Recent content by Bad Unicorn

  1. Bad Unicorn

    To fursuit yiff or not to fursuit yiff

    That does make sense. But I don't think that's it in the 3 cases I mentioned. The furry & anime cons were open to people of all ages, and the usual solution at a con is that you have to show an ID to get into any 18+ event. The person I spoke to in my local scene said they make a photocopy of...
  2. Bad Unicorn

    To fursuit yiff or not to fursuit yiff

    Mine is: Yes, absolutely. But I'm weird. I was into cosplay first, and discovered by accident that if I wore a very tight fursuit (shiny spandex; nothing at all like your standard baggy shaggy fursuit), a small but sufficient number of women who had ignored me in my civvies would chase, grope...