(UK) South East: M/Dom/27 seeks F/Sub/Under 30 ~ Looking for fun not extremes

U.K. & Ireland


Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Dominant
Aug 21, 2011
27 year old dominant male seeking a submissive female under 30


I am a new master looking for a lady, ideally from the UK but this is not vital, who is looking to have some low level fun and games.

What do I mean by that?

Well I am not into the total control aspect of a life, I am not looking for someone who can't make their own decisions. I would like to chat with and play with, someone who is looking to give up a little bit of control, to do things that they might not otherwise have the will power to do by themselves, and hopefully to the enjoyment of both of us.

What do I require?
Firstly someone who wants to have fun.
Someone who can interact intelligently (without using too much text speak!)
A lady (sorry guys)

I don't require a webcam, although this might be nice
I also am not looking for a big commitment. I work full time and cannot devote endless hours to this. I just want to have some fun in the evenings and weekends.

Regarding age I had to tick something but it is not a deal breaker for me.

If this sounds of interest please drop me a PM


(My Wish, Your Command)

  • Kinks:
Into - online/public, orgasm control, some humiliation,

  • Experience:
Some online ToD games, lots of secular experience of controlling groups of people - although not in such an intimate way!

  • Limits:
I don't like scat or messy stuff (no pants full of ketchup! Who gets off on that anyway?) Other than that pretty much anything goes.
No Guys!

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