New Year's Eve blind date fun

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Apr 15, 2011
So after some pretty intense and honest discussions with my husband (and I suspect Emily's been having similar conversations with Thomas), I think my play date with Emily will be going ahead.

I wanted to make sure that my husband was comfortable with me doing it. He wanted to make sure I was comfortable doing it too, but the main thing I was worried about was him having any feelings of... Not jealousy, exactly, but... I don't know...

And he felt the same way. He said he was 90% "that is so hot" but "you're still my girl, right?"

We'll be laying down some ground rules before it all goes ahead (specifically, the guys want some documentary evidence so they get to enjoy it too; and that any video or photo footage doesn't go beyond the four of us, with other things to be discussed) but, kind of, it's on.

Nervously excited, a little bit scared...


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Jun 20, 2019
So after some pretty intense and honest discussions with my husband (and I suspect Emily's been having similar conversations with Thomas), I think my play date with Emily will be going ahead.

I wanted to make sure that my husband was comfortable with me doing it. He wanted to make sure I was comfortable doing it too, but the main thing I was worried about was him having any feelings of... Not jealousy, exactly, but... I don't know...

And he felt the same way. He said he was 90% "that is so hot" but "you're still my girl, right?"

We'll be laying down some ground rules before it all goes ahead (specifically, the guys want some documentary evidence so they get to enjoy it too; and that any video or photo footage doesn't go beyond the four of us, with other things to be discussed) but, kind of, it's on.

Nervously excited, a little bit scared...
That’s super exciting for you and we can’t wait to hear all about it!


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Apr 15, 2011
Hi guys, I promise I AM working on telling you about the end of our New Year's fun, COVID-19 and family are currently taking up too much of my mental capacity: having to hunt for essentials because everyone else is stockpiling, wondering when the schools are going to shut, clients and suppliers at work going nuts...

Nice of Emily to send me this and ask if a trip to B&Q is on the cards for our get-together (whenever we'll be able to do that now)

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Apr 15, 2011
I didn't sleep so much as zone out for a while but I was bought round sharply with a loud and stingy slap on my backside before my husband untied me and helped me to the bed while my joints and muscles complained about being free again. My husband was very appreciative for the previous night and I got quite a nice massage, with lots of kisses and loving caresses from him as we both came round.

Thomas had released Emily from the chair at some point during the night and had instead tied her to the bed and put her ballgag back in. He'd gone to use the bathroom and peeled the bedsheets off of her, leaving her helpless, naked and writhing desperately. It quickly became apparent that she pretty urgently needed the bathroom herself so we untied her and let her use the toilet in our ensuite, before my husband went in to shower while we waited naked for the men and her hands wandered lazily over my body as she told me how much she'd enjoyed last night.

Thomas got to us first and Emily abandoned me to first punch him on the arm and complain about how he left her but then to cuddle into him. My husband soon joined us and then it was our turn to shower.

We used the main bathroom to put our little show on for the guys. Once we'd both gotten wet under the hot water, my husband passed through a pair of metal handcuffs for me to fix Emily's wrists to the shower rail so that I could then soap and rinse her body. I think they both enjoyed that, and to be honest, so did we. They left us alone so that I could wash myself and then release Emily so she could properly clean her hard-to-reach areas, and then we shut off the water and got out. They'd only left us the one towel so I dried off first and then handed it to Emily so she could wrap it around herself - her clothes were still locked away.

I thought it best to check with my husband what he wanted me to wear today. That made him smile because he admitted he'd not thought about it so we went through my closet and settled on my white chunky knit sweater dress, which I'd wear with my thigh length black boots when we went out. Nothing underneath. Obviously that felt sexy, but Emily would be the focus today.

She was still naked when we got downstairs to our kitchen dining room. I helped her find where everything was in the kitchen and then we set her to work making coffee, tea and pancakes for everybody. After she'd served each of us, she got to make some for herself and came and sat with us on the chair she'd been tied to last night which still had a couple of the ropes tied to it.

Afterwards she washed the dishes (and the toys we'd used last night) at our sink while I collected all of the ropes and hid them away. When Emily was finished in the kitchen Thomas and my husband took her upstairs to sort out her outfit; Thomas' shirt from last night and a belt around her waist with her blue ankle boots. The shirt was just about long enough to work as a dress, but only just.

We needed some groceries to prepare for the start of our child's school term and I quite like the clothes at both ASDA and Sainsbury's so we checked whether either of those would be open (they both were) and headed out there. Thomas drove his car but Emily was still my husband's slave so she came with us in the pickup truck, sat in the shotgun seat with her shirt unbuttoned and hitched up so she'd not be sitting on it. It really wouldn't have been long enough for her to sit on anyway, but my husband wanted to make sure. I too had the hem of my sweater dress pulled up in the back, but poor Emily was completely exposed in the front.

When we were all back together at the supermarket (and Emily had her shirt buttoned back up) we had her roll a die. She rolled a four so that was how many things she'd have to use as a dildo as we made our way around the store.

We started pretty obviously with a carrot. She was very nervous with how close to the entrance we were, and places to hide were pretty few and far between. Plus it was pretty cold which made her gasp pretty loudly, which obviously amused the guys a lot. "Is there any time limit or anything," she asked.
My husband took out a coin and flipped it, invited her to call it. "Tails," she said. It was heads, so my husband told her she'd have to use it until she edged. She and I both flushed bright red! But there was a cage full of discarded boxes nearby so she hid herself behind that (and as best as we could tell from any CCTV) so while Thomas acted as lookout, my husband referee and I was pretty much just moral support, she started to use the carrot on herself, stopping nervously a couple of times, and almost blowing the whole thing laughing hysterically for a while, but eventually she was able to get into it. Her breathing got pretty heavy and after her body went pretty stiff my husband decided that we'd been here long enough and invited her to put the carrot into the basket she was carrying.
I wondered if she wanted to use a banana next, but that presented the problem that she'd need to peel it. My husband wanted to find something different to food items so we put one in the basket to consider, but continued to make our way around the store.

I think she used a marker from the stationary and greeting cards aisle next, crouching down to hide while the three of us stood around her. This time she called the coin toss right so she had to make herself orgasm before she could stop. That made her moan because it would have been easier with the carrot, but using the marker with one hand and rubbing her clit with the other she managed to cum in around five minutes. She was a little bit shaky as we helped her up and people were getting a little bit suspicious of us so we moved on quickly to look at the clothes.

I was hoping to get something to make me feel nice at work, but I couldn't really find anything. Emily treated herself / Thomas to a cute little lingerie set. Going into a shopping basket alongside a carrot, a marker, a banana and whatever other items we added would raise no eyebrows at all!!!

Toiletries are on the next aisle, and a tube of Durex's lubricant was just the right shape. She got the coin toss wrong so needed to edge, but now the place was starting to get busier and she had to abandon a couple of attempts and straighten up.
My husband found a can of Sure deodorant which was the right shape but considerably larger and told her if she didn't edge on her next attempt then she'd have to swap the lubricant bottle for the can. I'm not sure how she didn't get caught, especially when she had to stop midway through, holding the bottle inside herself while an old couple shuffled past arguing about something, but she kept going and very nearly went too far!
The lubricant and the deodorant can both went into the basket and we continued around the store looking for something else she could use.
We did consider maybe a wine bottle, but too many people were in that aisle, and then we were to the freezers. Even my husband wasn't feeling that cruel so we went to the home baking section which was quieter, but there wasn't much there she could use. Finally we started exploring homewares. Plenty of these had been discounted and moved to the front of the store, so the regular aisles were relatively quiet. There wasn't really anything on the shelves that would work so she had to resort to using the deodorant can. There was no coin toss this time, she just had to keep going until she came.
She said afterwards that it had been quite cold at first but quickly warmed up and felt quite hot by the time she'd finished. It certainly made a very thick dildo and she gasped and had to clamp her hand over her mouth when finally she came, which made all of us laugh (and made us all horny watching).

We made her use a checkout with a person working at it to pay for her items and found one with a vaguely attractive young guy working it so that she could 'enjoy' the knowledge that almost everything he was handling had been used intimately. And then we went upstairs to the café for some brunch.
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Apr 15, 2011
The café at this store is on a mezzanine overlooking the supermarket, although the glass partitions are frosted at the bottom. We weren't about to let that spoil our fun, nor the fact that the tables lining the edge of the mezzanine had soft chairs: Thomas and my husband made themselves comfortable in those. I was allowed to borrow one from another mezzanine table but Emily had to bring across one of the taller wooden chairs from one of the central tables.
She wouldn't be sitting down yet though. First she had to go and buy our food and coffees. The little jewelled clamps from last night made a reappearance and trailed nicely from under the hem of Thomas' shirt.
We all kept an eye on her as she joined the short queue (me more closely in case I had to go stand close by). The food would be bought to us separately by the three people working, but she had to carry the tray of coffees back to us, which prevented her from being able to hold the hem of the shirt down as she walked. Then my husband had her go and get all the teaspoons and sugar we required.
Just one more order of business before she could sit down; fixing the buttplug to her chair.
The same buttplug from my NYE performance all those years ago.
Oh, and of course she had to bend over the chair to lubricate it herself. Good job she'd bought the bottle of lubricant downstairs, otherwise she'd have had to find some other way of doing it...
Did she think she was done? Because when the food arrived, we all needed cutlery. And salt, pepper, sauces... Three more trips she had to make between our table and the cutlery station, and then sit herself down on the plug again!!

It was coming close to the end of her time as our slavegirl now, but there was still one order of business to take care of - the banana that she'd bought downstairs. My husband asked me to help her with it. I'm not sure if her chair was tall enough for her to be seen over the frosted glass by anybody below, but she was incredibly nervous letting me slide the banana into her. Obviously we didn't want to risk it too much so once I'd pushed it as far into her as we dared - VERY slowly and carefully - I just as carefully slid it back out for her. Fortunately, it all came out in one piece, which both of us had been very nervous about...

The last thing to sort out was who would eat the banana, her or me? That came down to a coin toss, which Emily lost. Of course, we all wanted to see how much she could take in her mouth before she finally ate it.

And that was it. As Emily earned access to her clothes back, my husband demanded now that I surrender my panties while we did a proper supermarket shop. There wasn't really a lot we needed, but a few essentials would save us having to come again for a week or so, and also gave him an opportunity to enjoy exposing and caressing me as I pushed the cart - sorry, trolley - around the store. Of course, he made me have to load our bags into the trunk - boot - meaning I had to bend over and give an eyeful of my backside to whoever might have been paying attention.

On the way to pick our child up, we stopped off in a quiet village car park behind a library. We've had an eye on it for a while as it's secluded, surrounded by gardens with either high fences or hedges and it has a bottle bank along with a clothing donation bin. I wasn't throwing my clothes away today, but he did have me get naked in the car to give him a blowjob and then straddle him for a very intense, if slightly awkward, car fuck.
I got my panties back afterwards, but they very soon got very wet which was a distraction I could have done without when the parents who our child had spent the night with invited us in for a coffee before we took our little one home.
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Apr 15, 2011
Oh God, what is wrong with me??

The world is on lockdown, I'm supposed to be working from home, sharing home schooling duties with my husband when he's here and not in his truck, all the news is worrying but all I can concentrate on is how wet my pussy has been, constantly, ever since Sunday (which now I might not be getting paid for, BTW, so good job I at least got SOMETHING out of it 😉😘)

I can't stop thinking about Emily... I guess it doesn't help that all my husband can think about is his Dad who's going through chemo again 😢

(But even so, it's not very pleasant when you start to give him a blowjob and he gently guides you off of him...)

So, yeah, he's downstairs with our child, I'm supposed to be working in our spare room which is now a makeshift home office, but instead I'm on xhamster...

I just can't stop 😟💦

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