The nipple gripper

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Here is a little something I dreamed up to really torment the larger nipples.

Now right of the bat be warned, this is a seriously painful device!
Once in place it is cruelly difficult to remove but if you enjoy the extreme end of nipple torture then it could be for you.

All you need to make these is the plastic lid from an ice cream tub. Cut out a circle around 3" (75mm) in diameter and in the centre use a craft knife or box cutter to make 16 evenly spaced cuts. That's it! Make two and you have perfect pair.

Pressed down over an erect nipple it instantly grips with surprising force and the sharp points ensure it wont slip off. Can be easily worn under a bra and regular clothing.

Again BE WARNED, it is very difficult to remove often requiring the careful use of tweezers.

nipple gripper 1.jpg

nipple gripper 2.jpg


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Apr 1, 2016
What a magnificent Heath Robinson device! Just goes to show what a twisted mind and a little ingenuity can come up with. Great job doctor!


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Jun 22, 2015
A wonderful idea! My nipples are a little sensitive for this kind of rough play, but it's a fantastic fantasy to play around with.
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Apr 3, 2017
Newburgh, indiana
That's barely inventive. But the points may be a little too harsh. I think I'd first bore or melt a small hole in the center, or after your cutting is done cut away tge pointed ends. This way there are 16 blades rather than 16 points. This would also let you tailor the contraption to the nipple size and or temperament of the wearer.

The use of the pen in your illustration led me to picture a simular attachment on a penis. Add some artificial flower petals to form a daisy. Trick or Treat !


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Apr 3, 2017
Newburgh, indiana
You can go to your local hardware store. But some O rings. You may have to practice to find the right size. Find a ball point pen who's barrel wide enough to cover the nipple. Put a O ring onto the pointy end of the pen barrel. Slide it past tge end so that the ring grasps the nipple.
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<<<<Verified>>>> CBT Switch
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Sep 4, 2014
Here is a little something I dreamed up to really torment the larger nipples.

Now right of the bat be warned, this is a seriously painful device!
Once in place it is cruelly difficult to remove but if you enjoy the extreme end of nipple torture then it could be for you.

All you need to make these is the plastic lid from an ice cream tub. Cut out a circle around 3" (75mm) in diameter and in the centre use a craft knife or box cutter to make 16 evenly spaced cuts. That's it! Make two and you have perfect pair.

Pressed down over an erect nipple it instantly grips with surprising force and the sharp points ensure it wont slip off. Can be easily worn under a bra and regular clothing.

Again BE WARNED, it is very difficult to remove often requiring the careful use of tweezers.

View attachment 1311

View attachment 1312

Here is an idea for you, have you thought about designing the Nipple Gripper with slighty raised tips to allow a secondary tool to be used to slide underneath them when removing the Gripper keep the points from doing any possible lasting damage to the Nipples it would be attached too.

It also looks like this could be an inexpensive way for Nipple Stretching play as well, for anyone who is interested in that


<<<<Verified>>>> CBT Switch
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Sep 4, 2014
Will it work with pierced nipples

I would assume that if it does work with Pierced Nipples, that it would be much harder to remove since the piercing not only would get in the way but making removing the piercing to remove the Nipple Gripper a bit more difficult with the lack of space you would need for that.

Although I am not experience with nipple piercings at all so I wouldn't exactly know any of that, just assuming by how it look in my head.


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Apr 3, 2017
Newburgh, indiana
I used a lid from a can of processed potato chips cut with a single edge razor blade. I found it very difficult to get and keep in place. Keeping my nipple in the center and keeping all the petals apart and turned outwards were problems. To help I used the top from a marker. I pushed the top onto the grabber. Then the cap over my nipple. I postioned the petals of the grabber on the cap as well as I could and then pulled the cap through the grabber and off my nipple. Even then I did not get in there straight.

It is painful. But not overwhelming. If left still the pain fades to a low irritating level. A little bump brings back the pain. It was not a difficult to get off as I expected. Maybe because of the petals being uneven or the over flexibility of the petals.

My ideas for imprivement....
  • Make the petals shorter
  • Cut a small hole in the center, perhaps half the diameter of the nipple
  • Use a stiffer material
  • Use two lids rotated a 22.5 degrees so that the points of one are placed at the gaps in the other.
Not necessary all at once.

Anyine have additional ideas for imprivement?
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