(IE) Dublin: M/Sub/18 seeks F/Dom/Under 40 ~ [Ireland]18/m/sub for mistress

U.K. & Ireland


Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Submissive
Sep 24, 2010
18 year old submissive male seeking a dominant female under 40

Hey i'm kinda new to the Master/Slave scene and would like a nice mistress to teach me the ropes. Not a huge amount to say about myself but i try to be as nice a person i can be, i'm quite understanding, love listening to people. I haven't got what you'd call a very easy life so someone who's caring and nice would be great. If you want to know anything else do tell me. Sure if it doesn't work out you'll have made a lovely new Irish friend :)

1. Info
-Name: Stuart
-Age: 18
-Location: Ireland
-Contact: PM me on here
-Likes: Anal, Cross dressing (on occasion), Control, other things we'll find out:)
-Dislikes/Limits: Public, family, messy, other things we'll find out
-Are you a slave? Or a Master/Mistress?: Slave

2. What I'm looking for in a Mistress
-Is Webcam required, a plus, or not needed? Its a plus
-Offline or online relationship? Online
-What kind of likes should they have? Doesn't bother me too much but obviously close to what i like
-What are you planning to do with them? Have an online relationship
-Do you want to be treated like an animal? Maybe, willing to explore this
-Does time zone matter? Not a lot but it'd help if we were online at the same time
-Do you have to have previous experience? Or am I accepting beginners? I'm kinda a beginner myself so experience is a plus but as i'm a beginner you can be too
-Are you planning on really meeting with the person? Likeliness of that are slim as not many on this site are from Ireland
-Should you have good grammar? Please do, MSN language is fine to an extent
-Is there a specific IM program you must use? MSN/Skype..I have both
-Do I want you to sign a contract? Not really necessary no
-Is there a checklist (Like Chloe's Kink Talk Checklist) that you want them to fill out to see things they like, dislike, and limit, that they didn't list? Its a long list, not necessary, think i'll fill it out myself for you though :) Filled out list, you can have it at your request

3. Slave Specific
-What toys do I have to play with? None :(
-Are I willing to go on webcam? Yes
-Do I have a digital camera to take pictures with? Yes
-Do I want it to be a long relationship or just a few nights? Think a long relationship would be very nice
-Are I looking for just a play master or a serious relationship? Semi-serious
-How much time can I commit to being a slave? For the moment a lot of time
-Can I do offline tasks as well? Probably, never done any though
-Am I willing to have your Master/Mistress completely control EVERYTHING that I do? Maybe not everything but most things

Again anything else you'd like to know pm me and i'll get back to you as soon as i can

Some criticism would be nice, i'd like to know if i can improve on my add at all

  • Kinks:
femdom, anal, latex, xdressing(sometimes)

  • Experience:
Minimal experience

  • Limits:
scat, public, family, hard pain, permanent

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