Everett: M/Dom/18 seeks F/Sub/All ages ~ Hello

United States (West of the Rockies)


Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Dominant
Jun 23, 2012
18 year old dominant male seeking a submissive female of any age

To start off Id like to thank and welcome anybody who took their time to open this ad. If this ad doesn't interest you or isn't what you are looking for then I apologize in advance.​


Who I Am:

Is largely unimportant for now. But I can assure you I'm not a serial killer at large. I prefer to let my personal life and appearance remain a mystery until maybe the later stages of our relationship. For now just imagine me as a mysterious looming presence.

What I can tell you about me is that I am a very empathetic, imaginative, and evolving master that can attune himself to your fantasies and desires. If you are into being treated lower than dirt then I will make you feel as if you were one of earths tectonic plates. If you are more into sensual and nurturing relationship then I will help you grow into my perfect submissive with a caring but firm hand. I will tailor everything to your kinks and needs.

I'm in Washington, US. My hours I am available are varied. But I will be able to have contact everyday.

What I Expect:

- A woman of any age, size, place, and kink.
I do not care about your appearance. A loyal woman is more attractive than an untrustworthy run-of-the-mill bimbo. Any kinks you have I will become responsible for. If its pain I will make you hurt. If its denial ( I have experience with this ) you will be dripping.

-Very Attentive and Obedient.
I want a woman that absolutely loves doing everything I say. One that will learn what I love and do it without me even uttering a single word.

-Loyalty and Trust.
I want to be one of your top priorities in life if not the highest. I want to know everything you do especially stuff you do that is of the sexual nature. And it goes beyond saying but I will do it for the sake of the ad. I don't. Want. To be. Lied. To.

-Available and Enthusiastic.
This may be an internet relationship but I expect that you respond immediately back after I call, text, or email you. If you cannot I require a time you will be available or a reason why you couldn't respond ASAP. This shouldn't be a problem if you are enthusiastic enough.

-Cellphone, camera and/or hopefully a webcam
Not having a cellphone in this day and age should be a crime but I'm willing to accept it as long as you have regular computer access or a home phone. Camera and Webcam are not exactly necessary but very, very wanted. If you have neither camera or webcam than I will be happy to have you as a chat slave after I confirm a few things.

- Worship and Idolization.
A kink of mine. I want to be your hero, idol, guide, and god(Might be too strong of a word but you get the idea) as well as your master. I want to know that you have me on your brain almost all the time. Every other thought should be of me and how you can please me. This is a big kink of mine so PM for further details :).


All willing applicants should fill out and include the following in their PM.​

(If not female then sorry I am not looking for a man I wish you luck on finding a master)
Sexual Preference:
(Be honest it wont effect anything)
Location and Timezone:
Long-term or Short-term Relationship:
What you are looking for in this relationship:

Questions and Concerns:

If you are looking at this and actually read the entire post then I salute you. This is my first post on this site so I would love tips on improving my ad. Thank you.

  • Kinks:
Its above.

  • Experience:
Still above.

  • Limits:
Did it move? Let me go check. Yea it didn't move.

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