Phone sex


Kinky Newbie
  • Bisexual
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  • Submissive
Jul 16, 2016
Not sure where to out this, thought this would be a nice place for it to go. I just experienced one of the hotteste moments of my life. I posted an add on reddit earlier today, looking for someone interested in... Well basically a roleplay over the phone. I got a few replies bit over the course of the day most seemed to dwindle and I lost interest in them. There was however one man who kept my interest.

He wrong long response, contiuesly messege me, and out kinks seemed to line up. So he asked me if I wanted to call him, I said yes. I live with my family so I couldn't go home and talk to him. Instead I stayed in the parking lot not far from the bus stop. We talked for a little while.

He asked things like what I was wearing or where I would like a guy to cum. And I answered. When I mentioned how much the conversation aroused me, he asked me to check how wet I was. So I loved away from the side walk and into the sea of parked cars, hiding behind a large red van. It was there that I slipped my hand in my panties and told him just how wet I had gotten.

From there it evolved. He told me how he would rape me, how he would spank me. I told him how badly I wanted to cum. Saddly I wasn't able to. My brother decided to call and ask where I was. It was difficult talking to him in a calm manner. Saddly I had to stop playing with myself and make my way home. But we have another phone date this thursday, and I can't wait.

I wanted to post this because I don't really have anyone to talk to about these kinds of things. I don't have a lot of close friends and I can't tell my mom I just fingered myself in a parking lot. So strangers it is.
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Kink Talk Member
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Nov 17, 2016
sounds like it was fun to bad for brothers lol wish it was me talking to you

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