Most outrageous post or message

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
As a moderator I see and hear about all kinds of stupid stuff on this site, the most common being dangerously stupid tasks but also often outrageous feats the poster claims to have done. So I thought it might be fun to open up a thread where you can expose anything dumb that you have seen or been sent.

You don't have to attribute it to any member just "out" the outrageous stuff and hopefully some education will happen along the way!


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Oct 4, 2014
NE England
I came across this one on Fetlife yesterday :D
Some people are just stupid... ( get that theres some in the world that would be interested but... i think the odds for winning the lotto would be better)
"nail your clit to a wooden board
by dobromir about 1 year ago
and make you lift it. The nail should be stainless steel.
The heavier the board, the better. More nails, as many as possible, depending on how far the clit could be extended, would be the aim.
Then I would add the nail(s) should/could be hot, just taken out of boiling water.
What do you think and have you tried it?"

also this one..
"Clit biting competition-
Find another female sub masochist from your area or club and have you two engage in a clit biting competition - each of you should bite the other slave's clit extremely hard, with your Dom or partenr setting up a stop watch, until the subject bitten on whimpers or screams, but for not more than sixty seconds. If the victim cannot endure without a scream she should be punished by the other slave with as many whip strokes on her clit as is the difference between 60 seconds and the moment she screamed. If , however, the subject endures the heavy clit biting from the other slave without a scream, the biting slave gets whipped with 60 strokes on her clit. And then the roles should change so that each slave can get even with the other.

i think the worst ive seen on here/getdare was about burning genitals with a blowtorch.

i know i give some more extreme and painful tasks, but.. not to the extent of definite permanent damage..
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
"nail your clit to a wooden board
by dobromir about 1 year ago
and make you lift it. The nail should be stainless steel.
The heavier the board, the better. More nails, as many as possible, depending on how far the clit could be extended, would be the aim.
Then I would add the nail(s) should/could be hot, just taken out of boiling water.
What do you think and have you tried it?"

This is exactly the kind of blatantly stupid stuff I was talking about! I mean seriously, has this idiot ever seen a clit or know what it is? How would you even go about doing that and the "just taken out of boiling water" part, what with, your fingers?
So you have to hold a nail that is boiling hot while you somehow hammer it through your clit onto a board. :rolleyes: What next!
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