Tantalizing Ticklish Athletes: The Attitude Adjustment


Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Dominant
Apr 24, 2016
Hello fellow readers,

I'm very excited to announce that I've recently completed my newest work of fiction, entitled Tantalizing Ticklish Athletes: The Attitude Adjustment. I am a big sports fan and am starting a series of novellas with the aforementioned name, and my first one revolves around a volleyball coach and her stubborn captain. As always, feedback and criticisms are welcome! This one is quite a bit longer than my previous short stories, as I wanted to include more back story and more substance to make it more realistic. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.

Here is an excerpt from the middle of the story. I was going to include the beginning, but then it dawned on me that the beginning could be read via the sample on Amazon.

Later that night: Donna Moore sank into her leather couch with a glass of red wine. She propped up her bare feet on the coffee table, crossed her ankles, and sighed before taking a sip. She picked up the remote from beside her, turned on the TV, flipped through a few channels, and finally settled on a sports network. A loud mouthed sports commentator droned on passionately about something Donna wasn’t paying attention to. Her mind was elsewhere. On her team. On her girls. On her chances of winning the national championship. On her captain. On Madalyn. Her encounter with her earlier had maddened her to the point of boiling, but she still loved the girl. She just wished she could get through to her.
A tender touch on the shoulders and a kiss on the cheek brought her up from her thoughts. Donna turned her head slightly, and met the lips of her lover. “Hi sweetie.”
“Hi. Long day I see?” Rachel raised her eyebrows at the glass of wine in her girlfriend’s hand, and looked at her.
“That’s putting it mildly.” A generous sip from the glass of wine, followed by an inviting pat on the sofa next to her. “Come sit with me.” Rachel smiled and walked around to the other side of the couch while Donna undid her pony tail and let her sandy blonde cascade down her shoulders. She gently rolled it over her right shoulder as Rachel rested her head on her left.
“So are you going to tell me about it or do I have to wait until you’re three glasses of wine in to hear it?” Donna gave the love of her life an affectionate slap on the forehead.
“I’m not that bad,” she retorted. She sighed before going on. “I’m just worried about the playoffs this year. Rachel lifted her head and gave Donna a confused look.
“You’re never worried about the playoffs.”
Another sip of wine. “Well… maybe after four years straight of failing to make it to the championship tournament, I’m beginning to get a little jaded.” She was staring ahead at the TV, but turned to look at Rachel, who clearly wasn’t biting, several seconds later.
“No… I don’t think that’s what it is.” She shifted her weight and sat up on the sofa so she could face Donna better. “What’s bothering you?”
Donna leaned back into the leather sofa, and took another sip of her wine. “It’s my captain. Madalyn Alan.”
A slight hesitation. “Is she no good?”
Donna scoffed. “Just the opposite. She’s too damn good and she knows it.” A bigger sip of wine, and her tongue started to loosen. “I made her captain of the team because I knew she had the tenacity and the bravado to inspire the rest of the girls. And she does. But at the same time, it’s like, it’s all gone to her head. She doesn’t respect me. She doesn’t listen to me. She changes plays and tells the girls to do the opposite of what I tell them. It’s just getting really frustrating. I don’t know what to do. She’s such a talented player and such a key part of the team that I can’t cut her or demote her from captain or anything, but at the same time, I have a team to look after here and her deliberate defiance against me makes things tense and unconstructive. I have to do something,” she finished off the rest of her wine in one big gulp, “I just don’t know what.”
Rachel waited a moment until she was sure that Donna was done before responding. “I’m sure you’ve tried talking to her already?”
Donna rolled her eyes again. “Dozens of times. Probably hundreds. Nothing gets through to that girl. I’ve tried the friendly approach, I’ve tried the authoritative coach approach, I’ve tried everything, but at the end of the day, Madalyn is going to be Madalyn.”
Rachel remained quiet, got up to go to the kitchen, and poured two fresh glasses of wine. Her bare feet didn’t make a sound on the hardwood floor.
“Now don’t be mad at me babe,” she handed a glass of wine to Donna, “but have you stopped to consider just once that maybe her attitude and arrogance is actually good for the team?” She immediately threw up her hands in a mock surrender before Donna could counter. “What I mean is, maybe her attitude fires up the rest of the girls so much that it makes them play with more of a passion, even if it might seem a little arrogant and cocky.”
Donna crossed her leg over the other and sipped her wine. “I’ve considered it.” She finally admitted. “But I’ve seen it before. I’ve been doing this for a long time and it’s always the same story. Incredibly talented, super hot, ultra athlete gets cocky, thinks she’s invincible, and surprise surprise, her arrogance leads to the downfall of the entire team.”
Rachel took a generous sip of her own wine, and shrugged as if to say ‘well shucks, what are you going to do?’
It was Donnas turn to rest her head on her lovers shoulder.
“I can’t lose another year Rachel. I’ve poured the last ten years of my life into this team and into these girls, and I can’t lose again. I know we can win this year. I just need to reel in that loose cannon of a captain I call Madalyn Alan. Or Maddy.”
Rachel stroked Donna’s blonde hair. “Maddy?”
“Yeah. What’s wrong with Maddy?”
“Seems kind of… childish doesn’t it?”
Donna shrugged. “I think it’s cute. It shows I care about her on more than a first name basis.”
Rachel swirled the wine in her glass as she contemplated this. “I can see that. Or maybe she sees it as demeaning, like you’re… making light of her? I don’t know.” She expected a fiery rebuttal, but Donna just nuzzled deeper into Rachel’s shoulder and hooked her arm around the back of her neck.
“I don’t know. Maybe. I’m overthinking this. I’m just so sure that if I could get her to see things like I see them, and to listen to me, like a captain is supposed to do, there is no way we wouldn’t win nationals this year… she just needs an attitude adjustment.”
Rachel snickered, and squeezed her lover’s side ever so lightly. Donna squealed and looked up at her. “What was that for?”
“Attitude adjustment.” She squeezed Donnas ribs lightly a couple more times, eliciting more little squeals and squirms from her. “That’s the exact phrasing I used on you when we went through our kinky dom/sub phase. Remember?”
It took Donna a moment but she did remember. She had been with Rachel for close to four years now, and as most lesbian couples do, they went through an experimental phase, in which they tried everything and anything they could think of, just having fun with each other, learning more and more about their own and each other’s sexuality. Most of what they tried they mimicked from porn they watched together. They had come across a good amount of bondage and submission videos before finally deciding to give it a shot. What finally changed their mind was the time Rachel clicked on a video entitled ‘intense tickle torture.’ What they watched was certainly intense, and it was nothing like they had ever seen.
In the video, a young girl, probably in her mid-twenties, was tied naked to a queen or kind sized bed, each wrist and each ankle to individual bed posts, spreading her out, making her look enticingly vulnerable. Donna found herself most attracted to watching the young girl’s bare abdomen. The stressed position she was tied in, combined with her petite figure resulted in a highlighting of every breath she took. Donna could see her ribs and stomach heave up and down with each and every breath, and she loved it. It looked so… savage. So barbaric. So sexy. Donna watched, getting more and more aroused, as a red headed woman came in from the left side of the screen, and verbally taunted the poor girl before digging in. Donna had never seen anything like it. She had been tickled herself as a kid by parents, her brother, and friends, but she never had any idea that tickling could be anything like this. She watched with lustful greed as the tied up blonde girl thrashed and bounded against her handcuffs, emitting a sound that was something between a laugh and a scream, being tortured, but still laughing and smiling. The juxtaposition was amazing. And Donna loved it. She didn’t watch much more of the video, because by that point she was grabbing and fondling Rachel, and they moved to the bed.
That was two years ago, and throughout the years to come following, the loving couple indulged in many forms of romantic and pornographic videos together, but they came to reserve tickle torture videos as a delicacy. The caviar to their normal cuisine. A rare experience, only for special occasions. It drove the both of them wild faster than anything else, and as they continued to watch, they became more and more curious to try it themselves. The only issue was, they couldn’t decide who would be the tickler and who would be the ticklee. They both became instantly wet when watching tickle torture videos, and this was compounded when there were force d orgasms and submission elements included, but neither of them could figure out which part of it appealed to them. To torture, or to be tortured. That is the question.
When Rachel came home after work one day with two pairs of pink fuzzy handcuffs, the questions was answered. Neither she nor Donna spoke much about it. They knew what was going to happen. They took their time, enjoying their day together, and when it came time for matters of a more intimate manner, they took their time as well. They embraced, kissed each other, fondled each other, stripped each other, rolled around on the bed, went down on each other… and then the hand cuffs came out. Rachel casually pulled them from the bedside dresser as if it was to be expected the whole time. Donna didn’t say anything. Her heart rate increased as well as her breathing, but she couldn’t tell if it was from excitement or fear. She laid on her back in the middle of the bed, and slowly spread her arms and legs into an X position, and allowed Rachel to restrain her to the corners of the bed. What followed was the most excruciating, confusing, and pleasurable experience that Donna had ever had in her 44 years of existence. The line between pleasure and pain was blurred. What occurred was an experience unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was torture. It was pleasure. It was pain. It was enjoyable. She laughed. She cried. She begged for mercy. She begged for more. Never in Donnas life had she undergone such a confusing experience.
Rachel, who had always fancied herself as more of a dom, made an effort to bring in more dominating elements to the encounter. She decided that she wanted her lover to submit to her, and to do so only after being completely wrecked and ruined, and that’s exactly what she did. After six teased and denied forced orgasms, intermixed with tickling and other forms of torture, Donna finally submitted to Rachel. She remembered the experience as if it were –
“Well? Do you remember?” Donna’s memories were broken by Rachel’s question, and she looked into her eyes before smiling wide.
“How could I forget?” She brought her hand up to stroke the side of her lover’s cheek, and pulled her close for a passionate kiss. Her lover returned the embrace, ran her hand down her sides again, and began to tickle her. Donna burst out in laughter and pulled away. Rachel wrapped her arms around her and pulled her closer to her, tickling her sensitive ribs as she did so.
“You were pretty stubborn at first. But I finally got you to submit to me.”
“Well yeah, you tickled me nonstop for an hour and then made me cum five times in a row. I was pretty broken to the say the least.” She said it more out loud to herself than to Rachel. Her mind was stuck on two words. Attitude Adjustment.
The two lovers snuggled in deeper together on the couch and sat in silence for a few moments while Rachel stroked Donna’s hair. Rachel broke the comfortable silence. “Why do I get the feeling I know what you’re thinking about right now babe?” Donna responded by gingerly lifting Rachel’s tank top and gliding her fingers up and down her lower belly. “Because you know me too well.”
“You can’t really be considering it. Tickle torture and submission is fun in the bedroom, but there’s no way it would actually work to change someone’s attitude or anything. Besides, I’m pretty sure kidnapping your captain and tying her up to do super kinky things to her would be grounds for dismissal.”
“Or jail.” Donna’s index finger lazily found its way to Rachel’s belly button, and she spun it around the inside. “Although… the more I think of it…” she shrugged. “I refuse to lose another championship. I’ve put my heart and soul into this team and I won’t let it all go to shit because of a cocky hot headed girl. She won’t listen to me to save her life, no matter what I tell her. I obviously can’t hurt her in any way, not that I would even want to… but if I could get her to submit, like you made me do…”
“You’d have to find out if she’s ticklish first. That sure would be awkward. Get her all tied up and find out she’s not ticklish at all.”
“True.” Donna rested her hand on Rachel’s toned stomach and contemplated. “I have no idea how I would even go about that.”
“Just watch her. The young girls these days always have their hands on each other. I’m sure at some point someone will squeeze her ribs or poke her belly and then you’ll have your answer.”
“Not enough time to wait and see. We hit the road for our first tournament in five days. I would have to find out myself. There’s no other way.” Rachel laughed heartily. “I can’t believe we’re actually talking about this,” she said. Donna smirked herself. “Me either, but desperate times call for desperate measures.”
The couple fell into contemplative silence again, and Donna suddenly had an idea. Not an entire idea, just the seed of one, but it was enough that she knew she was onto something. She smiled and Rachel took notice.
“What are you smiling about?” She asked in a teasing manner.
“I was just thinking that I’d move tomorrows practice from the court to the weight room.”
“You lost me babe.”
“I think I have an idea.”
“Rachel gave Donna a puzzled look. Are you going to share it with me or just keep it all to yourself?” Donna shared it with her, and they worked out the details together, feeding off of each other’s excitement, and the plan for Madalyn’s attitude adjustment slowly came together.


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