Married Daughter Invites Father to Spend the Night


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Jan 9, 2013
Married older daughter says to her father, "Dad, my husband and I are delighted that you stopped by to visit us while you are in town on a business trip. It's getting late, why don't you spend the night with us?"

Her father replies, "Well, you only have one bedroom, but the couch looks comfortable enough. I will accept your offer and stay."

[The daughter gently grasps her father's hand then leads him to the bedroom and closes the door.]


The father says, "Honey, what are you doing?"


Daughter replies, "Dad, you are a guest in our home and my husband and I will not have you sleeping on the couch. I told him spend the night in the living room and you will be sleeping with me."

The father nervously says, "I see that you are preparing to put on something to sleep in tonight. I bet you are like your mother and like flannel pajamas."


Daughter replies, "No, I don't like flannel pajamas. I sleep in the nude and think you should too. Don't worry about the bed banging against the wall and the squeaky springs. My husband is a heavy sleeper."


Daughter says, "Well, what are you waiting for? Take your clothes off and let's get in bed."

[The next morning]


Daughter says, "Good morning Dad. I hope you slept well last night. What would you like me to make you breakfast before you go to work? How about some eggs, toast and orange juice? Afterwards, we can jump back into bed for a few minutes and have some fun like we did last night."
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Kinky Newbie
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Feb 4, 2011
Family can always be so awkward. I can tell she is about to make the eggs sunny side up when she knows I like them over easy.


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Jan 9, 2013
Married Daughter Invites Father to Spend the Night II


Daughter says, "Well, you finished your breakfast. Do you want to have some fun in bed like I suggested before?"


Daughter says, "Are you sure that you want to? I don't want you to be late for your meeting."

Father replies, "The meeting is not until ten o'clock. We have an hour."

Daughter says, "Great! Let me put your dishes here by the sink. Oh, I have a suggestion though. My husband has already left for work, so lets do it on the living room couch. Is that okay with you?"

Father replies, "That sounds good to me. God, you sure are kinky. I bet the next thing you are going to say is about setting up your camera on a tripod and take video of us."

Daughter says, "How did you know?"

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