The make me famous (that is actually revenge porn)


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May 22, 2013
I've seen a fair amount of posts along the lines of this:

This is my slave, please post her all over the internet, she wants to be famous

Someone puts up an album with photos to share, leave them up for a week, then delete the album again.

In the meantime, fellow kinksters spread the photos to various porn-sites.

This could be an exhibitionist fetish.

But it could also be revenge porn, where the original poster is smart enough to not spread the images himself -so instead of risking that he makes up a story that will get other people to spread the photos.

A variant of this theme is this:

Control my computer, nude photos of the wife are on the desktop

Who doesn't have an old computer these days, that should have been thrown out when it was replaced but now it just sits there in the corner doing nothing?

It takes 10 minutes to put the revenge porn images on the desktop and install or teamviewer on the machine and hook it up to the internet.

I'm not saying that people that get a kick from letting others access and control their computer have this agenda. I'm saying that they could have it.

So, whatever you do, think twice before you make anyone famous that you are not 100% certain intended to be made famous. And even then, you should think it over again ;-)


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Jun 8, 2015
Excellent point.

And the tides are turning against revenge porn purveyors, you don't want to be on the wrong side of a lawsuit.

Oh, and? Prove that the girl in the picture is of age. Oh, you can't? You don't have proof that she's legal? Then in the eyes of the law she's not.

Legally speaking, and pornographically speaking, unless you can prove the person in the photographs was over 18 at the time the pictures was taken, she wasn't, and you're guilty of producing, reproducing, handling and spreading child porn. Without absolute proof that she was of age, you're in deep doo doo, legally speaking.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
A reminder

I have seen so much of the "make me famous" type activity lately I thought it was time for a reminder. There are big risks if you get fooled.
Domineer's post says it all but for those who want to do this remember our board policy now is that you must be able to show at least one photo of the person being exposed holding a note with a recent date, their kinktalk ID and text similar to "please expose me on the web".


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Aug 9, 2012
I have posted a lot of these in the past some of them like to be unknown so they don't get harassed and pmed but still get to enjoy reading the comments of what everyone thinks of them. Is just a please expose me with a date enough?


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Jan 8, 2012
Legally, even if it has the words 'expose me' and dates and so forth it wouldn't be enough, they are just an element of the picture. You would need a full model release form, and even then there are elements of doubt regarding association with likeness etc

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
We have discussed this at length, the specified minimum is what we now require. Obviously there are all kinds of ways to falsify using photoshop etc and the legal status of our method is perhaps not totally sound however what it comes down to is taking reasonable steps.

This we think we have done with our method, if staff have doubts, think the verification may have been faked we simply delete the album. We have the final say. Different countries have different laws that apply in different ways, our main concern is to not get shut down.

Very often we find with a quick google image search that photos posted are public domain and quite old. In these cases we don't bother with verifying.

Think about though, if the person you are exposing can't supply you with one simple photo with the verification text, it doesn't even have to be a nude, then is it really that person or is it their jilted ex using you?


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Dec 12, 2017
I'm new to this site but not to online role-playing and "exposure" games. I really like the verification steps Kink Talk has. "Exposure" games are a fairly big kink of mine but it's gotten extremely difficult to separate out real folks from fakes.

There are a lot of subs with the exposure fantasy and I really enjoy indulging them. I'm usually pretty good weeding out the fakes/re-posters but even I've been fooled. I'd been playing with a girl on a big fetish site and was having great fun (as was she). She suddenly got a lot more adventurous with what she was posting which, in hindsight, should have a sign. Turns out she was hacked and it was someone else posting her content. I only found out through a PM from her via a messaging app. I felt awful because it went from fun to scary in a hurry.

The above situation is why I like the verification steps on this site (i.e., when in doubt, take it down). I was surprised how difficult it can be to report and get content taken down on some of the big name fetish sites/blogs.
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Verified Kinky
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Dec 4, 2017
A guilty confession here.
Someone once hacked my photos and posted them while pretending to be me. I'd like to say I was mad about it but truthly the exposure and being used just turned me on.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Time to bump this up again with a slightly new take on the theme. This time a "couple" wanting to join and post photos of her but shockingly their camera is broken and can only post old photos...
From the now deleted post.

"I am also married, my wife's name is Kim, she is 34, with brown hair, and green eyes, is 5'6, 160 lbs, and shaved cunt. She enjoys reading comments, seeing fake pictures of herself, and much more."

"We are unable to take pictures currently, we only have what is on our computer. Our camera source is broken and damaged, so please don't ask for live pictures."

Notice the camera "source" is both broken and damaged, such a shame...

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