Experimental "lab rats", interested?


Kinky Newbie
  • Gay
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  • Submissive
Nov 17, 2023
Louisville KY
I noticed some discussions around this idea of subs being used in experiments as "lab rats", testing all kinds of things on their bodies in the name of science.

Of course as Adam Savage noted, the difference between science and screwing around is writing it down!

So while we'll mostly be screwing around coming up with all kinds of weird and likely pointlessly painful experiments we will be documenting the process in as much detail as possible. I figure a good way to start would be to enlist some volunteers to be lab rats while at the same time soliciting for ideas to test in the Kink Talk lab.

If you're one of the potential lab rats, reply to this post. You will need to be prepared to share your experiences and preferably some photos to ensure we are being as scientific as possible. Be sure to include what part or parts of your body you want to donate to science as well as any specific limits you might want to point out. To lend some credibility to the data we will also need at least 2 participants for each experiment, a regular cohort of 3-5 would be ideal.

If you have ideas for things to test in the lab you can also leave them here, limit yourself to one experiment idea per post to make discussions on the merits of your experiment simpler.

Please also feel free to add ideas, comments and suggestions you have about this and the rules it is operating under.
This sounds very interesting and would like to know more about where I need to go to participate. I want to be a lab rat. Can someone please help me? Thank yoi