Labia piercing


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Apr 15, 2011
I'm considering getting a small ring in each of my labia for possible play, but I'm nervous about it...

How much does the initial piercing hurt?

How long does it take to heal before I can start hanging padlocks, chains, etc and maybe getting led around by them?

Is there a specific gauge I should be going for?

If I don't like them, can I take the rings out and will they heal up?

Thank you...
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
I'm considering getting a small ring in each of my labia for possible play, but I'm nervous about it...

How much does the initial piercing hurt?

How long does it take to heal before I can start hanging padlocks, chains, etc and maybe getting led around by them?

Is there a specific gauge I should be going for?

If I don't like them, can I take the rings out and will they heal up?

Thank you...
So speaking from the experience I've had with subs I've known here's my 2 cents.

First up are you looking at inner or out labia? Pain here is very subjective but usually inners hurt a LOT more than outers. That said it's the typical piercing pain that lasts a few seconds then it's more bearable and ok within a few minutes.

For connecting chains and/or hanging weights you really need to go for something like 14G, and a decent size ring otherwise they are just too darn fiddly to work with. The other factor is the narrower gauges are more prone to cut in and tear when subjected to hard tugs, so larger is safer.

Healing time is the typical month or so before you can start toting around any weight, 6 weeks to be safe.

If you change your mind then healing will depend on how you want to go with the hole making bit. You can run with a standard piercing and stretch it up to the higher gauge or go with a dermal punch that pops out a small core leaving a suitable size hole right away. A standard piercing that you stretch will recover more quickly than a hole punched out. That said I've heard that anything right up to 8 or even 6 gauge punchings will heal over in time.


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Aug 10, 2021
I looked into it and my friend has it done, so I can comment but not from personal experience.

You want to get it pierced with a larger gauge needle, in the UK you'd probably be asking for 1.6mm or 2 if they have it. Then stretch after 6/8 weeks to a size you're happy with. If you do stretch it, it's recommended that you leave 6 weeks between sizes to avoid complications

Healing if all goes well you'd not want to put any pressure on for 6/8 weeks but personally I would leave it a bit longer (say 12 weeks) or be very careful. Full, complete healing varies, but you're looking at 6 months and then you can do what you want with it.

A standard piercing, not excessively stretched will close up easily and any scarring would blend in with your labia. Providing that healing goes ok, you don't tear it or excessively stretch it that is.

With regards initial pain, it's a tender area - so it will hurt a fair bit but there's no cartilage so it'll be over in seconds.


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Aug 10, 2021
Thank you @droptokon and @Coffee fiend

1.6-2mm sounds about the right sort of size, I wouldn't want to go too big.

Now it's just the question of whether or not I dare go through with it...
It's worth going to a reputable piercer for a chat, not all will do it and different anatomy may require different placements - you may find that talking to them answers some of your questions, or that you may be unable to get it where you want etc. A decent piercer will be happy to work with you.


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Feb 15, 2021
On the one hand the idea fascinates me, even though I am not a piercing person, however I do not want to change the look really. My outer labia are usually shut like a clam shell with just the slit visible. The inner labia are small, so I am not certain if the can be pierced. Basically I would not want any piercing to be visible if I am just naked. Can the inside flesh of the outer labia be pierced without going through to the outside? I guess that would not hold up.


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Aug 10, 2021
On the one hand the idea fascinates me, even though I am not a piercing person, however I do not want to change the look really. My outer labia are usually shut like a clam shell with just the slit visible. The inner labia are small, so I am not certain if the can be pierced. Basically I would not want any piercing to be visible if I am just naked. Can the inside flesh of the outer labia be pierced without going through to the outside? I guess that would not hold up.
Yeesssss with a caveat. It would be a 'surface piercing' which have a much higher chance of rejection (growing out) and probably wouldn't be suitable for any type of tugging or weight. It would be slower to heal, take longer to pierce and more pain during healing. You'd need a bigger piece of jewellery to minimise the curvature of the piercing to slow the rejection process - like eyebrows etc. growing out, it would leave a greater scar.
You could get it pierced and treat as a temporary piercing, removing it days / weeks later like a corset piercing.

But again a good piercer could advise further.
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Kinky Newbie
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Feb 15, 2021
Yeesssss with a caveat. It would be a 'surface piercing' which have a much higher chance of rejection (growing out) and probably wouldn't be suitable for any type of tugging or weight. It would be slower to heal, take longer to pierce and more pain during healing. You'd need a bigger piece of jewellery to minimise the curvature of the piercing to slow the rejection process - like eyebrows etc. growing out, it would leave a greater scar.
You could get it pierced and treat as a temporary piercing, removing it days / weeks later like a corset piercing.

But again a good piercer could advise further.
Oh, I did not know that piercing the inner surface of the labia would be more painful then piercing the labia all the way through. I thought it was the opposite, LOL! Still I guess the pain would only be short lived. I would not put any weight on it, or tug, just a small ring, or bar.
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Kinky Newbie
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Aug 10, 2021
Oh, I did not know that piercing the inner surface of the labia would be more painful then piercing the labia all the way through. I thought it was the opposite, LOL! Still I guess the pain would only be short lived. I would not put any weight on it, or tug, just a small ring, or bar.
It's not so much where it is, the pain would be down to the length of flesh the needle has to go through. Like you can get your earlobes pierced in the standard way, or transversely through the whole width.
You could get a surface bar placed there vertically on the inner aspect, they're flat bottomed almost staple shaped bars, so the part inside your skin is flat and less likely to grow out and the ends sit at 90 degrees, so once balls are screwed on each end, that's all you would see.

If you're after an aesthetic only piercing that doesn't affect the way your labia look, I'd think about a Fourchette or a Christina.

You would see the Christina from a distance but they're quite pretty and wouldn't affect your sex life while healing. It's right at the top of your slit and pierced a bit like a belly button. Could get a cute curved bar with a jewel or something.

A Fourchette piercing is through a small piece of skin just below the vagina. The advantage is that no one would see it unless you open your legs and show them. I'm guessing that given where it is, you'd have to be careful during sex for a while but it's one I don't know much about.

I should probably say that I qualified as a piercer a few years ago but only did the course that covered ears, so while I know a bit about other piercings and am happy to advise, you should go have a chat with a professional.
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Jan 9, 2008
maybe my response is stupid after everything above (I didn't read everything), but if you go to a pro then don't worry, leave it up to them. The pros know whether and where to use anesthesia so if you want it, just do it no questions asked. They know if the client would feel pain or not and would take care of you so pain is not an issue. Just pick the pierce you are sure you want. I am trying to encourage your decision, that's all.

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