Kinky BDSM means anything goes right?

Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
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  • Private
May 19, 2013

In fact being part of the kinky/BDSM community requires respect and tolerance beyond what you would see in the vanilla world.
There are so many kinks and even within those kink categories there may be different subsets of how things are done. And then underneath that remember there is an actual person with normal day to day problems and routines.
The chances that your kinks and ideas will align exactly with anyone else's are slim at best, usually the most you can expect is there will be overlap, some of their kinks may be similar to yours.
Just jumping in and sending unsolicited messages that are rude and disrespectful is not only stupid it is against the board rules.

So when you spot someone here and want to message them for the first time be respectful;

* Check their profile, see when they last logged in (maybe they aren't active now), check their likes and read any posts of theirs to get a better idea of them.
* Make your first message count, "Hey bitch, ur mine" is NOT acceptable! Explain why you have contacted them, who you are and what you like.
* Be prepared to have a few "get to know you" back and forth messages before you progress further.
* If they aren't interested or don't respond accept that and move on, harassing members will not be tolerated.

And finally, don't equate things you see or read on BDSM sites with reality. A lot of performance BDSM includes very rare and unusual types with special talents, you aren't going to find every submissive able to fist themselves or drive nails through their tits so DON'T demand that kind of extreme shit. A lot of the people here are new, curious and want to learn, they don't want to be bombarded with dangerous, dumb demands the second they sign up!

Keep it real people, "anything" does not go.

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