Boob binding safety

Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
  • Male
  • Private
May 19, 2013
This came up in a discussion with someone about how to tell when their boobs had been tied too long.
Seems like an obvious one in some ways, but really it's actually quite a complicated thing. Let me explain.

There are many ways to tie up boobs, ropes, rubber bands, cable ties, all kinds of straps and belts, the list goes on. However in all case you do need to make sure you don't leave them bound for too long, for the obvious problem of restricted blood flow. So how long is too long, and how tight is too tight?
First lets break it down into two distinct types of binding, static and dynamic. A static binding is one that doesn't actively change in tension while in use, belts, cable ties, rope and so on. Once you set the tension it stays as you put it, if anything it will likely loosen a little as everything settles. Rubber band, shock cord and things of that nature are dynamic, they will continue to tighten. They do this by the nature of their elasticity, any slight decrease in an area they are wrapped around will be taken up by the elastic nature, it will shrink much more easily than it will expand. Over a period of time many little movements can actually result in a significant tightening and this is something you need to be watchful of.

So how can you tell if things are getting to be a problem? Colour is a good first indicator, however as I will demonstrate it isn't a reliable enough measure to use universally. Temperature is another one, this is much more reliable, if your boobs start to feel very cold to the touch they need to be released, now. Any kind of sharp, stabbing or shooting pains is another indicator you've gone on too long. But we don't want to get to this point we want to stop well before this risky kind of situation.

Lets look at an example. The eagle eyed among us may recognize these as belonging to my friend Mary, this is a nicely graduated, timed sequence done many years ago. The photos are at timed intervals and show the change in colour over that time as well as after the bindings were removed. This is a very advanced use of rubber bands combined with a base tie of nylon cord.


If you compare the colour of her boobs with the skin tone on her chest you get a good indicator of just how much change can be achieved. You will note if you look carefully that in all these time points the colour remains quite even, right up to the 60 and 75 minute marks, while very dark it is an even shade.
If you reach a point where hypoxia (low blood oxygen) becomes a problem you would find the colour shifts to blotchy blues and even white spotting which is dangerous and indicates you have gone way too far.

Now I want to stress here that everyone is different, some gals will never see this dramatic change, some will see even more, more quickly so it really isn't a reliable way to tell what's happening until you get to know where in the range you sit. Until you have built up some experience and get to know how your boobs react you need to rely on other methods to gauge your situation.

So how do you progress safely? By taking it very slowly.
  • Treat each binding method as a new learning experience, they all behave differently and produce different results.
  • Start short, 15 minutes is going to be fine and only ever increase by a few minutes each time.
  • Observe everything that happens closely, colour, temperature and any pain or discomfort.
  • Get used to how tight a binding needs to be to work effectively and try to stick to that tension each time.
  • Whenever possible work with someone to supervise you, they can control how far you go and be more objective about timing etc.
  • Always spend lots of time feeling your bound boobs, this tells you a lot about how they doing.
  • Anytime you are worried or something doesn't seem right, stop and remove your bindings.
  • When timing always include tying time as well as untying time, this could add several minutes to your total bound time.
  • Never fall into the "just a bit longer" trap, if your time is up, stop!
Always ensure you rest your boobs between tying, give them a decent break so blood flow returns to normal and can properly clear out all the fine blood vessels fully.

Caution! If you have any kind of clotting, circulatory issues or diabetes be extra careful and keep times as short as possible avoiding very tight bindings. You do not want your fun time to become a medical emergency.

If you have any questions or comments please jump in and discuss things below.

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