How do you find a boyfriend if your really really really ugly?


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Mar 6, 2011
How do you find a boyfriend if your really really really ugly?
Consider beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Your post seems fairly vague though. Do you consider yourself ugly?
Is it something that plays into a kink of yours and you're wanting a boyfriend that will enjoy that kink?
If it's a yes that you consider yourself ugly and it doesn't play into a kink for you, then are there controllable factors for self improvement that will boost your confidence.


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Sep 12, 2022
How do you find a boyfriend if your really really really ugly?
Well first of all ugliness is relative, but why you consider yourself ugly? If it's for your body type you could try to improve it; if it's for a medic problem that ppl don't find attractive, well try to not center on it, usually our confidence is going down just for center in our difficulties instead of our greatness. And if you want, try any apps like tinder or badoo, usually there you'll find ppl that can get interested on you, but remember center yourself on you is the main point for a healthy relationship, with ourselves and with other people


Kink Talk Guru
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Dec 6, 2015
Sort of what’s mentioned above. If you’re looking for legit advice we would all need better info and insight into what you think defines ugly. And also how you think that means no one wants you. Have you tried to date? Have they said why they didn’t like you?

Is this just in fact a post to get attention and find a guy? Help us out here. Can’t really give solid advice without some background or detail.


Suspected fake - catfish
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Mar 30, 2016
1. You're not as ugly as you imagine. People can obsess over their appearance and find every flaw, but no one is perfect (at least very few).
2. Fix your state of mind, be your own best friend, not your own worst enemy, so when thinking about how you look, stop negative thoughts and be positive, it effects how you carry yourself and talk about yourself. Having self-confidence is attractive, or more precisely, self-pity and loathing is unattractive. So present yourself in a positive light.
3. Don't presume how you see yourself is how other people see you. Approach a new potential partner in earnest and let them decide for themselves how they choose to see you.
4. Use your charm and personality - assuming you have those things ;) . If you feel you lack in some areas, then excel in others. Again, it's important to believe in yourself here and play to your strengths.
5. Don't accept put downs, if some one calls you ugly, then they are cruel and no one wants to be in a relationship with someone who puts you down.
6. Practical advice, if you feel like you could look better, consider a make-over by a beautician, some services exist for professional make-up and hair styling services. Simply colouring and styling your hair for your face shape can make a difference, as well as knowing how to apply make up to accentuate your features.
7. Keep on searching for the one you love, and more than anything, never give up. Keep your eyes on the horizon.

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Kink Talk Member
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Jan 22, 2023
If you want slave boyfriend i am there , we can talk Snapchat telegram, Instragram, WhatsApp


Kinky Newbie
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Jan 26, 2023
Sort of what’s mentioned above. If you’re looking for legit advice we would all need better info and insight into what you think defines ugly. And also how you think that means no one wants you. Have you tried to date? Have they said why they didn’t like you?

Is this just in fact a post to get attention and find a guy? Help us out here. Can’t really give solid advice without some background or detail.
I'm looking for a man to be in a relationship with but menwill probably think I'm really really really ugly.


Kinky Newbie
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Jan 26, 2023
Well first of all ugliness is relative, but why you consider yourself ugly? If it's for your body type you could try to improve it; if it's for a medic problem that ppl don't find attractive, well try to not center on it, usually our confidence is going down just for center in our difficulties instead of our greatness. And if you want, try any apps like tinder or badoo, usually there you'll find ppl that can get interested on you, but remember center yourself on you is the main point for a healthy relationship, with ourselves and with other people
Those sites are dangerus.


Senior Kink Talk Member
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Aug 18, 2014
have a good personality, be good at cooking and cleaning (house work in general), let him fuck other women as long as he always comes home to you
  • Wow
Reactions: SilverBlue


<:: Verified ::>
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May 18, 2011
As others have said, beauty/ugliness is in the eye of the beholder. While it is true that men tend to be visually-oriented when it comes to whom they're attracted to, there are many other factors and a lot of it comes down to your confidence and attitude. I once dated a woman who was never going to win any beauty contests, but she had a great sense of humor and was very self-assured when it came to her sexuality and enjoyment of various kinks. She was a lot of fun to be with and I'll always remember her as one of my most fun and adventurous sexual partners. She moved out of state after we'd been dating a few months, and I think she was really looking for more of a Dominant partner than me anyway, but if I were still in the dating game, I'd take a woman like her over a super hot looking, but high-maintenance bitchy type any day.

If you don't have confidence and a fun attitude because you're self-conscious about your looks, the best advice I can give is fake it until you make it. Look for role models of not-classically-beautiful women who have a sexy attitude and try to emulate them. One example that comes to mind is comedian Bridget Everett - check out her stand-up routines on Youtube.

Over time, faking confidence typically leads to increased real confidence.


Suspected fake - catfish
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Mar 30, 2016
Dating sites are dangrus.
You're not going to meet different people at bars and clubs, most of them will be using apps and sites too. Dating comes with a degree of risk that's why there is safety advice - let someone know who you're seeing, when and where, meet in public places, etc...
Unless you're old fashioned and traditional, meet someone at church or have your father approve someone.


Kinky Newbie
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Jan 26, 2023
You're not going to meet different people at bars and clubs, most of them will be using apps and sites too. Dating comes with a degree of risk that's why there is safety advice - let someone know who you're seeing, when and where, meet in public places, etc...
Unless you're old fashioned and traditional, meet someone at church or have your father approve someone.
What if there never be a lot of guys in chruch.


Possible Catfish
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Jan 7, 2023
have a good personality, be good at cooking and cleaning (house work in general), let him fuck other women as long as he always comes home to you
not a good quality for boyfriend/ future life partner

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