to salvage it.

Apparently all the revenge porn and Tumblrs recent child porn incident are causing a lot of sites to panic. While I can't blame them for wanting to cover themselves, it does suck because those are two sites I frequent for my own use. Both are anonymous enough that I can post without too much worry of being found out.

I'm looking into alternatives but so far they aren't great for what I like. For tumblr, there is always Reddit, and I believe someone is working on a similar platform that allows NSFW content. For T.E, it will be harder because most of the fun is from the random settings you can select. Other "exposure" sites don't have the same functionality.


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Nov 1, 2014
Here's a copy/paste that I found...


for general use
  • joinmastodon.org - basically like if twitter and discord had a child??
  • myspace.com - yes, it still exists, i’m just as surprised as you
  • soup.io - very similar to tumblr, plus it can import your tumblr blog
    • EDIT: SOUP BROKEN. a lot of people are reporting issues with creating accounts or that the website is totally broken.
  • twitter.com - allows posting both text and photos in sets, allows retweets
geared towards writers and bloggers
geared towards artists and photographers
  • deviantart.com - huge community, allows posting art + sorting into folders
  • flickr.com - great community for photographers, can join groups
  • furaffinity.net - similar to DA but for furries, easy to display commish info
  • instagram.com - photo and video posts, excellent tag search
  • piczel.tv - allows both streaming and posting art / photosets to a gallery
  • pixiv.net - huge anime art community, allows livestreaming
paid platforms
  • patreon.com - subscription-based access to many diff types of content
  • pillowfort.io - still in beta, but should function almost identically to tumblr
  • typepad.com - similar to wordpress but with reblogging and a dash


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Jun 7, 2015
From looking at various tumblrs posts on the subject, most genuine creators are shifting to combinations of: twitter, patreon, snapchat and instagram. If you wanted to meet and talk with kinky people there's a ton of active sites and communities anyway which are going fine: fetlife, getdare, collarspace, xhamster, pornhub.

Temp.exposed will shut down, the site owners really don't seem willing or able to sort out the problems and the site has always been built and run in a rather amateur fashion. A new one will open up i'm certain, temp.exp was like the 3rd or 4th copy of something else (like destroyable.io as well), because it's an easy format to create and run for a short while. And there's an idea there which can be run very professionally and legally with some effort and investment.

KinkTalk could benefit and re-design itself as a tumblr fill in? Probably not as it would be a big job but that would definitely improve the site :p

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
KinkTalk could benefit and re-design itself as a tumblr fill in? Probably not as it would be a big job but that would definitely improve the site :p
As you will have noted and as been discussed by Depp already blogging was broken during the transition to the new Xenforo system however that doesn't mean it is gone for good. He is hopeful that it will be resurrected at a later date and given the improved integration of images into the rest of the forum it may be that we can accommodate a half way house version here.
Stay tuned...

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