My Story, and Why I Need YOU To Torture My Clitoris

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Kinky Newbie
  • Bisexual
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Aug 15, 2018
If you've looked over my profile, you might be asking yourself, "Why on earth does this girl want to inflict pain and punishment on the most sensitive part of her body?". Fair question, honestly. I'm sure not many women enjoy having their clitoris pinched, pulled, slapped, burned, etc. Then again, I'm not sure many women find their clitoris quite as distracting as I find mine.

It all began back when I was very, very young. I can't remember how young, but all I know is that for as long as I can remember, I've known that rubbing that little button between my legs makes me feel really good. It became a fixation. I knew that it wasn't something I could do in front of other people, so I would do it in private, normally, in bed, or in the bathtub, you know, times when I was just by myself. But as my appetite for sexual pleasure grew, I started to be sneaky about how and where I could rub my clit.

I remember several occasions in school when I would be wiggling it with a finger under my skirt under the desk, when no one was looking. One time, I even remember squirting on the classroom carpet, and not knowing what happened. I thought I'd peed myself, but as I grew older, I came to understand what had happened. I mastered the art of masturbating quietly, and not making any sounds, even when I reached climax, a skill I still possess to this day, and I find very, very helpful.

In my teen years, I began to better understand what the strange pink little nub between my legs was, and why it felt so good to play with it. I began looking up videos and pictures online of other women's clitorises, and then...there came disappointment. There were some really big clits out there, but mine was so tiny. I wanted it to be bigger. In my teenage mind, I figured that if I played with it more, more bloodflow would pool to the area, and it would steadily get bigger the more I played with it, which only added to my addiction of rubbing one out every time I got the chance. Sadly, of course, this didn't help. But when I turned 20, I started taking a new medication for a chronic health issue, and I saw a glimmer of hope for my tiny clit. One of the side effects of the medication was clitoral growth.

I didn't remain hopeful, to be honest, since I'm one of those lucky people who rarely ever seem to experience the side effects of medicines. Not this time, though! Within a month of taking the medication, I noticed a drastic change in size and shape of my clitoris, and God, did this turn me on. I couldn't keep my hands off my rapidly growing meat! All I could think about all day was how badly I just wanted to hurry somewhere private, and play with it.

At this point, I knew it was becoming a distraction, but I was still too weak willed to stop. It took having a guy I was sleeping with at the time to make me realise I had a problem. We always enjoyed rough sex, as I'm sure many of us do, but as we were going at it one night, and I was rubbing away furiously at my clit, he had finally had enough. I had been focusing all my energy on making myself feel good, and not him, he said. "Your selfish clit needs to be put in its place." he told me, before he got up from the bed, and walked over to his desk, returning with a binder clip. I immediately panicked. I had never inflicted any sort of pain, or even mild discomfort on my clitoris before, but he was my dom at the time, and he did have a fair point, so I simply tried to keep calm as he spread my labia, opened the clip, and then snapped it shut over my clit. "There," he said. "Now you can't cum until I let you."

Having never experienced anything like this in my life, the sight and feeling of my dom getting his rocks off while fucking me, with my clit clamped nice and tight was both incredibly painful, and incredibly hot. To add insult to injury, when he came, he yanked the clip off of my clit, contrasting his pure bliss with my excruciating pain.

It's been three months since this incident, and while this dom and I are no longer involved, I thank him for the invaluable lesson he taught me and my clitoris. Selfishness gets you nowhere. Which is why I have limited myself to one orgasm a week, with at least one form of torture to my clit a day.

At absolute minimum, I will wear a clothespin directly on the glans of my clitoris when I take my morning shower, and while doing my evening yoga routine. Saturday is usually my orgasm day, and while I do allow myself unlimited orgasms, there's a catch. For every orgasm I want, I have to administer 10 rubber band snaps directly to the tip of my clit before even thinking about starting to pleasure myself. If I get too caught up in the moment, and give myself an orgasm I didn't earn, I am not allowed to orgasm next week, and I must give my selfish clit an extra 20 rubber band snaps. The next week, when I would normally be allowed to experience pleasure, I will instead be forced to undergo "The Bucket of Shame" punishment, which I will detail in another post. It's one of the most humiliating and painful punishments I've endured.

So, why am I on here? Because I want to further engrave the lesson of selflessness upon myself by giving other people the pleasure of torturing my clitoris. If you would like to add to my list of punishments for the day, please, feel absolutely free to send me a private message detailing how you think I should discipline my clit. Get creative with it! I will always respond, guaranteed! Please just check my hard/soft limits first:

I hope you enjoyed reading my story, and I look forward to having you torture my clit.


Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
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  • Dominant
Mar 5, 2019
Place clothespins on your pussy lips and tape it to your thighs then spank your clit with a cold metal spoon.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Posted August 16, user last logged in August 21. This is what is known as a necro thread, it is dead, there is no point responding to it.
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