18 submissive girl, looking for Dom


Kinky Newbie
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Mar 2, 2017
***Please note, I accidentally hit male when creating my profile. I am not male, nor do I identify as one. I do not know how to fix this, so please ignore that.***

Hello, I am Maria. I am a submissive, 18, and fairly new to this. What I'm looking for is a Dom that will respect me, my time, and also be willing to deal with my inexperience. First thing off the bat, I will remain anonymous. No pictures of any sort. If that is a must for you, then please keep looking. I am fine with a Dom of any gender.

A few things a potential Dom should know:
*I have a hectic schedule, and will not be able to talk at all hours of the day. Sometimes this will change, but to be on the safe side let's assume I will only really be available in the afternoon (eastern time, most likely after 5). This will not be every day however, and I will try to inform you beforehand when I will be unavailable. (That is not to say you cannot give me a command that I can complete sometime in the day/all day)
*I am inexperienced, please excuse my lack of knowledge in some areas. I have learned much over the internet, but that can only go so far.
*While I may be a submissive, I expect to be treated with respect.
*I am very willing to try different kinks, but certain things I will have to pass on. If I do not want to try something, I will give you either a hard pass (meaning never), or a pass for now (meaning I might be willing to try this in the future).
*As I said above, no pictures, I will remain anonymous.
*Im not just interested in the sex side of things, but also the mental end.
*I will most likely be setting up a Skype for messaging, but for now you may pm me on here. Once the Skype is set up, I will send it to you from there.
*I am willing to negotiate with kinks, once again, let's talk about them over pm/skype.

As I'm newer here, I might have missed somethings that I should have gone over. If you have any questions for me, I am always down to chat.
Last edited:


  • Straight
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Dec 1, 2016
***Please note, I accidentally hit male when creating my profile. I am not male, nor do I identify as one. I do not know how to fix this, so please ignore that.***

Hello, I am Maria. I am a submissive, 18, and fairly new to this. What I'm looking for is a Dom that will respect me, my time, and also be willing to deal with my inexperience. First thing off the bat, I will remain anonymous. No pictures of any sort. If that is a must for you, then please keep looking. I am fine with a Dom of any gender.

A few things a potential Dom should know:
*I have a hectic schedule, and will not be able to talk at all hours of the day. Sometimes this will change, but to be on the safe side let's assume I will only really be available in the afternoon (eastern time, most likely after 5). This will not be every day however, and I will try to inform you beforehand when I will be unavailable. (That is not to say you cannot give me a command that I can complete sometime in the day/all day)
*I am inexperienced, please excuse my lack of knowledge in some areas. I have learned much over the internet, but that can only go so far.
*While I may be a submissive, I expect to be treated with respect.
*I am very willing to try different kinks, but certain things I will have to pass on. If I do not want to try something, I will give you either a hard pass (meaning never), or a pass for now (meaning I might be willing to try this in the future).
*As I said above, no pictures, I will remain anonymous.
*Im not just interested in the sex side of things, but also the mental end.
*I will most likely be setting up a Skype for messaging, but for now you may pm me on here. Once the Skype is set up, I will send it to you from there.
*I am willing to negotiate with kinks, once again, let's talk about them over pm/skype.

As I'm newer here, I might have missed somethings that I should have gone over. If you have any questions for me, I am always down to chat.

Your error is easy to fix but since pics are a limit for you & your understanding is limited it's not worth the time to bother explaining it to you.


Verified Dragon
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Jan 12, 2015
Your error is easy to fix but since pics are a limit for you & your understanding is limited it's not worth the time to bother explaining it to you.

It really seems that your understanding is limited, not hers.

1) If you're not interested or being helpful there's no reason to comment on it. You just make yourself look like an ass.

2) Moderators can't even fix it, only administrators have the power to change someone's sex. You can't help her with it at all.

3) As a more experienced user of the site and theoretically a more experienced member of the community, you should welcome and assist new people, not speak down to their inexperience. Be helpful when people need it. At the very least don't talk down to people.

4) If you don't like her limits, too bad for you. That's what makes her comfortable, if you can't respect them simply move on.

It doesn't look like there is any lack of or limited understanding on her part. Experience is an entirely different matter. Either stay on topic or stay off other people's posts.


Kinky Newbie
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  • Submissive
Mar 2, 2017

Hello everyone, I wanted to thank everyone that replied. I have spoken to many people, and I have found the right dominate for me, as he is respectful to me and has gained my trust. I hope you all have a wonderful day or night.


Kink Talk Member
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Dec 31, 2016
It really seems that your understanding is limited, not hers.

1) If you're not interested or being helpful there's no reason to comment on it. You just make yourself look like an ass.

2) Moderators can't even fix it, only administrators have the power to change someone's sex. You can't help her with it at all.

3) As a more experienced user of the site and theoretically a more experienced member of the community, you should welcome and assist new people, not speak down to their inexperience. Be helpful when people need it. At the very least don't talk down to people.

4) If you don't like her limits, too bad for you. That's what makes her comfortable, if you can't respect them simply move on.

It doesn't look like there is any lack of or limited understanding on her part. Experience is an entirely different matter. Either stay on topic or stay off other people's posts.

This post brightened my day. This is honestly hilarious, especially when your profile says "I will not humiliate you in any manner". Props to the kinktalk staff for doing their jobs in style.


Verified Dragon
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Jan 12, 2015
This post brightened my day. This is honestly hilarious, especially when your profile says "I will not humiliate you in any manner". Props to the kinktalk staff for doing their jobs in style.

My profile has changed over time to specifically address private messages I continued to get. I didn't have enough letters left to say "for your sexual gratification." And I do give fair warning I have a feisty side.

Whether I'm staff or not, no one should be berated for their limits or not having experience. That kind of talk discourages new members, both to the site and community. And the information was just wrong, it's not easy to fix. Anyone could have supported her and spoke out but I was simply the first to do so.

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