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Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
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  • Private
May 19, 2013
Hello and welcome! Perhaps if you just start asking some questions the good folk here can give you some answers.
Is there anywhere in particular that you'd like to start, perhaps why you feel you are submissive?


Kink Talk Member
  • Bisexual
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  • Submissive
May 13, 2019
1- be true to yourself
2- don't be pressured into anything you don't feel comfy with
but first and foremost up to people you feel you can trust ,
if its all about them and what they want and don't want to hear your thoughts and feelings move on
there are plenty in here that will help you
if any doubt refer back to number 1 and 2
and enjoy explore open yourself up remember if your not enjoying it its not for you


Kink Talk Guru
  • Straight
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  • Dominant
Dec 6, 2015
Welcome to the kink life.
First, find what interested you enough to come exploring. Do some light research on that in some BDSM sites for the basics. Ask lots of questions, but understand some questions may lead helpers to ask more questions directed at you. This is so that they can give you the best answer based on your particular situation as all subs are not created equal. There's not one blanket method or plan to be a sub, it is unique to each individual and highly influenced by the subs expectations, likes, dislikes, and hard limits. The BDSM test is good to find some bare bones basics that you might want to check into afterwards. Again this test isn't always spot on and it never defines what you are nor does it mean you're limited to the results it shows. It is just sort of a survey that suggests what you might be into based on your answers.

Also some guys are here for an easy fap session so be cautious here are some red flags to clue you in:
-immediate friend requests with no convo or detailed messages.
-demanding you submit to them immediately in convo
-requesting or demanding pics from you
-automatically assuming you're under their ownership and treating you as such
-requesting personal info
-those not willing to put time in to getting to know you.
-offering to "train" you when they know nothing about you.

Lots are just seeking a naive girl they hope to scoop up use and discard.
you'll be able to see patterns as your inbox floods. Trust your gut, the block button will be your best friend
Also some basic internet safety before doing too much on kink sites:
1. Make sure you have no personal info such as first last name in any of your accounts which you share with Internet people. Skype and kik both have spots for first name last name. Don't ever put your real name. Use letters or a Fake name.
2. Any accounts that are linked together with the same screenname shouldn't have mixed info. For example one finds your location in your KT account and through message you tell them your first name. Then on your blog or Skype your last name shows somewhere. That's plenty to random search you on Facebook
3. Never use same pics for different accounts. Reverse image lookups can be used to find where else on the Internet the pic came from. So example your face pic on Facebook used on KT, fet, or blogs can be searched using " tiny eye" or similar an show that it's linked elsewhere.
4. Search yourself online. Type in your name location. Or emails or screen names and see what comes up. Lots of people have no clue what kind of info is publicly stored on the Internet.

There are lots of awesome good people here. You will see that in the prior posts they have responded to in the forums. Learn what you can from them and form your own thoughts opinions and priorities. You can see someones prior posting by viewing their profile and going into their post history.

Good luck and enjoy!


Kink Talk Member
  • Bisexual
  • Female
  • Submissive
May 13, 2019
Welcome to the kink life.
First, find what interested you enough to come exploring. Do some light research on that in some BDSM sites for the basics. Ask lots of questions, but understand some questions may lead helpers to ask more questions directed at you. This is so that they can give you the best answer based on your particular situation as all subs are not created equal. There's not one blanket method or plan to be a sub, it is unique to each individual and highly influenced by the subs expectations, likes, dislikes, and hard limits. The BDSM test is good to find some bare bones basics that you might want to check into afterwards. Again this test isn't always spot on and it never defines what you are nor does it mean you're limited to the results it shows. It is just sort of a survey that suggests what you might be into based on your answers.

Also some guys are here for an easy fap session so be cautious here are some red flags to clue you in:
-immediate friend requests with no convo or detailed messages.
-demanding you submit to them immediately in convo
-requesting or demanding pics from you
-automatically assuming you're under their ownership and treating you as such
-requesting personal info
-those not willing to put time in to getting to know you.
-offering to "train" you when they know nothing about you.

Lots are just seeking a naive girl they hope to scoop up use and discard.
you'll be able to see patterns as your inbox floods. Trust your gut, the block button will be your best friend
Also some basic internet safety before doing too much on kink sites:
1. Make sure you have no personal info such as first last name in any of your accounts which you share with Internet people. Skype and kik both have spots for first name last name. Don't ever put your real name. Use letters or a Fake name.
2. Any accounts that are linked together with the same screenname shouldn't have mixed info. For example one finds your location in your KT account and through message you tell them your first name. Then on your blog or Skype your last name shows somewhere. That's plenty to random search you on Facebook
3. Never use same pics for different accounts. Reverse image lookups can be used to find where else on the Internet the pic came from. So example your face pic on Facebook used on KT, fet, or blogs can be searched using " tiny eye" or similar an show that it's linked elsewhere.
4. Search yourself online. Type in your name location. Or emails or screen names and see what comes up. Lots of people have no clue what kind of info is publicly stored on the Internet.

There are lots of awesome good people here. You will see that in the prior posts they have responded to in the forums. Learn what you can from them and form your own thoughts opinions and priorities. You can see someones prior posting by viewing their profile and going into their post history.

Good luck and enjoy!
Could not have said it better (well actually i didn't )
follow these guidelines for sure
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