Weird new sensations...

Oddball Matt

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Jul 16, 2022
Sorry for spamming the forum like a kid at Christmas but I don`t really have any other channel where to discuss this topic.

Anyway, in a fairly short span of time say less than a month I`ve discovered something completely new to me...

example A) When my wife dresses up in this super hot long sleeved shoulderless black dress, dark red lipstick and a satin string collar my breath practically halts as I want to jump her bones then and there, and as a result usually do. For the purpose of this exercise let`s call this feeling lust.

Example B) When she`s wearing these super hot over the knee faux leather stockings with garters, other sex oriented clothing, I`m tying her up with a rope or even thinking of anything towards that I want to touch her, watch her, worship her tiddies, caress her and bind her. The weird part is even though I`m more aroused than ever before in my life I don`t get hard even when doing so. Let`s call this feeling Hunger.

Both are very much sexual feelings but even when happening simultaneously they`re distinctively different. We can have "vanilla" sex or I can rub one out at work if so inclined and it takes away the lust, but it does nothing for the hunger. Only when I can satisfy my newly found fetishes the hunger turns to a lust like state, almost like being aroused in two different ways at the same time and frankly I find it...peculiar. Fun...but weird. We haven`t gotten that far yet but I wouldn`t be surprised if I could satisfy the hunger without doing anything lust related and be completely satiated and I wanted to ask if this is common with the lot of you.
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
First up, this isn't spam, this is why Kink Talk exists, to talk about your kinks!

You've described this rather well and I think I get what you mean. I'd say everyone experiences and reacts in varying ways towards their kinks, it's probably best described as a spectrum of emotions and sensations. There are some for whom their bdsm kinks are totally non sexual, it's a world in itself, right through to those where there is no distinction and sex is kink, kink is sex.

These feelings you're having are why for many they find that once you go kinky you can never go back to just vanilla. The experiences are as you describe another thing entirely and you will never get there without the kink.

Oddball Matt

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Jul 16, 2022
I also find it kinda funny how extremely spesific my turn-ons are :D a shoulderless black shirt is a good start, even spaghetti strings ruin it. Has to have long sleeves, and a spesific length of skirt, that one shade of red lipstick and a black satin choker. Any couple of those go under the radar but combine them all in a sheath dress and I'm like hot wax :D

The rope binding thing we discussed in the other thread is an another topic altogether. How can doing something to your spouse of twenty years get you so worked up your hands are shaking of excitement and we're only peeking into it LOL.

And I whole heartedly agree that once you go kinky you don't go back!
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