A sub, her husband and two Dommes


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
To see how I got myself into this mess, see A treat for my 20th ride and maybe even Miss Purrfect's Self Isolation Female Task Game.

Maybe you could see if you can beat my score 😉?

Until Wednesday, I had myself a Mistress, with Miss Purrfect whispering evil things in my ear that despite the fact they were at my own expense... Next thing I know, Mistress and Miss Purrfect are talking to each other...

I figured this thing has already massively outgrown my tale about riding my bike with a dildo inside me, so I'd move whatever happens from here to an ongoing blog. I have no idea how long I'm in this mess... forever, probably. That's how long it's going to take me to have ten orgasms donated to Miss J, an acquaintance of Mistress' who's been allowed two orgasms since 2014...

I get her ten, she gets one.. But there's a problem, because Miss Purrfect wanted to steal my orgasms for herself, and so does Mistress. And Mistress' partner. So there's a wheel on wheeldecide. My two Dommes have four slots each. Mistress' partner has three. Miss J has two and I have one... There's another wheel too, with various punishments and humiliations on it. Mistress says every time she spins my orgasm wheel, she spins the other wheel too!!

Wednesday, my husband left home to start his run right up to one of the northernmost parts of Scotland and he knew he'd be away Wednesday and Thursday nights, and as it turns out he's away tonight as well. So to "help" me resist the urge to touch myself, he tried Dr Optokon's trick of painting my clit with nail polish.





Later on, while I was stinging and praying for the evil stuff to harden so it could start to flake off, Mistress spun my wheel to allocate another of the seven orgasms I've earned so far from my husband. My third orgasm was won by Mistress, and at the expense of me having to wear the red dog collar on my neck and the smaller red collars around my breasts that The King had me buy for an earlier dare.

(The first orgasm went to Miss Purrfect and I had to spend the day applying my nipple clamps. A roll of my die determined that had to be for five 30 minute periods. The second went to Mistress' partner and the cost to me was that I could not touch myself for a week. I asked if my husband could touch me and Mistress flipped a coin for it. I'm permanently tails, as befits my status. It was heads...)

Miss Purrfect was messaging me with a bunch of "whimsical ideas" one of those being if my husband and I were ever to sell out house, he fixes me naked to the For Sale sign like how he posted me out last week.

Then she was enjoying the idea of him showing people around our house while I was tied up naked somewhere they probably wouldn't see me, but what if...

Then she came up with the idea of me body-painted like a statue, bent over with a table resting on my back, make me have to be a garden feature!!!

Then she told me she had an interesting dare for me and gave me 3 guesses, suggesting I lose an item of clothing for each wrong guess. Unfortunately, I was only wearing three items of clothing, but my child was home with me.

My only clue was that it's something "I've already shown appreciation for in my blogs".

Long story short, I guessed wrong and now I owe her some forfeit. After losing my panties for the first wrong guess, my second punishment was to go to a window and press my bare breasts against the glass. For 15 seconds. So I told Miss Purrfect that I had them on, and then she gave me the idea when lockdown is lifted in the UK to go to an engraving store and have a pendant engraved with "Owned by <my husband>" and tell them it's for his pet. Then when it's done, let my husband attach it to my collar in view of everyone in the store!!

There are builders next door but one... I pressed my breasts against an upstairs bedroom window but they didn't look up, but those fifteen seconds sure took their time!!!

Miss Purrfect was on a roll now with pet play ideas. "Lock all your sex toys away and buy fresh toys to replace them all. Looking at squeaky toys to potentially get yourself off with would be very humiliating."

OMG... But she had more...

"You can also strip for your husband and get him to play fetch with you in the garden. Keep chasing and retrieving things he throws. You can also look to using dog toys as a gag. Make you hold a bone toy or something in your mouth for a period of time making you drool down your tits.

"Also, placing a stake into the floor and tying you to it so you can only go so far in the garden. Maybe he could build you a shelter so your neighbors can't see your humiliation in the day. Leave you outside naked. With you risking to leave your shelter under fear of being caught."

Oh. My. God!!!! 💧

Anyway, I got all three guesses what her task would be wrong. It actually related to my cycling, and to painting my body as if I was wearing cycling lycra and going for a ride naked!

She even suggested I cut up parts of leggings so I have some actual material in parts, but the important bits are exposed!!!

Since I guessed wrong, I had to leave my panties off, but I did get the generous offer of getting to stuff them into my pussy... what kind of slut would take her up on that???

Oh my god, it felt to filthy having them in me like that, but since I couldn't touch it was the only thing I could think of to distract my mind from my burning clit.

If they dropped out I had to pick them up and suck them for two minutes before putting them back in. So I had to move very, very carefully for the rest of the day...

But Miss Purrfect wasn't done. Her imagination was running away with her.

"I was just thinking if a pole was fashioned to stand upright on the centre of a normal chair. To put your legs either side of, would be a fantastic torture device if it rubbed on your pussy all day! Maybe if it was triangular so the point rubs against your pussy as you were to sit would be very intense!"

I had to remind her again that I have my little one at home with me during lockdown but she should open her own office.

"A BDSM work-from-home centre where dirty bitches go to work from home and get dominated all day. Contraptions everywhere, fuck machine whirring away as a person sits trying to type emails, powerless to control any settings as the person behind the scenes does whatever they want. Imagine all the happy females coming back to their partners after just another day in the office, oblivious to the day they have just had.

"Maybe they could opt to have it filmed and either uploaded immediately as a live stream on a website. Or they can take away a digital file if they want to gift someone for a present. Maybe you could sign up for a shift and you never know when you are required to work that shift and people could be collected, stripped and prepped for work all of a sudden.

"You don't get your clothes back, but you'd return home in your BDSM uniform, whatever I decide is the official work appropriate uniform."

"Maybe you should get a T-shirt and cut boob holes in them and then pull your tits through. All day long you can have your udders out. You could also wear a cardigan with it to cover and save some dignity."

It was around this point, with me extremely wet and desperate to touch myself, that Mistress threw the curveball that she and Miss Purrfect had been talking together...
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Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
"I spoke to Miss Purrfect today. Just to say it was me, in terms of the Mistress you talked about. But wanting to send out a message that you're mine..."

Mmmm, claimed 🤗 But then...

"And she suggests some sort of collaboration."

Oh no... the very thought... immediately I'm very wet and very nervous, like feeling nauseous... what might these to evil geniuses think up for me when they're working together???

But, Mistress has taken care of me already, just this week, so I have to trust her...

So now in a three way conversation, Miss Purrfect tells Mistress about me not guessing right, and about the builders in the nearby garden. They suggest I lean out of the upstairs window and flash my boobs, then immediately cover up.

I can do that, but it's a bodycon dress, so I'd have to pull it all the way up...

Then they suggest instead I stand near the window, a few steps back and drop the dress to the floor, then immediately pick it back up.

I ended up doing both... Oh my God, it was such a rush and I felt like such a slut, but the builders were busy packing up by now and concentrating more on getting home than some plus size slave slut exposing herself overhead...

So an intense, but not too scary start to proceedings. Maybe it would be okay...

Mistress was busy with family on Thursday and Miss Purrfect wasn't feeling to great, so I mostly had the day to actually get on with some work to try to ignore the yearning desire to touch my pussy.

Mistress and I did discuss the pet play thing some more... I'm definitely not comfortable being staked naked in the back yard - imagine what my neighbor would think!! - but maybe I could be a sheer-bodysuited kitten girl? I could still get the pendant engraved, and I guess there'd still be a tail to be held in somehow... So I started looking into pet friendly hotels.

Unfortunately, they're all currently closed for the lockdown, but I've got until mid-August for my husband's birthday so we could go somewhere where we can get a cage in the room for him to keep me in, open spaces where he can walk me with a lowered risk of us getting caught, and someplace nearby where we can get the pendant and I can have him attach it to me without it being where anybody's likely to recognize me!!

Aside from that, not much was happening - it's fine, real life. I used to have one of those but lockdown and my husband's lack of attention since New Years has made me go a little bit crazy. That's the only thing I can think of. So I did something uncharacteristic, and found a male Kinktalk user that wanted ideas of how to humiliate and deny himself. You might have noticed it somewhere... So yeah, okay, I have a few really weird fantasies that I daren't share with my husband where I take the lead.

Today Miss Purrfect caught up on conversations and decided that for my weekend away as my husband's pet, I'll take no additional clothes. I suggested that I'd need at least a coat or something to keep me covered when I'm in public. She and Mistress conceeded to me trying to find a fur coat or something... And that I'll pee in my cage on some newspaper or a litter tray... 😱

Trying to combine working from home with homeschooling math. Miss Purrfect has a problem for you: "If <miss kubo> has 3 items of clothes on and removes all 3 under orders from her Mistress, how much of a dirty slut is <miss kubo>?"

She suggested a game to deprive me of some of my clothes. And like a fool, I walked into their little trap...

It seemed simple and innocent enough: "we guess the color of her underwear and they come off. Two guesses each. Oh and she has a matching set."

I did have a matching set. In one color, but with some little bows adorning them in a different color, so to try and make the game more challenging, I asked if they could have to guess both colors.

Miss Purrfect had already guessed black by this stage and they decided between them that if I was changing the rules then she got another go, blue and pink. She was wrong again.

Mistress took a turn - black and a red bow - and she got it wrong.

So then it was Miss Purrfect's turn again. "White and yellow bow"...

Damn it. Yes, I was wearing white underwear, but the bows weren't yellow.

Mistress guessed that the bow was black. Miss Purrfect was quick to realize that was wrong, as she'd already guessed black earlier.

Why? Why did I suggest she could have another go?

So she did, but she guessed green!

Oh! Oh wow, wrong again! Does that mean I get to keep my underwear?

"Shall we go double or nothing? Two more goes each," Miss Purrfect suggested. "If we get it you lose the underwear and cannot wear any for a week! If we get it wrong then you'll keep your underwear... for now."

Mistress said she liked those terms... as long as we weren't betting hers.

"Not a chance. Goddesses keep their underwear," Miss Purrfect scoffed, but... well... Mistress likes to gamble.

But she'd only be up for it if Miss Purrfect was. She wasn't, not for her panties anyway, but she was willing to gamble her bra. So it was their bras versus my underwear.

Miss Purrfect guessed orange. Wrong again. Oh my god, the suspense of this was making me so wet, but I can't touch myself until Monday!!!

Mistress guessed next... gold! Nope. Oh God, I was getting closer...

But then Miss Purrfect guessed purple. Erm... I guess... I mean, the bows are lilac...

Close enough, Mistress said. So, making sure my little one was preoccupied enough to not suddenly come in, I took off my bra from under my blouse, and my panties from under my skirt.

"Oh, and this might be the perfect time for Mistress to tell you what we have planned regarding clothing items you lose in games to us. Enjoy," said Miss Purrfect.


Trembling while I waited. Five minutes. Ten...


"So... underwear that is lost is... lost."

Oh no. Lost how? Please not disposed of...

"Awww, I loved the little bit of begging there. Hot 🔥" Miss Purrfect said.

Oh jeez...

Mistress messaged me privately then. "Can you afford to lose them?"

In all honesty, no. I have some lingerie from the UK, but most of it was bought at home in the states and can't be easily replaced, certainly not with anything so pretty...

"Right. I'll try and find a balance..."

Oh my god...

Back in the group chat. Mistress: "So they can't be worn until won back. Or bought back, somehow."

...okay, I guess...

"There's more. You need to reclaim them within the next month or they will be... harder to reclaim. Got it?"

Harder how? And what do I need to do?

"We'll see. But they might get... say... buried. In a proper box."

OMG, OMG, did you two have this planned before the game even started???

Mistress... "I can't wait for my shower now 🔥🔥🔥"

🤯 o_O

All this just in time for the washing machine to finish it's cycle. Which was kind of good, because I needed to step away from the conversation for a while... losing and having to bury my underwear? Can I cope with this??

Today was a very windy day in the UK, so windy it's slowed my husband in his truck down and he's run out of driving hours; hence, he's still not home tonight 🥺 I could have really used him right then.

Hanging that washing outside in a skater skirt with no panties... it was problematic, to say the least. I was certain my neighbor would come out, but somehow I got away with it!

Meanwhile, Mistress enjoyed my orgasm in her shower...

"Do you think she'll be in good hands with us tonight <Mistress>" Miss Purrfect asked.

"I do think so," Mistress replied, signing off with a real name.

Oh my God. Those two have been talking...



Senior Kink Talk Member
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May 31, 2017
North East Coast
I really enjoy reading your writing and the predicaments that you are dealing with. Just wondering what/where are those wheels on wheeldecide? I'd love to follow along and see what possibilities they have. Thank you, for being you.


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
After Mistress enjoyed her orgasm... my orgasm :cry:… I got to thinking about assigning another one. Obviously that meant another spin of both my wheels. And Mistress' partner won again. And I had to wear my stainless steel jewelled buttplug overnight.

Meanwhile, Miss Purrfect came up with, in her own words, another devilish idea to keep my mind off missing my husband...

"<miss kubo> I'd love it if you tied two bits of string to your washing line knotting it tightly. Then reel it back to a chair or somewhere you're sat (maybe putting the string through an open window).

"Then fasten the string to a clip or clamp to your nipples, giving the string a bit of slack so it's not too tight but not all over the floor.

"With this wind it will be random timings of your nipples being pulled about with nothing you can do about the force of nature.

"For more fun, put clips or clamps on your pussy lips too."

Mistress thought that was a "lovely idea" which meant no backing out now...

Miss Purrfect then started messaging me privately: "What do you think to the idea slutty <miss kubo>?"

Well, it will certainly keep me awake while I'm washing up, I told her.

"Yes it will. Even better if you strip naked. Put the lights on, no restrictions to windows such as blinds. Plus the breeze. Brrrrr!"

...oh. my... god...

"Hope that's made you damp"

I asked, if I did it, could I have my underwear back?

"Nope… you'll just have to do it being the good little slut you are. Be a good little whore and get it done. You bluntly don't deserve your underwear. You're lucky I don't make you stand underneath the washing line naked being pulled about like a slut in the wind as it carries your moans to your neighbors.

"Now you should be thinking, mmmm, how much of a dirty whore would I feel standing naked in my garden attached to the washing line, wind pulling on my tits and pussy as I moan."

Well... it would make me feel very slutty... but for my kid's sake and to try and avoid getting a reputation, not until much, much later...

"That's not a no, dirty girl." Then she went back to the group chat. "<miss kubo> says she really wants to do it late at night and stand naked outside to feel like a dirty whore. Ha"

But... that's... that isn't... I mean, I do, but...

Mistress: "<miss kubo>? I do think that's a fair request, don't you?"

Ohhhhh… fuck, fuck, fuck...

As ever, Miss Purrfect's imagination was running away with her...

"OMG you could fly a kite attached to you too laying in your garden. Kite blowing around pulling on your bits. One for another day.

"Oooh I have an amazing idea for an adaption of the kite idea. Make a kite with your husband, however print an A4 or A3 pic, if possible to use as the kite. Your husband can choose any pic of you he wants as the design. Then make you get your tits out to attach the kite via string and clamps. Make you tie your hands behind your back too.

"The funny thing is there's a danger of it being too windy and your slutty pic blows away forever for someone to discover!

"Also your husband if he wanted could sabotage it and your kite could fly away. He'd do this by tugging on your clamps causing you pain and then you'd have the embarrassment of seeing your shame fly away. You'd be out in the countryside away from where you live in this situation too so if your kite was discovered then nobody would know you!"

Um... hot to masturbate to, if only I could, but no... too dangerous for this slut.

So... about twenty past nine last night, I finally got my little one to sleep. My pussy had been on fire all day, but my heart was pounding in my chest... all I could think about... But first I wanted to talk to my husband so first I put in the buttplug as had been decided by my wheel, so that Mistress' partner could enjoy another of my orgasms, and then I spent an hour on the phone with him. Letting him know all that had happened and him reassuring me that it was still up to me. He has another idea about my underwear that still puts it out of my immediate reach but isn't quite so risky... I'll probably raise that with them tomorrow... and of course, he reminded me that it was still up to me how far I wanted to take this thing. He's really worried about me because this is a complete new level for the both of us, but I need to get Miss J her orgasm!

It was about ten to eleven at night when I got off the phone and made my way back downstairs. All the houses opposite were dark and when I went outside, all the neighboring houses were as well. Oh God, was it cold though, even though the wind had died down. I needed to do those dishes, I hate coming down in the morning to yesterday's washing up, so I tied the string to the line, hung out a couple of towels to better catch the gusts of wind that remained and fed the loose end through my kitchen window. Then I headed back inside to my sink. Everywhere was still dark... so on when the lights. Off came my red skater skirt and white peasant blouse. I attached the clamps to my labia, pulled the string down to tie it to the chain and began my chore. It wasn't too bad... plenty of random tensing and relaxing of the tension as the wind pulled the line about, but there was only one or two strong gusts that really made me have to stop in my tracks... That was, what, about 25 minutes?

But then it was time to go outside... Mistress had said goodnight and gone to bed already by this point, so I was at the mercy of Miss Purrfect. Did she want me to spend a full half hour out there?

"Mmmm so sexy! Such a good girl. Yes, I want you to have the full experience!"

*Shivers* Oh, what an experience it was... It was so cold out there, that made my nipples stiffen before I'd clamped them, and the pain the clamps bought was intensified massively! Naked in my back yard, nipple clamps attached by a short string to my washing line... Cold grass under my bare feet... praying nobody would wake up and look out of a bedroom window, nobody would come prowling around... Oh, why did I have to think about putting the towels up?

Private message from Miss Purrfect: "Well done for pushing yourself to try the clamps and wind! Super proud of you slutty <miss kubo> 😘

"Just so you know, I'd let you touch your pussy right now. Maybe you could beg your Mistress?"

I would, but she'd already told me she was going to bed nearly two hours previously...

"Shame. I really want you to wank right there and moan into the wind. Would feel so amazing. Might warm you up, at least your fingers"...


As it passed midnight, the wind seemed to pick up again and several gusts pulled viciously at my clamps, forcing uncontrollable moans of pain from me as I struggled to not draw attention to myself even as I couldn't resist continuing to check my phone and update Miss Purrfect on my plight, terrified of how much the screen's glow might be illuminating me...

"Bet you'd love to rub yourself right now, all naked bound to the washing line."

Oh God, but wouldn't I... OUCH!!!

"Hehehe I'm loving this. Shame I don't think you live near me ha. That could have been interesting"

Oh my goodness... Interesting would be one way of putting it... how would Mistress retain control though if Miss Purrfect could physically get her hands on me???

Those last ten minutes could just as well have been another hour... my nipples were throbbing with pain, the plug felt twice as big as it actually is, my breathing I think was incredibly loud and my involuntary moans... But with all the wind and the blood rushing in my head, it seemed so loud!!

Taking those clamps off HURT!!! It was all I could do to not cry out...

"Mmmm… they will hurt more now, feel the breeze on your labia and nipples"

What? I want to get back inside!

"Maybe you should crawl back on all fours to the warmth of the inside to appreciate the warmth of your house even more."

*Shuddering*… and shivering from the cold... but okay...

"Not embarrassed are you?"


"Awww, bet you'd love to play on all fours in the cold and wind too. Face down, ass up, legs spread."

"Touch your pussy, see what you are missing. One touch all you get. I'm sure your Mistress will be okay with a touch to see what you are missing out on."

"When its for your humiliation I think it will be okay. But either way, I love you're on all fours like a dog"

Oh my god, the conflict... It raged in my mind, not knowing what I should do... but in the end, Mistress has instructed no touching, and wasn't awake to say otherwise. So, as much as I longed for contact, as humiliating as a single touch just to torment me further would be... I had to decline. I hope Mistress thinks I did the right thing...

"I hope you enjoyed your crawl back to the warmth"

I was definitely appreciating being back in my house, no longer illuminated naked to the outside world!!!

"See by having the normal things taken away from you, you appreciate everything much, much more. That's why the less you have, the better the experience. The more we take from you, the wetter you'll be."

Well, I was very wet. But still conflicted, and scared for the loss of my underwear and the prospect of possibly losing more of it to them, and having to bury it... All this and I still couldn't touch, so I came on here to try and bring you guys fully up to date, but at 2am I had to call it a night and tried to sleep.

Miss Purrfect was still awake too... "Well, if you're not going to touch, one of us should. Just sliding down my thong...

"I'm not going to give you too many details but my vibrator is on 😉"

Yeah... I didn't sleep too great.
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Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
When I did sleep, I dreamt I was naked, leashed and shackled in a pig sty as two women came to hose me off... I was scared of the cold water that I knew was coming, but even more scared of the barn that I knew they'd be taking me to when they'd blasted me clean!

I got disturbed and woken up just as the water started. Eventually I managed to fall back asleep and dreamt I was naked, forced to clean an underground bar before opening time, but in the middle of the stage, illuminated in blue light, was a tight cage that I knew I was going to be locked into when the show started...

I got woken up from that one too. And then it was time for me to get up and play my Mommy role, although I was very conscious of the fact that my nipples were still sore from last night's misadventures and that I was still plugged. But Mistress would be in touch to tell me to take it out...

9am came and went. 10am... that's over 12 hours plugged, and I was getting a little nervous...

11am… I messaged her. "Good morning Mistress. How long do I need to keep the plug in for please?"

"You can take it out now but that means another spin. Or you can keep it in."

Another spin??? "But Mistress, I've had it in all night!"

"And you can take it out. Provided we spin your wheel?"

Only, I didn't get that last message for ten or fifteen minutes because my little one wanted to go try flying their kite at the park...

"Well?" She chased.

"Okay Mistress," I relented. "I don't think I can stand it much longer."

That's fine. It will only be a few more minutes and she'll spin my wheel and tell me my fate and allow me to take it out...

12.30, it's raining in the park, and I need to go to the supermarket to have some things ready for my husband getting home. Still no reply...

The wind's picking up and there's a queue to get into the supermarket... I'm wearing a dress and a cardigan, but the rain is wetting both of them and I'm not allowed underwear for a week...

Finally, midway around the supermarket, she messaged me. "Right. Did you take it out?"

"Not yet," I tell her. "You didn't say you'd spun the wheel Mistress."

Nearly ten past one, and I'm in the queue at the checkout. Still nothing.

Just before two in the afternoon and finally my weary husband pulls up on our drive. We're both so eager to see him, but my poor bottom is really starting to get sore!! I can't concentrate on giving him the loving welcome he deserves...

Ten past two. Have I done something wrong? I haven't heard from Mistress' partner for a few days, have I accidentally upset her?? Hastily I add a couple of additional torments to my forfeit wheel and send it to try and make up for whatever I might have done to have to be punished so...

My husband can tell I'm getting myself in some distress and just wants me to take it out. But I don't want to disobey... so he takes me upstairs and helps to put some more lubricant around, try and cool the plug which is burning hot with my body heat transferred to it and tells me to relax up here for a little bit while he takes care of our child.

Ten past three... "Don't worry and no. I'll ask her. We've been fighting ants here. They were all over. Spun your wheel. No panties it was"

But... didn't I already lose wearing underwear for a week yesterday?

"Yes. So I guess we spin again... +1 day."

Okay. I can take that, after all, my husband's not even granted me any orgasms for this week yet... So may I please unplug now? It's been nearly 18 hours... 😭

That's a long time to stay plugged, by far the longest I've ever gone. My body is going to need a lot of rest from this one and is still a little bit sore back there even now... I may have even been stupid and pushed myself a little too far 😣

"Yes you may"


These games are really, really sexy... but I'm going to have to try and remember that I'm an adult... I'm certainly old enough to know better, but... Probably I should have capped it a twelve hours.. I'll certainly not be riding my bike tomorrow, naked or otherwise.


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
I really enjoy reading your writing and the predicaments that you are dealing with. Just wondering what/where are those wheels on wheeldecide? I'd love to follow along and see what possibilities they have. Thank you, for being you.

Mistress told me to share it 😳

But she says no requests


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Sep 4, 2014
I do have to say, I love reading all of the stories you have to tell of all your recent adventures. Its very exciting and arousing at the same time to read.

I must say, I do find myself reading some of these in public and sometimes i feel as if I need to just take my pants off and masturbate right there regardless of who is around because of how fun and hot they are too read.

I do hope you have another fun steamy adventure to share with us of anything that were to happen recently.
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Apr 15, 2011
So I woke up a little bit sore at the back on Sunday morning so, as I'd kind of been expecting, a bike ride was off the menu for that day. I did intend at least going out for a walk, but my husband convinced me to stay in bed with him, so we had a very snuggly, intimate, loving hour and half of cuddling, caressing, kissing... He had me bring him up to date on everything that had been happening while I caressed his stiffening manhood which seemed to get harder and harder the more of the mess I was in was revealed to him... It was getting really interesting, I was delicately kissing his... parts... rubbing myself against his sexy firm thighs... and then our little one came and joined us, bringing those things to an abrupt stop.

After that, we had a really nice family day which was absolutely wonderful for us, but this is KinkTalk, so...

Monday was a bank holiday, and I was feeling better so I got out on my bike and put in a challenging two and half hour ride. My husband gave Miss Purrfect's cycle slut... sorry, cycle suit idea some thought Sunday night and we ordered some liquid latex to couple with him cutting up a cheap swimsuit that I bought from ASDA. It hasn't arrived yet, I'm expecting it Tuesday. And he rewarded me with six more orgasms; one for the nail polish on my clit, another for fun with the builders and exposing myself in the windows. One for taking the bin out last minute in my robe... I told you about that, right? No, I didn't... Sorry, I was kind of distracted last Wednesday... Um... One for my washing line adventures last Friday night, one for being obedient at the expense of my comfort with the plug and one for being a good girl... Yes, that's still degrading, patronising and extremely erotic all at once...

After that, aside from becoming Bradley's default key holder... it was a relatively quiet family oriented day.

Tuesday, Mistress allocated another of my orgasms. Yet again, her partner won. But my week without being allowed underwear got extended by four days so now I have to wait until Tuesday!! And Miss Purrfect send me a live Chaturbate link to a girl called Tilly Monroe who'd pitched a tent somewhere in the wilderness and was stark naked outside it.

Wednesday I didn't hear from Mistress all day which had me a little bit worried about her, as she'd mentioned at the weekend having to have antibiotics.

I did hear from Emily...

Fully Casted Mummified Girl

Eek! 😲

On Thursday morning, Miss Purrfect suggested some yoga stretches in my garden to get me nice and "relaxed" for work... knowing full well that I had no underwear on and that I was anything but relaxed.

I'd spent the entire night having extremely kinky fantasies about having very vanilla sex with my husband. I'm really missing the feel of his hard cock inside me... of being vigorously fucked... of feeling my vaginal muscles bunching and squeezing at him as he makes me cum, and of the hot burst of his own orgasm inside me that so often brings me almost to climax again...

And before that I had dreams of Bradley and I both forced to stand on a street corner, the two of us wearing microskirts, high heels and tiny bras... only he got to wear a thong over his cock cage. Every gust of wind or passing car made my skirt flick up and expose me entirely...

So, yeah, for my 10.30 break, I went out in the sunshine in my dusty pink camisole top and my white linen knee-length skirt and did ten minutes of Yoga with Kassandra from YouTube, hoping that my neighbor wouldn't come out. Somehow I managed to get away with it.

During the morning, one of my friends sent me a text asking how I was doing and I ended up inviting them over for a coffee at lunchtime.

My two domes loved this and suggested I accidentally on purpose end up wetting my camisole. It's comfortable and somewhat supportive in the absence of a bra, but really I'd have been better putting a blouse on over it, because it makes no secret of the fact that there's nothing underneath it. Obviously that was a no. And they wanted me bending over to pick things up too... and sit on a wooden seat so any damp patches would be visible...

Well, my little one had plenty of toys strewn all over the garden, so I did pick them up when my friend arrived, and got her a comfortable chair out of the shed which I had to figure out how to unfold for her before I sat on our wooden bench opposite her... and her eyes were on my breasts pretty much the whole time! Now, they're not exactly subtle - I'm a 40D after all - so it could just have been how obvious they were in the camisole, but when I did "accidentally" spill over myself, she didn't seem to be put off... Have you seen the film Basic Instinct? There's a scene where Sharon Stone, without panties, crosses her legs... I did that and my friend went noticeably pink... Shortly after, she made her excuses and went home, but I texted her to say how lovely it had been to see her and asked if she wanted to do it again same time next week, and she said she's looking forward to it...

"Excellent. Well done. I wonder if she wants to see your boobs or not. Be funny if she's sat at home thinking... Mmm <miss kubo> has amazing tits. Can't wait until next week" Miss Purrfect said.

Um... As far as I know she's pretty vanilla. I'm not sure she'd be thinking too much about me in that kind of way... I mean, she had her eyes on them the whole time, but they do kind of demand attention...

"It's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for," Miss Purrfect reminded me. "If she was really vanilla she would have looked away. Maybe she's back at home thinking you tried to seduce her or maybe she got embarrassed that she got turned on looking at your boobs and had to leave suddenly. If she's as vanilla as you say this would have shocked her. She enjoyed it enough to want to come back though. That's definitely for sure."

"I'm sure she's intrigued if nothing else"
Mistress added. So, um, I guess we'll see how it goes next Thursday...

Emily sent me another text.


OMG, seems like she's got a good idea of what she wants to do with me


I wanted to repeat my garden experience with my husband. It was about 10.15 when we were actually able to spend some time together. The light was fading outside but there was still some warmth. He was chilling in the lounge with a beer so I asked him to come outside with me, sat him down on the bench. I had a glass of water. No accident this time, I looked him in the eye while I poured the whole thing over my camisole... why didn't I use warm water...

It was maybe five seconds of him groping my boobs through my soaked top before he pulled it off and then spent a long time massaging them, squeezing them, bouncing them... He had me press them together so he could pour his beer on them and then lick it thoroughly off... mmm, his tongue...

I pulled at the waistband of his shorts and he lifted himself up so I could pull them down enough to expose his stiffening manhood. I knelt down and took him into my mouth and he took a firm hold of my head. We spent maybe ten minutes out there with him making me fuck him with my mouth until he couldn't hold off any longer and exploded hard, hot and fast... he kept me down there a while longer to lick him clean, and when he was hard again, he gently guided me off him and took me inside to our bedroom.

He laid me down on the bed and took off my skirt, then started very gently licking me, working me tenderly with his tongue. Every time I started to get close to the edge, he stopped, pulled back, ignoring my frustrated, anguished moans, and when my desperate involuntary grinding stopped, he'd gently begin again. Over and over, teasing me relentlessly, barely letting me edge, never letting me cum even though he wanted to... eventually I couldn't stand it anymore and had to push him gently off and turn away onto my side, moaning uncontrollably, fighting the urge to sob...

He cuddled up to me and wrapped an arm around me tenderly, but I didn't want that, so I turned back around to him to take him in my mouth again. When he had his hard on back, I squeezed my boobs to it and massaged it between them while he fucked them until he sprayed a second hot load between them.

Sleep took a long time to come after that. Not for my husband, although he tried to stay awake as long as he could with me, bless him. But when I finally passed out, I slept heavily, barely coming round as he kissed me goodbye this morning, and I overslept slightly, giving myself only 40 minutes to get ready for work.


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
I was just sorting out breakfast when I picked up Mistress' messages to me. She gave me an hour to sneak in three edges to start the day off! If I failed, I'd have to spin the wheel, but if I managed it then we'd allocate another orgasm!

I got my first one while I was gathering a couple of laundry loads for the day. My second was in the shower and came very hard and very fast, so when I got out I had to lay on top of the bed for a little while to cool off before having my third. I'm so sensitive down there and wet ALL of the time... it felt especially sensitive on Tuesday after not being allowed to touch myself for a week, and since then it's been difficult to keep my hands off of myself 😳

"It's fun isn't it" Mistress said. "Think of Miss J"

Ohmygod... that was three!!

Mistress spun my orgasm wheel as I put a dress on for the day, a light blue summer dress with floral print, flared skirt and V-neck vest straps. Her partner won again.

So far it's been Miss P, then Mistress' partner, then Mistress, then Mistress' partner again, then Miss P, then Mistress' partner again.

I suggested maybe it needed a few spins in one go to allocate to Mistress or Miss J... or maybe even me...?

Mistress agreed and spun it four more times. The first went to Mistress 😊

Secondwent to Miss P. Finally, third was for Miss J!! Only nine more to go... o_O and the fourth and final one for today went to Miss P again.

Mistress told me her panties were getting a bit moist. Mmm, panties...

"Miss them? Or do you actually enjoy this" Mistress asked me.

I do enjoy it... but I feel a little... dirty. I keep myself clean, but I'm so, so wet, all of the time. I'm still having to follow the rules about not sitting on my skirt when I wear no panties, but obviously I don't want my little one finding out about that, so I'm having to wear skirts that aren't so long that hitching them up is impractical, but aren't so short that I can't cover myself when I am sat down... And I feel the need to wash them all after only wearing them once.

"Dilemmas, eh? And you are a slut after all... but we will try and balance things."

Mistress had to go into a meeting at this point. By the time she came out, it was time for me to hang out my first laundry load of the day. My neighbor was working in his garden this morning so I asked Mistress which way I should face while I hung out my laundry so as to give him a view of either my ass or my cleavage. Mistress suggested cleavage today. I think he enjoyed the show, but he'd be getting a better one...

At about 11.30, Mistress messaged me again. "Having lunch. And I''m really, really horny now"

I had just over a half hour to go until my child and I took our lunch break. I was so horny I couldn't stop rubbing my thighs together or keep my hand from between them... fortunately the little one was distracted with their tablet, but at lunch I was going to fill up their paddling pool and put some sunscreen on them.

"I bet they'd love for you to join them in it"

I'm sure they would... what are you thinking, Mistress?

Well… Is there room for you?”

Yes, we could both fit in there together…

And you’d wear what?”

Um… well, not my dress… maybe one of my bikinis or the swimsuit I bought for my husband to cut up?

Bikini would be good?”

Yes… um, unless…


Well, to get back the underwear I lost last week… um…

Yes?? Tell me”

Well… if I wore that instead of a bikini, then I could wash it afterwards and put it back in my lingerie drawer, out of danger?

That sounds like a very good idea”

Oh my goodness… but my neighbor… but if I can get it back?? Should I change into it now before I fill the pool and make our lunches?

I think that’s a good plan”

Ohmygod… so there I was, in my back garden, wearing my bra and panties that I lost last week, that hasn’t been washed since I lost it last week, and they’re evil little guessing game had gotten me so wet in them… And then I realized that the builders two doors down on the opposite side were on a scaffold and could see clearly over the hedge into my garden.

And the lingerie went very see through in the water!! With my neighbor chatting to me over the fence, and me having to act like everything’s perfectly normal… Fortunately my little one took it at face value that all my bikinis needed washing after our last trip to Orlando (in December…)

Mhmm, lovely. I am SO horny now”

Me too… so not appropriate. Am I a terrible mother?

Anyway, I took a quick selfie for my husband… shame he’s away today and tonight… and then I went to the group chat to update Miss Purrfect on my shenanigans.

Maybe your Mistress can keep you in your white underwear only. Maybe a towel to sit on while you work but every hour on the hour go play in the paddling pool for a 5 min break and then sit back to work dripping wet. Since your kid has already seen you play dressed like that, it shouldn’t be too hard to convince them it’s hot and you enjoy the pool today.”

Well… I actually could get away with that and Mistress agreed, so that was my afternoon… At 3pm, just as I was getting in, my phone rang. It was my line manager, checking up that I was doing okay working from home. Thank God they didn’t try getting me on a video call!!!

So I finish work at 4.30pm, but Miss Purrfect wanted me to go into the pool again at five, before I made dinner. After that last one, she suggested I take off the lingerie and hang it out to dry and spend the rest of the evening in a towel. It was a little bit inconvenient, having to keep folding it back when it wanted to fall away, but I managed it, and then had an early bath and a mini-spa with my little one to wind down for bedtime.

I washed up naked because I couldn’t be bothered fighting with the towel, but I had the lights off tonight. I think I’ve exposed myself enough for today… I wrapped myself back up to go bring my lingerie in and it’s waiting with the second laundry load that I didn’t actually get around to starting today to wash in the morning. I can’t tell you how relieved I am to have them back safely in my own possession… I’m looking forward to Tuesday when I might actually be able to wear underwear again, at least until my Goddesses devise another way of stealing it from me...
Last edited:


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
I've got a few ideas building up from my friend The King... a porn video to watch with my husband, that will probably be tomorrow night... Modify an old pair of jeans to make them crotchless so I can wear them out with my jewelled butt plug... I'm going to put off any anal play for as long as possible after I was silly last weekend (but I'm healing nicely back there, so got away with it)… a "rope walk" - looks painful. Not sure about putting tobacco on the rope!!! And get some bells for my neck collar and breast collars and wear them every day for a week... I'm not sure I'll be able to bear that, even with not wearing them overnight, but the bells will drive me mad and make me VERY self-conscious... um... There's also his mall dare, but since Coronavirus, who knows WHEN I'm going to get to do that one?


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
Last Saturday was fun for, um, different reasons… It’s up to Mistress and Miss Purrfect to tell you about that.

Back with my family, we probably should have waited until Monday when lockdown restrictions officially eased, but we had the weather and we’re actually pretty much the only house on the block that hasn’t had a gathering of family and friends that don’t live with us, so my husband’s parents and brother joined us in the garden for a barbecue.

I was going to wear my dark blue playsuit being as I was still on my lingerie ban until Tuesday, but Mistress decided she wanted me in a skirt, so I picked out a red pleated skater skirt and a black and white striped top. You could probably tell if you looked too close, but the breeze wasn’t too bad, so I think I got away with it, despite my husband’s insistance that the rules about not sitting on my skirt still applied!

On Sunday morning I went out for my bike ride as usual, it was already warm when I set out. Along one of my trails there’s a gap in the fence which has had me intrigued the last few times I’ve ridden that way so I went down and explored it and found a very beautiful and secluded waterfall.

I sent some photos to Mistress as I fantasized about stripping off and cooling myself down… or maybe warming myself up in the water. She told me she’d love to join me. I wondered if she’d be bringing her bikini to watch her partner and I frolic naked, but she was in the mood to be naked with us. It was so hot, I didn’t wear the triathlon suit, I wore shorts and a jersey over a sports bra, and the jersey turned out to be a layer too much. Cycling home in just my sports bra felt very weird and exposed...

After that, and events on Sunday, I was volunteered to put wearing my playsuit on hold again and instead wear one of my husband’s old rock T-shirts with a pair of fishnet tights and the ankle boots that I got from ASDA for my prostitute outfit.

Once my husband caught sight of the outfit, it became one fishnet stocking, one long sock, one ankle boot and one high heel pump, and that’s how I did a supermarket shop and how I went around Poundland. It’s okay, I used to be a goth… I guess that’s slightly goth-looking, right?

We spent the afternoon enjoying the sunshine in the garden and while I did some hedge trimming (actual hedges, I keep myself nice and smooth, thank you), my husband and little one soaked each other thoroughly with a good water fight. My little one had no issues stripping off to go and get dry afterwards, but while my husband was hanging up their clothes, I helped him out of his… yep, even his underpants. His swelling cock felt good in my hand, but it would have felt even better in my pussy…

I told Mistress as much. It was Monday by the time she managed to see it. “You’ll enjoy it, next year,” she told me.

Next YEAR???

“I didn’t say you’d get to cum. Just that you could have him inside you!”

Sometimes Mistress makes my head spin and my heart pound and I have to step away from the conversation a little while. Next YEAR?

Honestly, I couldn’t do that to him, even if I could bear it myself…

“You’re young, you have plenty of time to… well,” Mistress teased. But I’m not that young, and my body… well… let’s just say my body clock will soon stop ticking…

“But the idea hopefully did turn you on,” Mistress asked. And, um, yeah… but not for that long. Maybe until his birthday… in August…

“Doable,” Mistress asked. Ulp…

“It’ll be difficult,” I admitted. “But I can tease him until then. And… I do have other… orifices in the meantime.”

“You do, don’t you,” Mistress agreed. Uh-oh, looks like that’s happening!!

“And your own orgasms?”

Well, my husband gave me five more from the previous week to allocate.

While this was going on, Mistress set me a challenge to edge once an hour, every hour, throughout the day, and had me wearing my denim dungaree dress over a crop top which I bought “for when I lost weight” about three years ago and I’ve not really slimmed down quite enough for yet.

But then I missed three edges…

“Well then… It’s bye bye to the half decent clothes, I fear.”

Oh no… “What should I wear instead Mistress,” I asked. Mistress decided it would be a good idea to keep the crop top but swap the dress for a miniskirt, which meant leaving my “fluffy” belly exposed… That felt very weird and more than a little obscene, a woman of my age and weight… It was actually my first time ever wearing a crop top and I felt just as awkward as when I’d cycled in my sports bra…

While I’m trying to keep my mind off that with work, Emily sends me another video. “Sleeping and feeding arrangements,” she says… After all the mummification porn she’d sent me the week before, I was terrified to think…


Monday had been Mistress’ partners birthday so Tuesday I asked if she’d enjoyed it and Mistress assured me that she had. I tried to keep my mind on my work, but the builders next door but one had their cement mixer, and my dirty mind, spinning and then my liquid latex arrived!!

What better way to help me concentrate than to spin the wheel to allocate more of my orgasms?

The first spin went to Miss J, so now she has two of the ten orgasms she needs for me to have earned her a release. And Mistress says she’s now been told of this little plan.

But when my orgasm wheel is spun, so is my other wheel. It landed on “Roll the die. If it’s 1-5, spin again.” I rolled a 5. My punishment – no bra the following day. And I’d only just got my underwear back!!

The second spin went to Mistress’ partner again. The wheel seems to like her, and also seems to like my tits. “Public and spin again”… so Mistress spun again… “Nipple clamps”!!!

Mistress gave my orgasm wheel a third spin and yet again it landed on her partner.

OMG, I was sooo horny… and now I had two challenges for tomorrow, because my husband wanted me to tease the trashmen again and take the bin out last minute wearing the cheap swimsuit I’m going to be cutting up for Miss Purrfect’s cycle suit.

Wednesday started early because I had to get up to straighten my hair; my husband wanted me with pigtails for the day! And it was raining… that wouldn’t be embarrassing at all, would it? Still, at least my husband was home to keep our child occupied so I could retire to the spare bedroom to wait in my swimsuit. Another day I’d be struggling to concentrate on work, and Emily had no plans on making it any easier.


It wasn’t very warm on Wednesday… but the trashmen didn’t start coming down our street until nearly 11.30am!! But as soon as I heard them, I made my way downstairs, out through the patio and into the garden to wait for them to reach our house. OMG, they took their time, I was waiting nearly five minutes! But finally, I saw the flashing orange light and then dashed under the car port from the back garden to pull the bin down the drive and over the gravel which was wet and rough under my bare feet. My husband wanted me to say thank you to them for working through the pandemic. They were laughing as they told me I was welcome…

At midday, when I usually stop for lunch, I went out for a walk around my neighborhood with the clamps on under a semi-sheer peach blouse that I usually wear over a black dress or else with a vest top and a bra underneath. A few cars drove past, but thankfully I didn’t meet anybody else out for a walk. I guess the rain kept them all inside. The same rain made my semi-sheer blouse almost completely transparent, and my nipples stiffening painfully in the bite of the clamps which I could feel with every single footstep as they bounced, free of a bra…

After my adventures, my husband was so desperate for my pussy, and I was so desperate to have him there. It was so hard saying no. I told him he could have my mouth or my ass, but my pussy was still locked down. He took me into the conservatory, with the light on, and made me strip to my panties. He put the clamps back on my nipples and had me kneel down between his legs to suck him, pulling on the chain joining the clamps while pushing my head further and further down his shaft…

Normally, he stops me going too deep, prefers me to lick around the tip, but that night, he wanted me to go all the way down on him, fucking him with my mouth as he got harder and harder, until he stopped and guided my head back up and off him. Then he pulled me upstairs by the clamps to our bedroom where he had me remove my panties and get on the bed on all fours. He unclamped my nipples and instead fixed them to my labia and taped my bullet vibes to my nipples with some PVC tape. Then he lubed himself and my back passage up real good and fucked me slow, deep and hard in the ass while tugging on the chain, denying my pussy any pleasure, only pain, until his hot ejaculation filled me. He made me stay like that, bullets still vibing my nipples, closed a heavy padlock into the chain underneath both clamps and kept me there until I’d had them on for a full half hour while his cum leaked out of me.


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
When finally I slept, I had nightmarish dreams of being locked naked in a glass box while a laughing crowd poured in scoopfuls of creepy crawlies… spiders, roaches, crickets, ants… They were crawling all over me and I was trying to not freak out so they wouldn’t start biting me. Then somebody dropped in a couple of tarantulas, and a couple of evil looking black snakes… And then somebody was going to drop in a couple of scorpions and that’s when I freaked out and woke up feeling sick…

I didn’t hear from Mistress all day Wednesday or Thursday, but following her and Miss Purrfect’s having me “flirt” with my friend last week, she was joining me today for lunch again.

I asked Mistress which outfit she’d like me to wear, white leggings and a sheer black blouse that both would have shown off the fact that I was wearing underwear this week, the underwear in question being a lacy black bodysuit that I bought from Boohoo; or a skirt with black bra and panties, stockings and suspenders?

Mistress didn’t respond so at 11.45am I flipped a coin. It landed with the tails side up, so I went with the second outfit and picked out another item I bought for when I lost weight, a dark blue polkadot wiggle skirt that’s very much in the classical hot rod pin up style my husband really likes. It was a little tight, but not too bad… It went really well with the semi-sheer black blouse and the seamed stockings I wore it with and my friend complimented my classical style. Lunch wasn’t too embarrassing this week, although maybe I was a little too forward in opening a bottle of wine (“<miss kubo>, are you trying to get me drunk?”)

I didn’t hear from Mistress until late on Thursday night. Without her messages, and with my husband working away Thursday into Friday, I felt a little bit lost…

On Friday, Mistress was still very busy with her work, but was going to be spending the weekend with her partner, and it would just be the two of them for the weekend which is wonderful.

I’d booked the day off and my husband was due home mid-morning, earlier than normal, and then we were going to have the rest of the day together as our little one is due to be going back to school on Monday.

“Good. And I think you’re all his today and tomorrow” Mistress said. “Roll the die. 1-5 and I can allocate orgasms as I please. 6 and we need your wheel.”

Oh my goodness… so I rolled… 1!!

“I guess the die has spoken. If you can edge every hour today until 4pm..”

Oh my God, oh my God…

“You can cum as you and your husband want today. And lockdown is lifted from 4pm”

Oh. My. GOD!!!

My first edge, I had to try and be discreet… and quiet… it was in the car on the way to the park. We were still in the park when it was time for the second… that was difficult to get away with… I managed to do it, but I’m not sure I fully got away with it!!!

We were home in time for my third edge so I hid in the bathroom for that one, but it was so powerful and I was so excited for surprising my husband with the good news, it was difficult to not let myself go too far!! One more left to do before 4pm. I told Mistress I wanted to do Miss Purrfect’s idea of cutting out holes for my boobs from a T-shirt…

My final edge came as I was making dinner. I was alone in the kitchen while my husband and our child played together with his old Lego.

He couldn't wait until bedtime when I told him over dinner!

Perhaps teasing him, stroking his cock through his jeans while we were all sat in our lounge watching A Bug’s Life wasn’t the best idea, but our child had the large sofa all to themselves, so it was pretty discreet.

After all the messing around with bedtimes I’ve been getting all week, I was sure that last night was going to be difficult, but it took barely twenty minutes… I was heading out of their room enroute to the bathroom when my husband waylaid my T-shirt plan with an outfit idea of his own. He has this old blue Quiksilver Hawaiian shirt. It’s tight on him now; on me it felt positively obscene as the buttons strained over my belly and wouldn’t even reach to fasten over my bust, but as it turned out, that was just the way he wanted it!

Foreplay was an intimate and long lasting form of torture for the both of us, but neither of us wanted to rush this. We wanted it to be perfect. When finally he slid into me, I almost orgasmed immediately but automatically made myself stop, and then it was a few minutes before I could get my head around allowing it. But once I had my head around it – W.O.W.

We both had to stop for a minute. I was clamping onto him so tightly with my vaginal muscles, the thought he was going to lose control himself! When gradually we eased into a nice, gentle, slow rhythm again, he felt so good… too good… oh my GOD!!!

For only maybe the third time, he managed to find that sweet spot where he can make me cum and cum again immediately afterwards, again and again… after the fourth one of those I had to beg him to stop, the pleasure was so intense it was overwhelming and starting to feel like torture…

When he came inside me, the hot release was almost enough to make me cum again… I wanted to clean up straight after, but he said he couldn’t leave me unfinished and put his tongue to my clit to push me the rest of the way to a sixth and final climax for the night.

After such a wonderful evening, both of us slept well… I woke up before him for a change and couldn’t resist stroking his morning hard-on, gradually teasing him out of sleep and helping him get harder until he was awake enough for me to take him into my mouth. He was happy with a gentle blowjob around the tip this morning and after maybe ten minutes, he couldn’t take it anymore and let loose a warm, but not overpowering load… I think I’ve probably released all of his tension.

We’ve both felt like honeymooners today… it’s been so loving and wonderful. But there’s something on the horizon in the morning that’s definitely more kinky than our very intimate, loving but oh-so-needed vanilla sex...


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
I tried to have an early night on Saturday night, ready for an early start Sunday morning, but I was so nervous and horny that I couldn't sleep. This idea has been burning in my mind since Miss Purrfect suggested it and today was finally the day it was going to happen... As long as it didn't rain too hard!!

So at half past one in the morning, with my mind racing and my pussy on fire, and my period of freedom with my husband over, I made myself useful the only way I can at that time in the morning and finally caught up with my blog here. It didn't really help, but it was worth a shot. I'd had barely a couple hours sleep when the alarm went off at 4.

My husband had also been looking forward to this and had a hard on already as I pulled on the cheap red leggings and swimsuit that were going to be sacrificed for this morning's adventure. We started by cutting out holes for my boobs. They were quite tight around my curves but together we pulled my breasts all the way through and my husband wrapped a few layers of PVC tape around them so when they bounced with my riding they'd stay together. He cut holes in the hips and down the front and back of the suit, and a large round hole for my crotch. He cut two large chunks of material from the thigh of the left leg of my leggings, and cut away all the fabric from the knee down of the right, which then made a sleeve for my left arm.

After that, he painted my right arm, left thigh, butt cheeks, right calf, half of the stripes he'd cut out back and front, and my breasts with the cool liquid latex.

Oh my God, it felt so sexy getting painted up in that... It reminded me of another fantasy I have...

I had several concerns about this morning's bike ride. We'd be keeping in contact the whole time and I'd mapped out the route I'd be taking for him so if he had to come get me he'd know exactly where I was. It had been raining, quite heavily at times, on the Saturday, but at this time Sunday morning it was dry. I picked a route that avoided main roads but took, or ran closely by minor roads with open countryside and few houses to try and minimize my risk of being seen.

By 4.45 I was all set and ready to hit the road. It was dry, but it sure was cold! I'd thought as it dried off, the liquid latex would have hardened into an insulating layer, but all it seemed to do was capture the cold and hold it firmly against me!

I was really forced to pedal as hard and as fast as I could maintain, both avoid getting caught and to try and warm myself up. If anybody HAD spotted me, my erect nipples would have given the game away... The PVC tape did it's job but I was both impatient for and dreading getting it off... 😱

I'd asked Mistress if she wanted me to wear my dildo, or use any other toys. It probably had been too late at night so she hadn't responded. So I didn't take any, and thank goodness because I wouldn't have been able to have beared being slowed down despite the hot lust burning inside me.

Despite the liquid latex, we'd left the exposed skin of my crotch bare. I didn't want to risk any... Discomfort... down there that would make me need to go to a pharmacy...

Oh my God, I was so nervous the whole ride, really pushing myself to get around my route as quick as I could. My husband asked me a few times if I was okay and it was all I could do to grunt an answer, or occasionally giggle a little or moan with the exertion.

I very soon remembered why my cycling clothing is padded. Mountain bike saddles are vicious hard, but it was definitely getting slippery as I rode. But I'd have a burning sore butt the whole day afterwards.

The rain that had held off began to fall lightly as I was halfway home and I started pleading with it to stop, although whether that was in my head or out loud, I couldn't honestly tell you. I made it to my street just in time for the drizzle to become a downpour, but only another minute and a half, two at the most, and I made it back up the hill to my driveway where my husband waited for me so I could get straight inside and upstairs to our ensuite bathroom while he put my bike away for me.

A couple minutes later he joined me upstairs to help me remove my makeshift outfit. I'd unwrapped most of the PVC tape, but he, um, HELPED pull the rest off... 😵

The rain made it hard to peel the latex off so I had to wear it all into the shower and soap it off before I could remove the swimsuit and the remains of the leggings, and then my husband washed away whatever black latex remained for me, and helped me give my vulva a thorough cleanse... 🔥💦😍

"No orgasms now, though, <miss kubo>"... 🤪


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
Hi guys, I’m soooo sorry it’s been such a long time since I wrote an update.

Mistress, Miss Purrfect and myself have all been busy for multiple reasons; it's been a little bit strange this week with my little one starting back at school after weeks of trying to juggle homeschooling with doing my own job from home. At least I had my husband with me for their first day back and, actually, we'd both booked some time off to spend together. Both of my Goddesses were busy with their real lives, so that Monday was spent with my husband, but Tuesday when he was back at work was very weird and a little bit lonely.

On Wednesday, June 10th, both Mistress and Miss Purrfect were back online. Miss P was very interested in the fact that I now have a little bit more freedom to misbehave during the day and bought up the idea she had a few weeks ago to see how many things in my house I could grind myself against...

How long do you want me to spend with each surface, I asked.

"Until you bite your lip, moan, or get your juices on something. Which you'll have to lick up," she told me. Which answered what was going to be my next question: would I be doing this without my denim leggings or without my panties? Clearly the answer was without either.

"Also did you ever do the Udder task? Cut two holes in a t-shirt and pull your tits through? That with nothing else on would make a fantastic outfit."

I didn't, I was going to do it for my husband the previous Friday, before he had me wear his shirt for him instead.

"Think that should be your new work uniform (top half anyway)," Miss Purrfect suggested. "Or at least for one day every week."

I told her that I might get a little bit cold like that, but being as I had no reason why I couldn't, I'd do both over my lunch hour. I just hoped nobody came to the door...

"Theres a good little slut. If you get cold it means your nipples will be hard and you'll just have to arouse yourself to warm up," she told me. "Hehe and I hope they do. I'd love to see your udders through your shirt so they will be very lucky if they do!"

Well, ☺️😳

So at lunchtime, after removing my clothes and cutting the holes out of one of my old T-shirts that I only use for gardening or painting, I started my task grinding my bare pussy against the kitchen drawer handle under the sink while I washed up the breakfast dishes. Feeling VERY exposed...

Then I moved into the living room and started with the arm of the sofa, then the corner of the coffee table... While I was grinding myself against the book case my husband unlocked the door and came in, scaring me half to death, so I had a little bit of explaining to do...

He enjoyed the 'show' and helped me out with his hands on my tits, bulging obscenely out of the tight holes in the T-shirt, as I writhed myself against the dining room table and a couple of the chairs in there, and reinforcing having me lick my juices off of them. I'd put on some laundry so I finished my task grinding myself against the washing machine as it began it's spin cycle, but I was so horny and it vibrates so vigorously that I couldn't even bear ten seconds...

But then it was time to go back to work. Miss Purrfect didn't want me getting dressed again, though...

"You wear something over your T-shirt. And one item on your bottom half, so choose wisely. So like a cardigan or something. Your tits are to remain out until you finish work."

Oh, my... But what to wear on my bottom half? Panties and hope my cardigan covers me enough, or a skirt that without panties I wouldn't be able to sit on? Putting my leggings back on wouldn't be an option, I was too aroused, it would quickly become visible...

"Maybe you need to sit on a tuppaware lid or something similar to collect your juice in the future as your seem to be so wet all the time! I vote for skirt however sit on something to mop up your wetness like a pair of panties or a bra which you'll wear tomorrow."


I guess that settled it...

While I was working like that, Mistress came online. Her work is crazy busy right now so she hasn't had much time to play this week, so I needed to take care of her, the same way she took care of me when I had a rough time at work...

Unfortunately she was doing too much of the talking in her meeting to be able to have the orgasm I was trying to arouse her into, but when she got home I laid out a little fantasy for her; I invited her to imagine her partner in a T-shirt similar to the one I was wearing, tight little holes cut out to squeeze her breasts through. Nipples stiffening under Mistress’ palms as Mistress caressed her curves before pinching and tugging on them as their tongues met. Her partner letting out an involuntary little moan as Mistress squeezed and pulled and twisted her nipples while they kissed, getting them nice and stiff, ready for clamping...

Mistress liked that, but her partner hadn’t arrived yet, so I changed the narrative slightly; it was me having my nipples clamped and now she could tug on the chain as she teased my tongue with hers, pinching my labia and swollen clit with her free hand, tugging me upstairs, forcing me to totter unsteadily after her in high heels with my ankles tied together and my wrists cuffed behind my back, up to her bedroom, just as her partner arrives, and I’m bundled into the closet, breasts tied to the rail and the rope pulled taut, forcing me up onto tiptoes before my shoes are taken from me and I’m shut away into the darkness…

I hope Mistress had a really good orgasm from that.

Thursday June 11th – I enjoyed another weekly visit from my vanilla friend. Neither of my Goddesses were online today so my husband took over picking out an outfit for me; his choice was a barely decent dress I have, a black wet-look T-shirt dress that I drew more attention than I wanted to in at a hotel breakfast buffet last year… I picked out a slightly more conservative dress that I wear for work, black and relatively short with lace detailing at the bust and shoulders. He flipped a coin to pick my dress for me. I won that one, but not the next one which determined whether I’d get to wear any underwear or not. Nor the one to decide if I’d wear pantyhose or fishnet stockings. Finally he offered a double or quits which I couldn’t go through with… Sitting like that, with my quite prim vanilla friend, not sitting on my dress because that’s a very firm rule when I’m not wearing panties… well, I needed a glass of wine, and my friend commented that I was trying to ply her with alcohol!! It didn’t stop her having a couple of glasses with me though...

Fri June 12 – Mistress liked the idea of humiliating me while she enjoyed my orgasms and didn’t like me being dressed for work. So I told my little one that we’d have a pyjama afternoon. They eagerly got changed into their PJ’s and I put my silk robe on. But that wasn’t humiliating enough – Mistress said I needed some pain and had me put my clamps on for the afternoon… So I started with them on my labia. But that wasn’t enough; Mistress wanted them to hurt and had me weight them with a couple of large padlocks and hang them over the edge of my chair… Ten minutes in, she told me it was time to go for a walk. I was really worried that she’d send me out into the garden as it was raining pretty hard, but she let me get away with going upstairs, walking around the second floor of my house (first floor… second floor… I can’t even remember which is the correct way anymore). I sure felt those padlocks swinging as I climbed up and down the stairs and gingerly walked around and back to my seat in the dining room. Working like that was very difficult, and even worse after enduring them for a half hour because taking them off to transfer to my nipples was extremely painful. And I couldn’t cry out, or my colleagues would wonder what was wrong!!!

After a half hour of them on my nipples, I asked Mistress if I could put them away now or if she wanted me to endure a second round. She was quite turned on by my suffering, and asked me if I could bear them some more, for her. Well, Mistress, of course I can. Can’t I?

Those padlocks were sooo heavy… I had tears stinging my eyes as I removed them after the next half hour to put back onto my nipples which were still sore from the first time. Luckily my meeting had finished by now and this round would take me just past the end of my working day.

But it still wasn’t quite enough for Mistress, so I had to endure round three while I cooked… oh my God, was it painful. Thirty minutes seemed to go on for three hours with those padlocks swinging between my legs, barely covered by my robe… I went to the bathroom to take them off. Just a half hour left now back on my nipples… Oh God… I was throbbing all night afterwards.

Sunday June 14 – I went for my weekly Big bike ride and I took my nipple clamps with me, but I couldn’t bear to wear them for long because… well… Mother Nature was having her way with my body again, as she does every 3-5 weeks...


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
Thursday June 18th – Mistress had me leave my bra in the kitchen while my friend was over for lunch. After she’d left, Mistress had me hang my bra and panties out on the washing line, knowing full well it was raining all day. I had to edge using my vibrator over my skirt and a clean pair of panties while I was out there, and my black blouse was already kind of sheer without getting wet. What if my neighbor saw me?

I don’t care about your nosy neighbor.” Ulp…

There was no subtlety in what I was doing… lingerie on the line in the pouring rain, bright pink Rabbit vibrator. You know the ones… Despite the rain, the builders were still hard at work, cutting and drilling away with noisy power tools. God I hope they didn’t look out over my garden…

And once I’d managed to push myself to the edge and then get a hold of myself, Mistress wanted me to crawl back inside on hands and knees!!

I was allowed to towel off, but had to put my laptop on the floor and work the rest of my afternoon before I had to go on the school run on my hands and knees… I asked Mistress for a bra or a coat when it was time for the school pickup, but I got no response so I just took an umbrella. It was so humiliating!!

I got permission from Mistress in the early evening to bring my lingerie back in and to wear it!! Unfortunately, I was busy trying to catch a mouse our cat had bought in which took us way over an hour, so it stayed on the line a little longer until my little one had gone to bed…

They were so wet… just putting them on made water squeeze out and run cold down my belly and my thighs... If I wasn't on my period and worried about getting in a mess, it would have been seriously sexy, reminding me of a very secret fantasy I have...

I waited out in the rain once I’d got them on for further instructions from Mistress but, after ten minutes, when none were forthcoming, I went back inside, staying as I was in my wet lingerie with nothing over it. Towelled off, washed up and then, as it was quiet with nobody messaging me and my husband away for the night, I went to bed.

Sunday June 21 – I gave my husband a blowjob on the Saturday night until he gently eased me off and wanted to finish massaged between my breasts for him to shoot his load. And then I got three edges under his tongue… Three very lovely, very intense, very dangerous edges...

On Sunday I wanted to cook him a special Father’s Day breakfast, so my bike ride happened later on in the evening, and it wasn’t kinky for once… Mistress asked me about embarrassing things from my young life. I have a few, but not many that are all that sexy so instead I told her how my husband and I got together.

Monday June 22 – Mistress had me hang my white oversize blouse and jeans on the washing line in the afternoon and I had to edge 3 times before I could go back inside in my lingerie. It was dry but cold… At least I was allowed to hide somewhere secluded this time, so I had my first edge behind the shed, and the next two in the greenhouse where I hoped it would be warmer. It wasn’t really... I didn’t get a follow up message with permission to go back inside but I needed to get back to work so I crawled on hands and knees. Mistress seems to like having me do that.

Tuesday June 23 – Mistress has been very busy with work so her messages have been very infrequent. But as she was sort of available on Tuesday, and very stressed, I tried to tempt her to cum in her meeting with a sexy little story in which I was under her boardroom table, stripped to a suit jacket and skirt, my panties, blouse and one of my high heels locked away in her office. She’s holding my head firmly to her vulva making me lick, and her other hand is tugging on my nipple chain. My hands are bound together in front of me so I can’t reach myself to have any pleasure of my own, all I can do is hold myself up on hands and knees.

Mistress has told me before about a colleague of hers who is quite an attractive woman, so I told Mistress about her crawling over the boardroom table towards her, peeling off her blouse and then gyrating on her knees so Mistress could caress her as she unhooked and slowly removed her bra.

Without a care for me, Mistress roughly pulls the clamps off of my nipples, my cry of pain stifled between Mistress’ legs as she fastens the clamps to her colleague and orders her to masturbate on the board table. With one hand, Mistress torments her colleague’s nipples, pulling on the chain. With the other, she holds my head firmly to herself, ignoring the fact that I can scarcely breathe as I drown in her juices, and my own poor, soaking burning pussy, ignored and yearning for attention that is now being stolen by the girl on the table, just as my orgasms are stolen by Mistress, Miss Purrfect and their evil wheel that they had me make for them...

I had a meeting myself in the afternoon which Mistress decided I didn’t need clothing or furniture for, and I needed to go to the supermarket, so Mistress wanted me to have odd legs. I wore one ankle boot with a stocking, and one knee length boot, but my meeting overran as I had to sort out another mess some colleague had made… I got some odd looks in the schoolyard, but I was able to get away with it by grimacing and shaking my phone as I told my… superiors… very diplomatically that they’re a bunch of assholes. I think I got away with it… Just as long as nobody noticed that I wasn’t wearing underwear. Again.

Thursday June 25 – another day of no contact from either Mistress or Miss Purrfect. My friend came once again at lunch for our weekly catch up. I didn’t really “flirt” with her this week, but as it was extremely hot out, I was dressed in denim shorts and a camisole top (a lot more appropriate than the camisole top I was wearing when she first came around, which originally prompted Miss Purrfect and Mistress to have me flirt with her in subsequent weeks). But she complimented me on my weight loss and told me I have nice legs!


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
Mistress was free on Friday and came up with an idea to swap my clothing for orgasms.

I've got a plan for my husband's birthday weekend in August, so I want to be able to have some orgasms for then... And also Miss J is still at the forefront of my mind...

So Mistress suggested that I give up some clothes until then. One pound of clothes would be one orgasm.

The only problem... I have rather a lot of clothes. I'd got 19 pounds, 3.8 ounces without losing too much of my wardrobe. That wasn't going to work, so on Sunday Mistress told me to put some more clothes in of exactly equal weight. Yeah. That was more like it...

I'm left with four dresses, five skirts, two pairs of shorts, a coat, a denim jacket and 14 tops... Also 8 bras and 9 pairs of panties, 4 pairs of stockings and 4 pairs of long socks, two of which are woollen knitted ones from a friend at work, and two are "sporty" ones.

All of my leggings, pants and denim leggings are locked away in the case along with my leather jacket and all of my pantyhose. So I'm really hoping that the weather doesn't get too cold between now and mid-August!!!

Mistress told me that was enough to earn Miss J's orgasm so now I'm eagerly awaiting news on when and how she finds out the good news and how she'll react. Mistress told me that I would also be allowed to cum that night, although she didn't specify how many times, so as good as the fucking my husband gave me that night was, I kept to a single orgasm (and I wanted more, much more...)

My husband woke me early Monday morning gently caressing me out of what must have been a sexy dream because I was already wet and he was slipping his fingers inside me as I was coming round... I was barely awake when he replaced fingers with his tongue and a second orgasm washed through me like a tidal wave in no time at all 🤯☺️

Meanwhile, Miss Purrfect has suggested that I start taking still shots of myself in my lingerie once a week for my vanilla friend who visits me for lunch every Thursday (while I'm working from home and she's furloughed) to "accidentally" find while I'm showing her some other photos on my phone. The idea is to tell her it's to document my weight loss, but that it's hard getting the photos on my own and see if she'd help!!

I've also had a couple of messages from Emily who we spent NYE with. One to announce that she's pregnant, and one to ask me if I'm free for our long-awaited one on one session for the weekend of 17 July 🤪


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
While all of that has been happening, Sissy Brandi has been continuing her journey of denial and degradation. I'm trying to keep her happy but I'm a little out of my depth playing the Domme role... But she's gone and bought himself a new toy. I'll let her detail that for you in her own blog, but suffice to say blowjob training is on the menu.

I shared one of my husband's videos with her to show her one technique; that got me horny for giving my husband a special treat tonight 😊

While he was settling our child, I got myself ready. It's really helpful having a gurlfriend you can discuss these things with and Brandi helped me pick pink heels and matching lipstick. A black thong which is part of a lingerie set with a matching quarter cup bra and suspender belt (they stayed in the drawer; it's just the thing I needed tonight). Leather cuffs on my wrists.

On the bed I laid out a few lengths of rope and after trying to ask the opinion of my Goddesses, I flipped a coin, which landed on heads, so I ignored that and put my nipple clamps on the bed anyway.

My husband came into our bedroom to find me on my knees waiting for him and I asked him to bind me and tie my titties nice and tight.

He certainly didn't disappoint 😲

Once he's gotten my wrists fastened behind my back and my breasts bound and bulging in a firm cupcake tie, he massaged and clamped my nipples and then got to work feeding me his cock while he had me where I wanted to be ☺️💦

Normally he's incredibly gentle with me when I suck him, but tonight he (and I) wanted it quite a lot tougher, and he forced me deeper and deeper with every thrust, pulling my head into him as he thrust himself into me so that he was going further towards the back of my throat each time until he was making me gag. It didn't take long for his first orgasm which took both of us a little bit by surprise 🤤

Once I could breathe again, I took over, as much as I could still tied up, and gave him a gentle licking around the tip of his cock, gently trying to lick and suck him clean until he was hard and fucking my mouth again, although not as forcefully as before. His second orgasm took a little bit more coaxing, with more attention being paid to his tip with my tongue and my lips until he was ready to shoot into my mouth again. He gave the chain of my clamps a few sharp tugs as his orgasm rose and then he pulled it taut and held it as he came 😵😖 I'd have cried out with the pain, but I kind of couldn't... 🍆😯

My pussy is burning hot with desire again... Meanwhile, I think my husband is well satisfied and drained... He tried to fight it but he's sleeping soundly, not bothered by me writing this out on my phone 😍😒 He untied my wrists before he passed out so that I could free my boobs, but now I have a crotchrope for the night 😳🔥😫

I'm going to try and sleep now 💤😴 because I am kind of tired, but with this thing between my legs, it's going to be a long night... Wish me luck 🍀

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