Slutty bitch needs to fill her days. F/26


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Oct 16, 2012

Please schedule lots of activities for me to do around the house. I love to be diapered and be treated like the little baby I am.

You can also pm me rules. My person rules are three meals a day, drink water through out the day, bed time is 10pm sharp.

Toys I have: diapers, penis pump (makes my pussy lips big and swollen), dildo, bullet vibrator, silicon anal plugs (xs, s, m,l,xl I can only use xs right now) and an enema bag.

Some things that cross my limits: public (I do work from home for now but am looking for a new job), involving others (I live with two other people), self harm, permanent changes, anything involving animals or children, illegal activities, and substance abuse.

I do not use kik.
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Oct 16, 2012
I see someone has added a few tasks such as "Pre-bed corner time", "Deepthroat training", "Evening Ass-esment", and "cold shower". I am very grateful to those who had added to my calendar and am looking for more things to add. I appreciate all of you!


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Oct 16, 2012
Thank you to those who are still adding things. I have changed the enema to be four days a week for health reasons and made a few tasks reoccurring forever.


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Oct 16, 2012
For this evenings tasks I had 15 minutes of yoga in a one piece swimsuit. It was pretty basic. I did my normal yoga and stretching. Nothing to exciting to tell you about.

The next task I had was Anal stretching. It didn't take much for my ass to get sore since I have not used it sexually in over a year. So I put in my smallest plug and that was a tight fit. I then roughly fucked my asshole with it until it feel extremely uncomfortable and was irritated. This took about 10 minutes total of me yanking it out and slamming it back in. Boy do I wish I was a lot more liberal with the lube application. My asshole is still sore.

My third task was Sore pussy and it is appropriate in its name. I pumped my pussy as much as I could so that my lips were stolen and red. They felt like I had Botox in my pussy lips. Not very comfortable. Then I administered the first 100 slaps lightly as instructions said. They were not painful but instead were uncomfortable. Next up came the 50 medium slaps, this is where things started to hurt. My swollen and leaking pussy felt like it was on fire by the time number 50 was met. I dreaded the next 10 but knew they needed to be done or I might be in for an even worse fate. So I bit down on a towel I had for later and quickly got those 10 out of the way. I then got a bowl full of ice, a full tube of toothpaste and some electrical tape. I began by slathering all of the ice in toothpaste before shoving them one by one up my pussy. Once I was filled to the max (about 10 ice cubes) I taped my lips shut and began to fill my already sore ass. I managed to get 12 in my ass and I am super surprised that I could. I think the last task loosened me up a bit even though it was my smallest plug. I waited while the ice cold toothpaste and water slowly dripped out of my pussy onto the towel. Once all the ice was melted and I was no longer dripping I hopped in the shower for a quick but ice cold wash. Of course I washed my hair, body and rinsed my pussy out. That was absolutely torture. I was then allowed to empty the watery mess from my ass. Wiping hurt more than ever.

Exercise time was my normal routine I played beat saber for an hour of cardio plus the stretching from earlier so I am at 1 hour and 15 minutes for the day.

Then it was finally 9 and I could do my 30 minutes of edging and corner time. I am writing this as I lay down.

The 30 minutes of edging with a sore pussy is hell. I wanted to cum so many times and since the task did not state otherwise I came after the 30 minute mark but not a second before. My pussy is a goner for sure if this keeps up.

Lastly I did my pre-bed corner time. For 15 minutes I kneeled in my room with my legs spread and my arms locked behind my head. For added challenge I places a penny between my nose and the wall and forced myself to hold it there. Once the timer went off I got up and went to my bed to write this out.

Thank you all for adding to my calendar I hope we can keep this going. Please review my daily log and let me know if I did a good job. If I did not please correct me so I can be better in the future and give me a punishment so I can learn from my naughty behavior.


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Oct 16, 2012
Hay everyone sorry for the super late report. I was having a really rough week last week. But I did still manage to do all of my assigned tasks. This one will be super long since I am a few days late.

7am cold shower. This was hell! My whole body was shivering and I couldn't wait to get out of the shower as quick as humanly possible. I even ended up peeing on myself in the shower because I was so cold. It was kind of funny but I also had to rewash my legs because of that.

5pm deep throat training. As suggested I got a banana even though they make me queesy from the texture and practiced my deep throat training for about 10 minutes. After the first five minutes the banana started to turn to mush and I was feeling nauseous. After another five I called it quits. My tummy was very angry.

5:30 enema time! Since the amount was not specifically names I took a .5L enema of ice cold water, inserted my plug and did 30 crunches, 2 min of planks, and 10 squats. The squats almost made me blow out. Thankfully I squeezed my ass tight and was able to keep it all in. After those I let it out and administered my 2nd enema this one was .75L of ice water and 5 ice cubes I put the plug back in and held it for 20 minutes. Boy was my asshole freezing.

7- like almost every day I played beat saber on expert, nothing exciting or new here.

9 edging for 30 minutes. This was fun at first but soon became a living hell. After about 10 minutes my poor clit was sore from all the edging. I have personally banned myself from cumming for the next month so even though the task didn't say I could not cum I refused. I had to put ice on my poor clit to get the throbbing to stop.

9:45 corner time. I was thankful to get the 15 minutes of naked corner time with my hands on my head. It gave me time to think about the day. I must admit that I had a lot of fun even though my poor clit Is sore. Poor been will be sore for the foreseeable future.

After my hair appointment I came right home and began to exercise with my normal beat saber routine.
9- more edging hell. Fml. My clit was still sore but better get to it. 30 minutes of pure hell was what I got. I was whimpering and wanting it to stop. Sure I could have quit and my clit could rest but I didn't wanna quit so soon. I completed this task barely and it feels like I took sand paper to my poor clit.

9:45- another corner time. I was thinking about how I love my new hair color. It's so bright and vibrant! 15 minutes passed in no time.

6am yoga. I did a full 30 minutes of yoga since I woke up early. I did yoga nude in my bedroom for privacy but it was a nice way to wake up.

5pm enema time. Today I decided to start with another .5 L enema this time hot water (not too hot but uncomfortable) and decided to skip the plug to see what would happen. I did my exercises starting with squats first. Doing them first helped me not feel the urge as bad. Then came crunches, they were easy but I felt the urge building. Planks were last. It was much harder than I thought to keep my self straight while clenching my ass. But once it was done I let it all out. The 2nd enema was an iced enema. I inserted 10 ice cubes in my ass first then filled it with 1L of water. I made a huge mistake. That was too much and too fast since I put it on the shower curtain instead of holding it. I barely made it to the toilet before it all came rushing out. (If you feel I did a bad job this time please pm me a punishment.)

Evening ass-essment
So I put my nipple clamps on and they were a little tight but stayed well then I got in diaper position with my legs in the air and gave each ass check 20 hard smacks counting them as I did. My ass was very sore and red by the end of the first 20. I quickly pulled the clamps off and whew that hurt. I applied a generous amount of toothpaste and it was tingly but not painful but once I added the clamps back whew that stung. I then quickly rolled 3 die and got a 1, 5, and 3 and multiplied them to get 15. That was the new number of hard seats I needed to apply to each ass cheek.

9 edging I decided to skip today as my ass was already sore and my clit was hurting still. This was for my own physical health.

9:45 corner time. I kneeled in the corner and left my arms above my head. I didn't dare risk putting my ass on my feet as it was bright red and hurt like hell.

7- enema time. Today's enema was a soapy water enema. I took .75L and held it for 15 minutes while doing some simple yoga. Downward dog was a bit rough and I felt like I might explode but over all not too bad the cramping from the soap was quite painful and I felt like I was clamping down every few seconds.

9- edging. Today was another skip day due to soreness. Plans to resume tomorrow.

9:15- I did not exercise today as I was too busy so as per requested I spent 15 minutes spanking my ass with a hair brush.

9:45- corner time I didn't really think much in today's corner time so I just worked on breathing.


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Oct 16, 2012
7-shower. I didn't want to waste a while bottle of shampoo so I just used twice the amount I usually do. It was a normal shower but I did turn the water colder than normal to make up for not using the required amount of shampoo.

9- fap

"Go on fap roulette and pick one diaper task, one edging task, one anal task, one piss task, and one pussy torture task to complete on the hardest mode (doubles or triples). Write a report on all of them and post to getdare and kinktalk under your thread. If you fail you will accept three punishments from her dare users, three punishments from kinktalk users, and re do all attempted fap roulette regardless of passing the task. "

For this task I simply typed in the task name and clicked random. I gathered all my tasks to I could do them in the appropriate order to what I rolled.
First up was pussy torture. I couldn't find anything labeled as such so I selected female and typed pussy. I got a fuck generator. I had to do 5 rounds of fucking my pussy. Each round was 25 strokes and I got a 1 min break between rounds. This was pretty easy but I did almost cum three times. Thankfully I managed to stop.

Then came pee. I had to drink 2L of water hold it for 30 min with a vibrator on my clit before I was aloud to piss my pants. This was much harder than I thought. By the time I safely finished the 2L I was already wanting to burst. I was able to hold out till the last second. The moment my alarm went off I peed all over my pants in the shower but boy did it feel good. My pussy was soaked from all my juices and piss.

For anal I had to watch 30 min of anal hard core porn while using my small dildo to fuck my ass and try to keep up. This was pretty easy but my ass is all raw and sore now.

Then came edging. I had to put on a diaper watch sissy hypno and hump a pillow for 10 minutes. Easy peasy then I had to piss my self instead of cumming.

Finally diaper. I rolled 3 hours. I needed to take a 15 min walk with at least 2" of my diaper picking out and I was not allowed to hold my pee at all. This was super embarrassing but I walked to my local park and back then around the block it took me about 20-25 minutes.

8 ice pussy. I filled my pussy with 5 large ice cubes and put another 10 in my diaper. This was my bathroom for the night.

After I did that I quickly did my hour of exercise before my nightly edging. My diaper was already a bit puffy from the ice and a little pee but I rubbed my pussy from outside of my diaper for the full 30 minutes. Half way through I peed myself again. Oopsie.

I got two enema tasks for today so I will smoosh them into one.
Eat two cans of beans and drink a pot of coffee, and pad up for 2 hours. Better hope you used enough baby powder to cover the stinky toots you will have. No perfume allowed. IF you accidentally poop you need to stay in the soiled diaper for an extra two hours making sure to smoosh you poop all over your ass. You can clean up after the two hours is up with a cold shower and an icy cold enema to finish cleaning out your asshole. Once you are nice and empty give your self a good quiet of lube right up the bum and put back on your soiled diaper after scooping the poop into the potty. You are not allowed to hold the lube in or force it out, it must come out on it's own when it wants. After another two hours you may clean your self out with a few different enemas. The first being a 1L cold soapy and tooth paste enema held for 15 minutes( plug optional) the second being an ice cold 1L enema for 5 minutes and doing 25 jumping jacks(no plug), the third will be a very warm(not too hot) enema while in doggie position and the bag being held up high by a rod or similar(no plug), and must be held for 10 minutes and finally a warm 2L enema held for 5 minutes (or 10 with a plug). After you completely finish you will write a full review on kink talk and get dare. If someone tells you you did a bad job, or you fail at any section you will repeat this process every week until you get 10 positive comments and complete the task

After eating the beans and drinking all the coffee I padded up. I only lasted the full two hours and was so thankful I could be done. I went to the bathroom and let what I could out before taking an ice cold shower and the two enemas from the night task. The first was 1L warm water for 5 minutes. The second was .5 soapy water enema for 10 minutes. Then I could do the ice enema from this task. I let that out after 6 minutes. Grabbed my lube and squirted a pretty decent amount into my ass before diapering back up. The lube started dribbling out almost right away. But I stayed in the sticky never ending goop for the full two hours. And now it was time for more enemas.... Oh goodie...

The next enema was a 1L cold enema with toothpaste and soap holding for 15. This is where things got rough. My ass was already sore and the Mix only make me feel worse. I felt like my asshole was on fire and nothing was helping. Then came the 1L cold enema. This helped with some of the burning but not the cramps. The 25 jumping jacks in + 5 minutes were even worse. I could feel it all shaking inside but my pussy was dripping wet. The third was a very warm with no amount listed so I did another 1L while in doggie style and the bag was held up by my shower curtain and held in the position for 10 minutes. This was a nice relaxing thing to do minus the cramps. And the last was a warm 2L enema held with a plug for 10 minutes. I knew with out the plug I couldn't hold that big of an enema for 5 min with not help so I opted for the longer time with assistance. This was hard I was squirming and ready to cry when the timer went off. After letting it out my asshole hurt to even wipe but the water was squeeky clean and so we're my insides.

9pm edging was surprisingly easy today I think because I wasn't sore anymore. I watched 30 minutes of a girl being fucked in the ass with a horse cock dildo on a machine and kinda wished It was me lol. Too bad I don't have a horse cock toy.

5- exercise as usual, nothing new
9- I watched the same clip as yesterday and was still really into it.

9:45- corner time. I still couldn't get the image of that girl out of my head and I thought about how it would feel to be subjugated like that to a daddy or Dom. It was pretty hot.

7- did 2 hours of exercise at a gym today. It was nice to be able to go but I rolled my ankle like a dipshit and I am out of commission for a few days for it to heal. Will not be doing tasks or punishment till it's better. I will also not be taking punishments for letting an injury heal.


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Oct 16, 2012
Please continue to fill my calendar starting next Monday as I do want to let my ankle fully heal


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Oct 16, 2012
I have removed barefoot shopping ad in my area that is not allowed. Stores will make you leave.

I have edited the going to bed wet. I will not rush ruining my bedsheets so I will not be peeing my panties for bed. I will however wear a diaper and wet it. I also sleep in only undies so the bra and other clothing items are out. Thanks out for the task though.


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Dec 6, 2015
I have removed barefoot shopping ad in my area that is not allowed. Stores will make you leave.

I have edited the going to bed wet. I will not rush ruining my bedsheets so I will not be peeing my panties for bed. I will however wear a diaper and wet it. I also sleep in only undies so the bra and other clothing items are out. Thanks out for the task though.
SMH another person tasked with going to bed wet or wetting the bed. That fantasy vs reality mindset gotta love it. Glad you stood your ground and say no to the dumbshit.
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Sep 4, 2014
SMH another person tasked with going to bed wet or wetting the bed. That fantasy vs reality mindset gotta love it. Glad you stood your ground and say no to the dumbshit.
Refreshing to see there are some that still like to have their boundries followed.
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Oct 16, 2012
Thank you @subzzzero and @akechi106 for the kind support. I may be a sub but I have been in the scene for a while and know when to test my limits and when not to. The people posting in my calander are not my Dom's and even if they were I still have limits that will be followed. Being a sub is about understanding your partner's limits and comfortability with situations as well as communication and respecting both parties feelings. If posters can't understand these simple things they need to leave the scene as that is toxic and should not be put up with. These types of fake Dom's are the reason I was on hiatus for a long time. Now that I am back I will not put up with it in my posts, period.


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Sep 4, 2014
Thank you @subzzzero and @akechi106 for the kind support. I may be a sub but I have been in the scene for a while and know when to test my limits and when not to. The people posting in my calander are not my Dom's and even if they were I still have limits that will be followed. Being a sub is about understanding your partner's limits and comfortability with situations as well as communication and respecting both parties feelings. If posters can't understand these simple things they need to leave the scene as that is toxic and should not be put up with. These types of fake Dom's are the reason I was on hiatus for a long time. Now that I am back I will not put up with it in my posts, period,

Anytime. We should all off some kind of support in the first place to anyone with a hint of problems.

It's nice to get recognized for it too, even thought for me, it doesn't need to happen.
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Oct 16, 2012
On the 23rd I wore a wet diaper to bed. I wore it from about 8:30pm until 8 the next morning, and wet it until it leaked down my legs (no sense in changing a diaper before it leaks, lol) onto my bedroom floor. Once I cleaned up I put on some cute white panties.

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