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  1. S

    Is a toilet swirly safe?

    In a toilet at home that was used just by me many times (pooping included). Is it safe? Infection is my main concern. I heard conflicting responses. Some say a lot of bacteria can form even in the water tank. Others say they received swirlies in public toilets and were fine.
  2. S

    Sounding with heating balm

    Finalgon to be more exact. This thing is nasty even on the outside of the penis. In small quantities it causes moderate-strong pain. Intense burning sensation and sharp needle like feeling. The shaft starts turning red. A rash on the head. But all these effects go away soon after. Haven't seen...
  3. S

    Need an Icy Hot alternative

    I finally tried it. Like with all such creams that I tried before, I only use a tiny bit at first to see its effects, only on the shaft. When I saw the finalgon outside the tube, it looked sort of transparent like all the others. Thought it won't have any effect again. Still I only used a tiny...
  4. S

    Need an Icy Hot alternative

    Thank you. I will get some Finalgon. Ordering from another country will take ages so I will settle for the normal variant. As for Caspaicin HP, I see that it is available in the US. I am from Europe. I'm sorry, I should have mentioned it. I do see some creams that contain caspaicin (I assume...
  5. S

    Need an Icy Hot alternative

    For causing that burning sensation/ pain on your cock and balls. I have used several other creams which I think are similar and none of them had any effect. The only one that had a mild effect was chinese tiger balm. But even then, I only felt it when applied directly to the head of my penis...