
Hello and welcome to my profile! Ruff! I am a 28 year old male pup. I am an introverted person and so I don't do small talk and find it pointless and energy draining. I'm not trying to be rude but open. On the other hand, if we get into a topic I find interesting I will not shut my mouth unless you gag me. Ha!

When I'm home and not a pup I enjoy exercising to improve my health and strength. In a perfect world I would love to rotate between swimming, biking, and jogging but because of my physical limits can only bike. If I found THE ONE, I would even enjoy taking regular hiking trips. Some days I don't feel like cardio though and prefer to do some strength training. The only from of exercise that I haven't been able to explore is weightlifting. I would love to put that into rotation but currently not possible. Aside from that I do enjoy spending time home alone or off in a hotel room for days. Sometimes I spend my time drawing or sketching in pencil or color and it just depends on how I feel. I love listening to my music which others might find odd but its usually the odd music that sticks out to me. TV is not much of a favorite but when I just want to relax and do nothing that is my go to.

When it comes to Kink and BDSM I am usually all in. I started my journey around the age of 23 as a submissive and have felt myself becoming more pup/slave than one or the other. I enjoy having a connection which allows for limits to be pushed further but because I crave aftercare. I enjoy most things and am open to trying many others but my list of hard limits is small. For my interests I would have to say it is between: long term/heavy bondage, gas masks/breath control, pup play, wrestling/sports gear, edging and denial. There are so many more that I am into that I can't even begin to list them.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Ruff ruff!
Oct 25, 1992 (Age: 31)
Dishwashing Steward
220 lbs
Height (feet/inch)
5' 8"
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United States (West of the Rockies)
Santa Ana


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