
Kinky Newbie
  • Bisexual
  • Female
  • Submissive
Sep 21, 2021
Hi all,

please give me anal tasks to do during the week!!

Now a little background I have done anal before so I am not a beginner, I have experience and I love the feeling so you don't have to worry too much about my safety.
i am thinking of writing replies to the posts/suggestions of the tasks as soon as I’ve executed/tried the task. If anyone posts a task I feel is too dangerous I won't do it.

Since I'm not a beginner I'm going to make this a bit more challenging first off for a task to be considered acceptable it must contain one of the following elements; exhibitionism, food, all day/long term insertions, expansion (not beyond the point of permanent damage of course), and stinky I guess. The main reason why I'm choosing to do this is because people on the internet have a tendency to be boring if I don't and say things like "put a dildo in your ass" as their task and then expect that to be acceptable. Finally for a task to be accepted you either have to list the category (again either exhibitionism, food, long term insertions, expansion, or stinky I know I'll probably regret the last one but since it's for you guys I'm fine with doing something I might not like) at the top of your post before your task or as the title of your post. Besides that you can add in anything else I don't mind as long as it isn't sex or illegal then go wild!! (of course Since I said or illegal that means exhibition implies hidden/semi-hidden public)

So in these formats:

Title of post

BONUS: as a special bonus if I fail to complete someone's task I'll ask them for a punishment and post it on here along with the results. So there's a little extra incentive for you to make these tasks really hard ok!!!

I hope you all have fun and enjoy!!


Kink Talk Guru
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Dominant
Dec 6, 2015
This was well written and nicely done. Very clear and concise. I hope you get the results you’re seeking.


Kink Talk Guru
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Dominant
Dec 6, 2015
Categories: Long-term insertion, exhibitionism, food, expand

first Shop vegetables at a mall and incert them in anus in their toilet upto your maximum limit and do rest of the shoping and come home after 2 hours remove them and cook food with them without washing. now incert max no of pencils in anus and Each time u gag or cant eat incert a pencil in ur anus and more times u gag it will expand as much. Similarly each time u can eat without gagging u can removeone pencil and continue this until u finish food or left with no pencils.
How large do you think an ass is inside? Like one dick style fruit or veggie like cucumber or zucchini . Maybe multiple baby carrots or cherry tomatoes at best? Most everything she would cook with that fits the veggie insert category would be peeled so the not cleaning wouldnt really affect things. Pencils in ass is dangerous. The rigid wood and hard edges even if not sharpened points would risk tearing soft tissue causing perm damage. I think you’re referring to those porn pics where they stuff markers or colored pencils in ass or pussy half way to take a pic. This is not the same as full insertion and functioning still by cooking eating etc. sitting would drive them in deeper and her body weight could cause then to puncture through the walls.

classic example of fantasy porn vs plausible kink actions.

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