A picture paints a thousand words.

Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
  • Male
  • Private
May 19, 2013
So goes the old adage. However to be kinky art it must be framed, so says me.

And this is what this thread is all about, framing something special (or terrible) to make some Kink Talk art.


So this is the format, to be included here your kinky "thing" MUST be framed. Use a real frame, cut one from cardboard or anything else that will do this job.
A few additional rules:
  1. The kinky thing must be part of you, if your face is in this then you MUST be verified.
  2. No photoshopping or using other tools to add a frame, the frame is a physical part of your entry.
  3. One entry per post, the members will be voting on the best so KISS.
  4. Invalid entries will be deleted.

Any questions, ask here before posting.

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