Farmer's Daughter Enjoys Walking Around Topless Outdoors


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Oct 15, 2015
[Story] Farmer's Daughter Enjoys Walking Around Topless Outdoors


Mother says to daughter, "Jenny, I know that you like to walk around the farm half naked when the weather is warm, but you are twenty years old now and shouldn't do that anymore. Your brother Jason turned eighteen recently and most likely interested in girls, so you are unnecessarily teasing him. I want you to start wearing a shirt beginning today."

Daughter replies, "He's definitely interested in girls."

Mother says, "How do you know that?"

Daughter replies, "Just from the way he acts around me. You should have seen him when I pulled down my shorts to show him my new tattoo. He got really excited."

Mother says, "Oh my God, I want you to stop doing things like that too. Anyway, why do you and Jason go out to the barn every day and spend about an hour there?"

Daughter replies, "We feed the livestock and other chores."

Mother says, "For some reason I suspect that you and him are doing more than just your chores together. Listen, I don't see why you should close the large sliding doors. Leave them open from now on and just close them at night. I want to be able to see from my kitchen window what's going on in there."

Daughter replies, "Mom, is it okay if I start wearing a shirt tomorrow?

Mother says, "I suppose so, but why can't you do that today?"

Daughter replies, "Because Jason and I are going to ride our horses over to the pond and go skinny dipping. I would put on a shirt but then just have to take it off a few minutes later."

Mother says, "Skinny dipping? Oh my God, you are going to give me a heart attack. No more skinny dipping young lady and no more pulling your shorts down. If you want to go swimming with your brother then you must wear a swimsuit. Go to the house and put on your bikini."

Daughter replies, "Is it okay with you if I wear just the bottoms?"

Mother says, "Jenny, I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say. Forget about the conversation we just had. You are twenty years old and can do whatever you want. If you choose to walk around the farm wearing only bikini bottoms and go skinny dipping with your brother then that's your decision."

Daughter replies, "Mom, are you angry with me for some reason?"

Mother says, "A little bit, but only because of frustration. I'm fine now. Dinner will be ready in about two hours, so don't be late."

Daughter replies, "Okay."


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Nov 29, 2015
Hey there 'fredrogers'. We enjoyed your story .. what there was of it.

Is there more ... please say 'yes'?

Donna & Meghan

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