Horny dog?


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May 31, 2017
North East Coast
Friday one of my neighbors asked me if I would look in on their dog for a few days (last minute emergency, no kennel available etc..) I agreed and they gave me the keys to their house, instructions etc.. Anyway, I have been going over there every day - taking the dog out, feeding her faithfully. Saturday, after the dog and I got back from the walk. As I was leaveing, the dog stuck her nose between my legs, and began 'pushing' against my crotch. I pushed her away and went home. Later that day, (we take a walk and she gets fed twice a day), same thing she starts going for my crotch. This time, I needed to pee. I went to the bathroom and was standing over the bowl, peeing. The dog - pushes open the door and comes at me from behind - and almost knocks me into the toilet. Pee is streaming all over the place and I'm trying to keep my balance. No such luck. I wind up on the floor and my pants are soaked with pee. The dog (she's a big dog - close to 100 lbs), is watching me flop around on the floor. I swear she was laughing. I was pissed, literally. I looked at her, pointed to a puddle of piss and said "lick it up, bitch". Guess what? She bent over and started to lick it up off the floor. At first I was grossed out, but after I stood up I realized she was actually enjoying it! She did a great job! Licked that bathroom floor cleaner than I could have cleaned it. Meanwhile, I had my pants and underwear off, rinsing them out in the sink. It was of those pedestal sinks which worked out great for the dog - she snuck up on me by going under the sink and before I could do anything - she was licking my cock and balls. I pushed her away, slipped and landed with my back against the wall - she had me pinned against the wall and was determined to keep on licking my
crotch. I got up, grabbed my wet clothes and locked her in the bathroom. That's when she started barking, and wouldn't stop. Lucky for me, it was getting dark outside - and I just left the cock licking dog and went back to my house, got a change of clothes and went back to let her out of the bathroom. As soon as I opened the bathroom door - she went straight for my crotch again. This time I was ready, and left the house, before she could knock me over. Fast forward to the next day. Every chance she got, her face was either in my crotch or sniffing my ass. I can't wait until those neighbors get back! The only question I have is should I tell them about the dogs fetish or just let them find out on their own?
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Jun 8, 2023
Washington England ne38 airea
I like dogs - not into getting my cock licked by one though.
So long as any dig dose what it likes ir wants to do for me that's all good but what I do not AGREE with is when guys say I shaged my dog (as in him basically raping the dog) I respect animals way to much yo force them to fo anything there unable to stop


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Mar 31, 2024
Friday one of my neighbors asked me if I would look in on their dog for a few days (last minute emergency, no kennel available etc..) I agreed and they gave me the keys to their house, instructions etc.. Anyway, I have been going over there every day - taking the dog out, feeding her faithfully. Saturday, after the dog and I got back from the walk. As I was leaveing, the dog stuck her nose between my legs, and began 'pushing' against my crotch. I pushed her away and went home. Later that day, (we take a walk and she gets fed twice a day), same thing she starts going for my crotch. This time, I needed to pee. I went to the bathroom and was standing over the bowl, peeing. The dog - pushes open the door and comes at me from behind - and almost knocks me into the toilet. Pee is streaming all over the place and I'm trying to keep my balance. No such luck. I wind up on the floor and my pants are soaked with pee. The dog (she's a big dog - close to 100 lbs), is watching me flop around on the floor. I swear she was laughing. I was pissed, literally. I looked at her, pointed to a puddle of piss and said "lick it up, bitch". Guess what? She bent over and started to lick it up off the floor. At first I was grossed out, but after I stood up I realized she was actually enjoying it! She did a great job! Licked that bathroom floor cleaner than I could have cleaned it. Meanwhile, I had my pants and underwear off, rinsing them out in the sink. It was of those pedestal sinks which worked out great for the dog - she snuck up on me by going under the sink and before I could do anything - she was licking my cock and balls. I pushed her away, slipped and landed with my back against the wall - she had me pinned against the wall and was determined to keep on licking my
crotch. I got up, grabbed my wet clothes and locked her in the bathroom. That's when she started barking, and wouldn't stop. Lucky for me, it was getting dark outside - and I just left the cock licking dog and went back to my house, got a change of clothes and went back to let her out of the bathroom. As soon as I opened the bathroom door - she went straight for my crotch again. This time I was ready, and left the house, before she could knock me over. Fast forward to the next day. Every chance she got, her face was either in my crotch or sniffing my ass. I can't wait until those neighbors get back! The only question I have is should I tell them about the dogs fetish or just let them find out on their own?
Probably she does it all with others, aka, your neighbours...
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Dec 12, 2019
My dog gave me a proper licking when I was 14 years old. To this day it was one of the best blow jobs I ever got! My dog wasn't even gay. He liked the female poodle down the street.


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May 11, 2024
My beautiful sweet goddess need an obedient slave to dominate on kik:mistresspatience032
Google chat:[email protected]
Absolutely wrong context, but what can you expect from narrow-minded non-readers
and since this account has been banned several times ... you know, reported, bye.

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