Looking for a new female slave

Harsh daddy

Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
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  • Dominant
Mar 1, 2016
I need a new where to train youl have one chance to tell me your limits then over time we will break them if you want to know more send me a picture on yourself laying naked next to your toilet you filthy little slot
Kik: Dave.r.1


Verified female
  • Bisexual
  • Female
  • Submissive
May 14, 2015
Look...the first thing about making an impression....is to make a 'good' impression. Considering that we are in an online medium which is very 'wordy' you should at least try to make your communications correct. You've posted one message and there are four mistakes...I assume 'where' is supposed to be whore, 'youl' is supposed to be you'll, 'on yourself' should be of yourself and 'slot' should be slut.
I'm not being pedantic. This sort of thing is important. You are trying to make a good first impression in the written word. Unless English isn't your first language you really have no excuse for sloppy writing. If you want quality transmit quality. If you want slop carry on writing slop. It' up to you....you're the Dom. But I'm a sub and I don't bother with poorly, sloppily written, inarticulate individuals. Read what you've written before you hit send. It''s a basic requirement.

Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
  • Male
  • Private
May 19, 2013
Excellent points there Marygaye, seriously dude if you expect any kind of response take the time to check your post before you hit submit.
Oh and in future make sure any personal ads get posted in the personals section, I moved this to the correct one for you...

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