Montreal: M/Dom/32 seeks F/Sub/Under 40 in area ~ Pleasure First



Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Private
Jul 10, 2011
32 year old dominant male seeking a submissive female under 40

I'm searching for an open minded girl to have some fun whit. That's all, really.

I would like a offline relation, but could start online, or just stay online too if, well, we have fun but you or I don't wish to go for more depending on mutual interest.

My fun in bdsm and sub/dom relation is not a particular activity. It's more about trying to keep a submissive as close as possible to is limit, to make her keep always on the edge, always confused if what happen is what i want, what she want and if she like or hate it. Making the mind go wild a bit i would say ;)

So that said, exept of some limits, i don't have "like" or "hate"... my like is the control of the situation, and whatever are your limits and like would become mine to work whit to achieve my goal.

(only hard limit's: poo, blood, frankly illegal and any situation that i find too dangerous for both of us)

So i would have as mutch fun whit a timid girl wanting to try being a sub for the first time then a girl that already know a lot about it and have alomost no limit's: that don't mather for me.

French talker, so anwser french if you want ;)

anywhere around Montreal or Trois-Rivières.

PM me at will if interested!

  • Kinks:
Being a dominant master, no mather the like or limit's of the slave

  • Experience:
Well, as mutch a 32 old man can have ;)

  • Limits:
No poo, no blood, no explicitely illegal, no exessive danger

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