Becoming a Dom- stories and advice


Kinky Newbie
  • Bisexual
  • Trans
  • Dominant
Jul 31, 2015
Hello all,

I go by King. I am a 20 year old genderfluid and as of the end of July, my girlfriend and I had decided to begin a master/slave relationship.

Due to my upbringing and heritage (Hispanic), I had been a submissive individual. Our relationship is very loving and emotionally awesome, however our sex life was quite rocky. She is twice the sub I am. This made things difficult, and due to our timid nature, not much got done.

It wasn't until she confessed to me a deep secret of hers, a deep desire. My lover told me that she loved to be stuffed, eating was a turn on for her and she had felt very embarrassed confessing this to me, as she had a hard time dealing with her weight.

I of course took this in stride and found myself incredibly attracted to her. You could say that I had fallen in love with her all over again. Her confession gave me the resolve to change my person, form a persona to please her every desire.

It was by the end of July 2015, that I decided to become her master.

She was delighted by this, and since then, we had touched up on ideas and researched through many sites, drinking up all of this new information.

I feel like I have reached a point in my life where I am ready to make a change, much like how children grow and think differently as they become young adults. It is a milestone in my persona(s) and my relationship.

I do however, feel slight conflict over this. Although I'm ready to make this drastic change in my life, I am also in slight confusion as to what could happen next.

I love my girlfriend so much, and I could say without hesitation that I would defend her with the cost of my own life. However, I'm entirely curious how others maintain this kind of lifestyle with their wife/husband/spouse.

When you decided to live this kind of life with your partner, what changed drastically? Are conversations strictly master/slave orientated, were certain feelings lost or gained. How can I make the love we've shared for the past five years remain with us, or do I have to abandon what we have and form a new kind of love?

Surely they are both different in aspect? I am curious what others think and of their personal experiences. Please respond here or through pm, I'm very interested!



Verified Dragon
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Staff member
Jan 12, 2015
Your relationship only has to have the parameters you agree on. You don't have to be master and slave full time, meaning 24/7 or in every aspect. As her master, control what you and she both enjoy you controlling. It may be only sexual aspects, food control, clothing control, or Amy combination of things. It doesn't have to Bree micromanaging everything. She can still submit to you and very much be her own person with a distinct personality and talk with you in "normal conversations." It will likely be a series of trials and errors to find out what you both find enjoyable and works in your own individual relationship.


Kinky Newbie
  • Bisexual
  • Trans
  • Dominant
Jul 31, 2015
Thanks for the reply, I was starting to worry that I got myself into a dead website. My girlfriend is looking for a TPE kind of relationship. We're both taking it slow, so not much has changed. I do have a STRONG desire to take care of her and have her serve me as her ultimate master, however I think a small part of me is a bit nervous of letting go what it's mostly familiar with. I'm sure to talk with her about it more, but I wonder if anyone else has been or has felt something similar to this?

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