Potential Blackmail


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Jul 5, 2017

Ive been toying with the idea of being blackmailed. First off, I want to get peoples opinions of it, have you experienced it? Was it worth doing? How did you feel doing it?

Second, if youre interested in blackmailing me, please pm so we can discuss what you want out of it, the things youd make me do etc to see if we have the same ideas as to how far it goes, to see if we'd match with our ideas.

Im a 26 year old male in the UK. Any further information youd like to know, please ask.

Look forward to the responses.


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Jul 5, 2017
Okay, thanks for all the private messages about this. I am now willing to enter a blackmail situation, but please note I want to be clear what we're both looking for out of this. Please pm me if you are interested and want to find out mkre about blackmailing a desperate 26 year old male.

Look forward to hearing from you.


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Jul 5, 2017
I am still taking potential blackmailers for anyone interested. I am liasing with a few people, but am looking for my perfect blackmailer!


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Jul 5, 2017
Still looking! The few people who have pm'd me seem to have different likes and interests! PM me if you'd like the chance to hold my pictures and blackmail me 😉


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May 14, 2013
Hi, I've blackmailed dozens of people (consensual blackmail) and some of my "victims" have been with me and under my complete control for many years (see my albums for more of my slave Emma, who I often like to show off here on Kinktalk). Over the years I've blackmailed both males and females, and had many stumbles and missteps as I figured out how to explore this kink in a realistic and sustainable way, without taking the edge/fun out of it.

While I'm not personally interested in blackmailing males, I'll offer some thoughts that may help you.

1. Think hard about what you are really looking for. Do you wan't to be exposed or blackmailed? People often confuse the two.

If exposure is your kink, you want the material to get out there. You don't actually want to be forced into obedience, you want to disobey and to be exposed and you see blackmail as a part of the journey of being exposed. While in a true blackmail situation you will do anything to prevent the material from being released. In a blackmail situation you want to obey, or be made to obey, and the blackmail material is the insurance that guarantees you have no choice.

2. Think about if you are looking for a partnership/dynamic with a firm but supportive blackmailer who will encourage you to open up and give them more over time (the style I prefer), or are you looking for an adversarial relationship where you are constantly testing and pushing back so that your blackmailer must force/threaten you constantly to keep you in obedience. Many people enjoy this as well. Try to find a blackmailer who shares your ideal dynamic here, as they are quite different.

3. Keep in mind that single males in their 20's who want to be blackmailed are a dime a dozen (really!). I get messages literally every day from single males who want to be blackmailed. So think hard about what you have to offer someone.

As a blackmailer, I am inundated with people who have decided they want to be blackmailed and focus entirely on their own wants and act as if they are entitled to be blackmailed by me and have their fantasies fulfilled. Just because you are ready to and looking to be blackmailed, doesn't mean anyone actually wants to blackmail you. Because it's such a huge decision that takes incredible courage, this can be very confusing for an aspiring victim who has finally decided they are emotionally ready to go through with it, and then can't find anyone who actually wants to do it with them.

It doesn't mean you won't find someone, but keep in mind that it is a lot less appealing to someone like me to blackmail someone who is single, hasn't established themselves, and has few attachments and little to lose.

4. Decide up front if financial blackmail is your thing. If so, then lucky you, there are plenty of money Dommes/Doms who will take you. If not, be prepared for a more challenging search. Keep in mind that once you are blackmailed, you have no choice and no "out", so try to read between the lines with whoever you are talking to to see if they are looking for money.

5. When you do find someone who you thing may be a good fit, enjoy it and take your time. Don't give up your information/material up front. The process of slowly revealing the material is probably the most exciting part, so milk it for all it's worth. I've taken up to several months of slowly getting to know a victim before finally hitting that "point of no return" (usually in the form of the victim giving up their real name/address, humiliating full-face pic/video, etc. ). If the blackmailer is demanding the material up front before starting the blackmail, my advice is to move on.

6. I strongly encourage you to find someone who has actually blackmailed someone before (and can show you proof). I can tell you from experience that the first time a blackmailer gets full blackmail power over another person it is an incredibly intense feeling of power. They will want to test that power. If you are the first person they blackmail, you may be in for some intense days as they push harder and harder to see how far they can really push someone, and how it feels. If they have blackmailed someone before, they will certainly have personalized pics/videos/etc that could prove it. Pay attention to the language they use when talking about their previous victims. Do they sound protective of them? resentful? or do they sound like they are they just making shit up?

I don't want to discourage you. I believe that blackmail is the closest you can realistically come to true slavery. The relationship between a blackmailer and their victim can be one of the strongest and most intimate bonds I've ever experienced. Nothing brings you closer to someone than the power to destroy them completely, or be destroyed by them completely. The risks are huge, but so is the reward when it works.

Good luck with your search!
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Senior Kink Talk Member
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Dec 2, 2013
South London
Brilliant advice

Hi, I've blackmailed dozens of people (consensual blackmail) and some of my "victims" have been with me and under my complete control for many years (see my albums for more of my slave Emma, who I often like to show off here on Kinktalk). Over the years I've blackmailed both males and females, and had many stumbles and missteps as I figured out how to explore this kink in a realistic and sustainable way, without taking the edge/fun out of it.

While I'm not personally interested in blackmailing males, I'll offer some thoughts that may help you.

1. Think hard about what you are really looking for. Do you wan't to be exposed or blackmailed? People often confuse the two.

If exposure is your kink, you want the material to get out there. You don't actually want to be forced into obedience, you want to disobey and to be exposed and you see blackmail as a part of the journey of being exposed. While in a true blackmail situation you will do anything to prevent the material from being released. In a blackmail situation you want to obey, or be made to obey, and the blackmail material is the insurance that guarantees you have no choice.

2. Think about if you are looking for a partnership/dynamic with a firm but supportive blackmailer who will encourage you to open up and give them more over time (the style I prefer), or are you looking for an adversarial relationship where you are constantly testing and pushing back so that your blackmailer must force/threaten you constantly to keep you in obedience. Many people enjoy this as well. Try to find a blackmailer who shares your ideal dynamic here, as they are quite different.

3. Keep in mind that single males in their 20's who want to be blackmailed are a dime a dozen (really!). I get messages literally every day from single males who want to be blackmailed. So think hard about what you have to offer someone.

As a blackmailer, I am inundated with people who have decided they want to be blackmailed and focus entirely on their own wants and act as if they are entitled to be blackmailed by me and have their fantasies fulfilled. Just because you are ready to and looking to be blackmailed, doesn't mean anyone actually wants to blackmail you. Because it's such a huge decision that takes incredible courage, this can be very confusing for an aspiring victim who has finally decided they are emotionally ready to go through with it, and then can't find anyone who actually wants to do it with them.

It doesn't mean you won't find someone, but keep in mind that it is a lot less appealing to someone like me to blackmail someone who is single, hasn't established themselves, and has few attachments and little to lose.

4. Decide up front if financial blackmail is your thing. If so, then lucky you, there are plenty of money Dommes/Doms who will take you. If not, be prepared for a more challenging search. Keep in mind that once you are blackmailed, you have no choice and no "out", so try to read between the lines with whoever you are talking to to see if they are looking for money.

5. When you do find someone who you thing may be a good fit, enjoy it and take your time. Don't give up your information/material. The process of slowly revealing the material is probably the most exciting part, so milk it for all it's worth. I've taken up to several months of slowly getting to know a victim before finally hitting that "point of no return" (usually in the form of the victim giving up their real name/address, humiliating full-face pic/video, etc. ). If the blackmailer is demanding the materiel up front before starting the blackmail, my advice is to move on.

6. I strongly encourage you to find someone who has actually blackmailed someone before (and can show you proof). I can tell you from experience that the first time a blackmailer gets full blackmail power over another person it is an incredibly intense feeling of power. They will want to test that power. If you are the first person they blackmail, you may be in for some intense days as they push harder and harder to see how far they can really push someone, and how it feels. If they have blackmailed someone before, they will certainly have personalized pics/videos/etc that could prove it. Pay attention to the language they use when talking about their previous victims. Do they sound protective of them? resentful? or do they sound like they are they just making shit up?

I don't want to discourage you. I believe that blackmail is the closest you can realistically come to true slavery. The relationship between a blackmailer and their victim can be one of the strongest and most intimate bonds I've ever experienced. Nothing brings you closer to someone than the power to destroy them completely, or be destroyed by them completely. The risks are huge, but so is the reward when it works.

Good luck with your search!

I think this is brilliant advice, not only for people who wish to be blackmailed but also for would be blackmailers. I have been approached a few times but despite trying, it never really works and the person wanting to be blackmailed has either moved on or changes their mind. I can see now where I went wrong.

i hope you find your blackmailer, it isn't me but good luck and really think about what you want.


Verified Slave
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Mar 19, 2017
I agree with 99% of everything listed above, except for one little detail -
it's certainly not smart to give out all info upfront, however I've demanded this often before because I find many aspiring blackmailees will only give out information/material that will not affect their life whatsoever if released (being humiliated in front of online pervy peers is obviously no real fear/deterrent at all). They take the "free ride" of a few hours of play and imaginary threat and then leave again when they've had their bust. I've not personally taken any blackmailees who were not willing to provide something "real" from the start for this reason. Some of us are simply more demanding, more selfish, and less patient than others.
That said, in the majority of times it will be a very bad idea to give out too much information upfront and I do recommend you take a thorough look at who you're dealing with; what their motives are; if they are known and trusted, or a stranger who nobody has ever seen or heard of before with nothing to show of previous experience.

Blackmail is a DANGEROUS fetish; however, it's much like the thrill of standing at the edge of a high ledge. If there were no risk whatsoever, it would also not be thrilling. In the end, if you submit to a blackmailer you should be absolutely sure you'd be at peace with the possible outcomes.

Good luck finding the right person!


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May 14, 2013
I agree with 99% of everything listed above, except for one little detail -
it's certainly not smart to give out all info upfront, however I've demanded this often before because I find many aspiring blackmailees will only give out information/material that will not affect their life whatsoever if released (being humiliated in front of online pervy peers is obviously no real fear/deterrent at all). They take the "free ride" of a few hours of play and imaginary threat and then leave again when they've had their bust. I've not personally taken any blackmailees who were not willing to provide something "real" from the start for this reason. Some of us are simply more demanding, more selfish, and less patient than others.

That's a good point. I realized in reading your comment that I've done this myself in some cases, especially if something doesn't feel right, they rub me the wrong way, or I don't think the person is sincere. Usually it's not a problem with female victims/candidates.

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