A nice dice game for those with a vagina

Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
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  • Private
May 19, 2013
This is a variation on a tit game I have posted elsewhere adapted for use on the lower regions.

For the game you will need 7 clothes pegs and one regular six sided die (D6 if using an app). Clothes pegs must be applied to outer labia and clit hood as applicable.

For each round roll your die, this is how many pegs you have to put on, the first one is to go on the clit hood. Roll again and multiply by 10, this is how many seconds you wait until you can roll again. If you roll 1 then 4, place 1 peg on your clit hood and wait 40 seconds before rolling again. If your first roll is say 4 then 2, the first goes on your clit hood and the rest on either labia, then you wait 20 seconds before rolling again. For the rest of the rolls, say you roll 3 then 6, put the 3 pegs anywhere on either labia and wait 60 seconds.
Keep going until all the pegs are used up.
Now for the removal.
For each removal round, roll once, if you roll a 1 or a 6 you can remove one peg for all other numbers you must move that number of pegs to new places. You can swap from one labia to the other or move them around on the same one. The only peg you can't move is the clit peg, it comes off last. When the moves are made roll again, multiply by 10, this is how many seconds you wait until you can roll again. Keep going until you have removed all the pegs.

Have fun!

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